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lucuma.react.primereact.Tree.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA)
// For license information see LICENSE or
package lucuma.react.primereact
import cats.Eq
import cats.derived.*
import cats.syntax.all.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.*
import japgolly.scalajs.react.facade.SyntheticEvent
import japgolly.scalajs.react.vdom.html_<^.*
import lucuma.react.common.ReactFnProps
import lucuma.typed.primereact.components.Tree as CTree
import lucuma.typed.primereact.primereactStrings.checkbox
import lucuma.typed.primereact.primereactStrings.multiple
import lucuma.typed.primereact.primereactStrings.single
import lucuma.typed.primereact.treeTreeMod.TreeDragDropEvent
import lucuma.typed.primereact.treeTreeMod.TreeNodeTemplateOptions
import lucuma.typed.primereact.treenodeTreenodeMod.TreeNode as CTreeNode
import org.scalablytyped.runtime.StringDictionary
import org.scalajs.dom.Element
import scalajs.js
import scalajs.js.JSConverters.*
case class Tree[A](
value: Seq[Tree.Node[A]],
nodeTemplate: (A, TreeNodeTemplateOptions) => VdomNode,
expandedKeys: js.UndefOr[Set[Tree.Id]] = js.undefined,
onToggle: js.UndefOr[Set[Tree.Id] => Callback] = js.undefined,
selectionMode: js.UndefOr[Tree.SelectionMode] = js.undefined,
loading: js.UndefOr[Boolean] = js.undefined,
onSelect: js.UndefOr[(A, SyntheticEvent[Element]) => Callback] = js.undefined,
dragDropScope: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined,
onDragDrop: js.UndefOr[Tree.DragDropEvent[A] => Callback] = js.undefined
) extends ReactFnProps(Tree.component)
object Tree {
private def componentBuilder[A] = ScalaFnComponent[Tree[A]] { props =>
.applyOrNot(props.selectionMode, (c, p) => c.selectionMode(p.value))
.nodeTemplate((c, o) =>
.nodeTemplate(c.asInstanceOf[CTreeNode].data.asInstanceOf[Tree.Node[A]].data, o)
(c, p) => c.expandedKeys(StringDictionary( => k.value -> true).toSeq*))
(c, p) => c.onToggle(e => p(e.value.filter(_._2).keySet.toSet))
.applyOrNot(props.loading, _.loading(_))
(c, p) =>
c.onSelect(e =>
p(e.node.asInstanceOf[CTreeNode].data.asInstanceOf[Tree.Node[A]].data, e.originalEvent)
.applyOrNot(props.dragDropScope, _.dragdropScope(_))
.applyOrNot(props.onDragDrop, (c, p) => c.onDragDrop(e => p(Tree.DragDropEvent(e))))
protected val component = componentBuilder[Any]
enum SelectionMode(val value: single | multiple | checkbox) derives Eq:
case Single extends SelectionMode(single)
case Multiple extends SelectionMode(multiple)
case Checkbox extends SelectionMode(checkbox)
opaque type Id = String
object Id:
inline def apply(value: String): Id = value
extension (opaqueValue: Id) inline def value: String = opaqueValue
case class Node[+A](
id: Tree.Id,
data: A,
label: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined,
icon: js.UndefOr[Icon] = js.undefined,
children: Seq[Node[A]] = Seq.empty[Node[A]]
private[Tree] def toJsNode: CTreeNode =
val cNode = CTreeNode()
cNode.label = label
object Node:
def apply[A](c: CTreeNode): Node[A] =
val node =[Node[A]]
id =,
data =,
label = c.label,
icon = node.icon,
children = c.children.toList
.map(n => Node(n.asInstanceOf[CTreeNode]))
case class DragDropEvent[A](
dragNode: Node[A],
dropNode: Option[Node[A]],
dropIndex: Int,
value: Seq[Node[A]],
originalEvent: TreeDragDropEvent
object DragDropEvent:
def apply[A](e: TreeDragDropEvent): DragDropEvent[A] =
val value = e.value.toSeq.asInstanceOf[Seq[CTreeNode]].map(Node(_))
val dragNode = Node(e.dragNode.asInstanceOf[CTreeNode])
val dropNode = Option(e.dropNode).map(_.asInstanceOf[CTreeNode]).map(Node(_))
// the dropIndex of the event gives the index of the parent if a node is dropped *on* a node instead of the new index inside of the dropped node
// To get the correct index, we have to find the index of the dropped node in the list of updated nodes
def findIndexOfNode(nodes: Seq[Node[A]]): Option[Int] = nodes.indexOf(dragNode) match
case -1 => nodes.collectFirstSome(n => findIndexOfNode(n.children))
case i => i.some
val dropIndex = findIndexOfNode(value).getOrElse(e.dropIndex.toInt)
dragNode = dragNode,
dropNode = dropNode,
dropIndex = dropIndex,
value = value,
originalEvent = e