lucuma.core.optics.Spire.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.optics
import cats.Order
import monocle.Iso
import spire.math.*
import spire.math.extras.interval.IntervalSeq
import scala.util.Try
object Spire {
val numberInt: SplitEpi[Number, Int] = SplitEpi(_.intValue, Number.apply)
val numberLong: SplitEpi[Number, Long] = SplitEpi(_.longValue, Number.apply)
// Deal with Infinity and overflows
val numberFloat: SplitEpi[Option[Number], Option[Float]] =
SplitEpi( => java.lang.Float.isNaN(f) || java.lang.Float.isInfinite(f)),
_.flatMap(f => Try(Number(f)).toOption)
// Deal with Infinity and overflows
val numberDouble: SplitEpi[Option[Number], Option[Double]] =
SplitEpi( =>
java.lang.Double.isNaN(f) || java.lang.Double.isInfinite(f)
_.flatMap(f => Try(Number(f)).toOption)
val numberBigInt: SplitEpi[Number, BigInt] = SplitEpi(_.toBigInt, Number.apply)
val numberSafeLong: SplitEpi[Number, SafeLong] = SplitEpi(n => SafeLong(n.toBigInt), Number.apply)
val numberBigDecimal: Iso[Number, BigDecimal] = Iso((n: Number) => n.toBigDecimal)(Number.apply)
// Number <-> Rational is actually an Iso in the JVM and a SplitEpi in JS, because of Long precision.
// val numberRational: SplitEpi[Number, Rational] = SplitEpi(_.toRational, Number.apply)
// val numberRational: Iso[Number, Rational] = Iso((n: Number) => n.toRational)(Number.apply)
val numberNatural: Format[Number, Natural] =
Format(n => Try(Natural(n.toBigInt)).toOption, Number.apply)
* The union of any list of `Interval[A]`.
* Building an InervalSeq from a List will normalize it into a minimal set covering the Intervals.
def intervalListUnion[A: Order]: SplitEpi[List[Interval[A]], IntervalSeq[A]] =
SplitEpi[List[Interval[A]], IntervalSeq[A]](
_.foldLeft(IntervalSeq.empty[A])((s, i) => s | i),