lucuma.itc.binding.Matcher.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.odb.graphql.binding
import cats.syntax.either.*
import cats.syntax.traverse.*
import grackle.Query.Binding
import grackle.Result
import grackle.Value
import grackle.Value.AbsentValue
import grackle.Value.NullValue
trait Matcher[A] { outer =>
def validate(v: Value): Either[String, A]
final def validate(b: Binding): Result[A] =
validate(b.value) match {
case Left(error) =>
// We want to compress the paths together and the easy way is to munge the string.
// I apologize, there is certainly a better way to do it but this works for now.
val msg = s"Argument '${}' is invalid: $error"
val msg0 = msg.replaceAll("' is invalid: Argument '", ".")
case Right(value) => Result(value)
final def map[B](f: A => B): Matcher[B] = v => outer.validate(v).map(f)
final def emap[B](f: A => Either[String, B]): Matcher[B] = v => outer.validate(v).flatMap(f)
final def rmap[B](f: PartialFunction[A, Result[B]]): Matcher[B] = v =>
outer.validate(v).flatMap { a =>
f.lift(a) match {
case Some(r) => r.toEither.leftMap(_.fold(_.getMessage, _.head.message))
case None => Left(s"rmap: unhandled case; no match for $v") // todo: this sucks
} // only preserves the first problem, rats
def unapply(b: Binding): Some[(String, Result[A])] =
Some((, validate(b)))
final def unapply(kv: (String, Value)): Some[(String, Result[A])] =
unapply(Binding(kv._1, kv._2))
lazy val Nullable: Matcher[data.Nullable[A]] = {
case NullValue => Right(data.Nullable.Null)
case AbsentValue => Right(data.Nullable.Absent)
case other => outer.validate(other).map(data.Nullable.NonNull(_))
/** A matcher that disallows `NullValue` and treats `AbsentValue` as `None` */
lazy val NonNullable: Matcher[Option[A]] = {
case NullValue => Left("cannot be null")
case AbsentValue => Right(None)
case other => outer.validate(other).map(Some(_))
/** A matcher that treats `NullValue` and `AbsentValue` as `None` */
lazy val Option: Matcher[Option[A]] =
/** A matcher that matches a list of `A` */
lazy val List: Matcher[List[A]] =
ListBinding.emap { vs =>
// This fast-fails on the first invalid one, which is the best we can do
vs.zipWithIndex.traverse { case (v, n) => validate(v).leftMap(s => s"at index $n: $s") }
/** If this matcher fails, try `other`. */
def orElse[B](other: Matcher[B]): Matcher[Either[A, B]] = v =>
/** Match this or `other`, or both. */
def or[B](other: Matcher[B]): Matcher[Ior[A, B]] = v =>
(outer.validate(v), other.validate(v)) match
case (Left(s1), Left(s2)) => Left(s"$s1, $s2") // :-\
case (Right(a), Left(_)) => Right(Ior.Left(a))
case (Left(_), Right(b)) => Right(Ior.Right(b))
case (Right(a), Right(b)) => Right(Ior.Both(a, b))