Download owl-diff-engine JAR file with all dependencies
owl-diff-engine from group edu.stanford.protege (version 3.0.0)
Engine for calculating differences between two OWL ontologies. Used by the OWL Difference plug-in for the Protege Desktop ontology editor.
Artifact owl-diff-engine
Group edu.stanford.protege
Version 3.0.0
Last update 08. December 2015
Tags: difference editor protege ontologies plug engine desktop calculating used ontology differences between
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies owlapi-osgidistribution,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group edu.stanford.protege
Version 3.0.0
Last update 08. December 2015
Tags: difference editor protege ontologies plug engine desktop calculating used ontology differences between
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 1
Dependencies owlapi-osgidistribution,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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