lucuma.core.util.TimestampUnion.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.core.util
import cats.Eq
import cats.Order.catsKernelOrderingForOrder
import cats.kernel.BoundedSemilattice
import cats.syntax.eq.*
import cats.syntax.foldable.*
import cats.syntax.option.*
import cats.syntax.traverse.*
import scala.collection.immutable.SortedSet
sealed class TimestampUnion private (val intervals: SortedSet[TimestampInterval]) {
import TimestampUnion.Empty
* Adds the specified interval, which will be merged into the collection
* of intervals.
def add(n: TimestampInterval): TimestampUnion = {
val (u, nʹ) = intervals.foldLeft((Empty, n)) { case ((res, nʹ), ti) =>
if (nʹ.abuts(ti) || nʹ.intersects(ti)) (res, nʹ.span(ti)) else (res + ti, nʹ)
new TimestampUnion(u.intervals + nʹ)
* Alias for add.
def +(n: TimestampInterval): TimestampUnion =
def ++(ns: IterableOnce[TimestampInterval]): TimestampUnion =
* Removes the specified interval, which will be clipped out of the
* collection of intervals.
def remove(del: TimestampInterval): TimestampUnion =
intervals.foldLeft(Empty) { (res, ti) => res ++ ti.minus(del) }
* Alias for remove.
def -(del: TimestampInterval): TimestampUnion =
def --(ns: IterableOnce[TimestampInterval]): TimestampUnion =
* Intersection of two TimestampUnions, creating a new union with intervals
* whose times are covered in both.
def intersect(other: TimestampUnion): TimestampUnion = {
def collectPoints(init: Vector[Timestamp], intervals: SortedSet[TimestampInterval]): Vector[Timestamp] =
intervals.foldLeft(init) { (v, ti) => v.appended(ti.start).appended(ti.end) }
val points = collectPoints(collectPoints(Vector.empty, intervals), other.intervals).sorted
if (points.isEmpty)
else { case (res, (a, b)) =>
if (contains(a) && other.contains(a)) res.add(TimestampInterval.between(a, b)) else res
* Alias for intersect.
def ∩(other: TimestampUnion): TimestampUnion =
def ++(other: TimestampUnion): TimestampUnion =
def --(other: TimestampUnion): TimestampUnion =
def contains(timestamp: Timestamp): Boolean =
* Sums the time spanned by all the intervals in this union, assuming the
* result fits in a `TimeSpan`.
def sum: Option[TimeSpan] =
intervals.toList.traverse(_.timeSpan).flatMap { ts =>
ts.foldLeft(TimeSpan.Zero.some) { case (s, t) => s.flatMap(_.add(t)) }
* Sums the time spanned by all the intervals in this union, capping the
* result at `TimeSpan.Max`. This is sufficient for most uses and more
* convenient than `sum`.
def boundedSum: TimeSpan =
def isEmpty: Boolean =
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that match {
case u: TimestampUnion => intervals === u.intervals
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int =
intervals.hashCode() * 31
override def toString: String =
s"{${intervals.mkString(", ")}}"
object TimestampUnion {
* The empty TimestampUnion.
val Empty: TimestampUnion =
new TimestampUnion(SortedSet.empty)
def apply(intervals: TimestampInterval*): TimestampUnion =
def fromIntervals(intervals: IterableOnce[TimestampInterval]): TimestampUnion =
Empty ++ intervals
given Eq[TimestampUnion] =
given BoundedSemilattice[TimestampUnion] =
BoundedSemilattice.instance(Empty, _ ++ _)