eu.aschuetz.nativeutils.api.JVMNativeUtil Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright Alexander Schütz, 2021-2022
// This file is part of JavaNativeUtils.
// JavaNativeUtils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// JavaNativeUtils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License should be provided
// in the COPYING & COPYING.LESSER files in top level directory of JavaNativeUtils.
// If not, see .
package eu.aschuetz.nativeutils.api;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
public interface JVMNativeUtil extends NativeUtil {
* Defines a class in the given classloader.
* @param name MUST BE IN JNI NOTATION. for example "org.example.MyClass" would be "org/example/MyClass"
* @return the defined class
* @throws ClassFormatError if the bytes in buf are not a valid class
* @throws ClassCircularityError if the class would be its own superclass
* @throws SecurityException if name starts with "java."
Class> DefineClass(String name, ClassLoader loader, byte[] bytes, int off, int len) throws ClassFormatError, ClassCircularityError, SecurityException;
* Enter a monitor. This is equivalent to the beginning of a synchronized block/method.
void MonitorEnter(Object obj);
* Exit from a monitor entered by MonitorEnter. This MUST NOT be used to leave a monitor acquired by a synchronized block/method.
void MonitorExit(Object obj);
* returns the native address of a direct byte buffer.
long GetDirectBufferAddress(ByteBuffer buffer);
* returns a direct byte buffer using the given pointer and capacity.
ByteBuffer NewDirectByteBuffer(long ptr, long capacity);
* Returns a NativeMemory object that uses the direct byte buffer object as backing.
* This method ensures that the buffer object is not garbage collected until the close() method of the NativeMemory
* object is called. The resulting NativeMemory Object does not modify the buffer position.
* The resulting NativeMemory Object is bound by off and size.
* Off is relative to the start of the buffer not the current position of the buffer.
NativeMemory GetDirectBufferAddress(ByteBuffer buffer, int off, int size);
* creates a instance of a object without calling a constructor.
T AllocObject(Class clazz);
* returns a global reference that can be stored to a java object.
* The given java object will not be garbage collected/finalized unless DeleteGlobalRef is called with the returned value
* @throws NullPointerException if obj is null
* @return opaque native reference long. This value must NEVER be modified or the DeleteGlobalRef/NewLocalRef method will crash the jvm if a modified value is used.
long NewGlobalRef(Object obj);
* Deletes a global ref. After deletion the ref must no longer be used. if the Object referred to by the given ref
* is no longer referenced elsewhere it will be garbage collected.
* If a "ref" long value is used after calling DeleteGlobalRef the jvm may crash.
void DeleteGlobalRef(long ref);
* Resolves a Global ref into a "object".
* Note: you can safely use the object even after DeleteGlobalRef has already been called on the ref passed to this method.
T NewLocalRef(long ref);
* This method allows throwing of checked exceptions in methods that do not declare them as checked exceptions.
* @throws NullPointerException if the given throwable is null
* @throws Throwable the given throwable
* @return never returns without throwing an exception. Return type RuntimeException only exists to trick compiler to allow for "throw util.Throw(...)" pattern
RuntimeException Throw(Throwable throwable);
* How to type Signature:
* boolean -> Z
* byte -> B
* char -> C
* short -> S
* int -> I
* long -> J
* float -> F
* double -> D
* Class -> Lmy/package/ClassName;
* Array -> [TYPE [ex: int[] -> [I ex2: String[] -> [Ljava/lang/String;)
* 2D Array -> [[TYPE (ex int[][] -> [[I
* ND Array -> N times [ followed by TYPE
* reflection method to native method.
NativeMethod FromReflectedMethod(Method method);
* reflection constructor to native method.
NativeMethod FromReflectedMethod(Constructor method);
* Get non static native method by signature
NativeMethod GetMethodID(Class declaring, String name, String signature);
* Get static native method by signature
NativeMethod GetStaticMethodID(Class declaring, String name, String signature);
* Gets a native reference to a java field from a given Reflection field.
NativeField FromReflectedField(Field field);
* Gets a native reference to a java field.
* @param clazz the class the field is in
* @param fieldName the field name
* @param signature the signature of the field type
* @return null if the field was not found.
NativeField GetFieldID(Class clazz, String fieldName, String signature);
* Gets a native reference to a java field.
* @param clazz the class the field is in
* @param fieldName the field name
* @param signature the signature of the field type
* @return null if the field was not found.
NativeField GetStaticFieldID(Class clazz, String fieldName, String signature);