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* Copyright (c) 2015 by Gerrit Grunwald
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Alarm;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Clock;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Fonts;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Gauge;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Gauge.ScaleDirection;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Gauge.SkinType;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.Section;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.TickLabelLocation;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.TickLabelOrientation;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.TickMarkType;
import eu.hansolo.medusa.TimeSection;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.time.format.FormatStyle;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import javafx.geometry.VPos;
import javafx.scene.Node;
import javafx.scene.SnapshotParameters;
import javafx.scene.canvas.Canvas;
import javafx.scene.canvas.GraphicsContext;
import javafx.scene.control.Tooltip;
import javafx.scene.image.Image;
import javafx.scene.image.PixelWriter;
import javafx.scene.image.WritableImage;
import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
import javafx.scene.paint.CycleMethod;
import javafx.scene.paint.ImagePattern;
import javafx.scene.paint.LinearGradient;
import javafx.scene.paint.Stop;
import javafx.scene.shape.ArcType;
import javafx.scene.shape.Circle;
import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap;
import javafx.scene.text.Font;
import javafx.scene.text.Text;
import javafx.scene.text.TextAlignment;
* Created by hansolo on 11.12.15.
public class Helper {
public static final double MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH = 0.125;
public static final double MAX_TICK_MARK_WIDTH = 0.02;
public static final Color INACTIVE_ALARM_COLOR = Color.rgb(90, 90, 90, 0.5);
public static final T clamp(final T MIN, final T MAX, final T VALUE) {
if (VALUE.doubleValue() < MIN.doubleValue()) return MIN;
if (VALUE.doubleValue() > MAX.doubleValue()) return MAX;
return VALUE;
public static final int clamp(final int MIN, final int MAX, final int VALUE) {
if (VALUE < MIN) return MIN;
if (VALUE > MAX) return MAX;
return VALUE;
public static final long clamp(final long MIN, final long MAX, final long VALUE) {
if (VALUE < MIN) return MIN;
if (VALUE > MAX) return MAX;
return VALUE;
public static final double clamp(final double MIN, final double MAX, final double VALUE) {
if (, MIN) < 0) return MIN;
if (, MAX) > 0) return MAX;
return VALUE;
public static final double[] calcAutoScale(final double MIN_VALUE, final double MAX_VALUE) {
double maxNoOfMajorTicks = 10;
double maxNoOfMinorTicks = 10;
double niceMinValue;
double niceMaxValue;
double niceRange;
double majorTickSpace;
double minorTickSpace;
niceRange = (calcNiceNumber((MAX_VALUE - MIN_VALUE), false));
majorTickSpace = calcNiceNumber(niceRange / (maxNoOfMajorTicks - 1), true);
niceMinValue = (Math.floor(MIN_VALUE / majorTickSpace) * majorTickSpace);
niceMaxValue = (Math.ceil(MAX_VALUE / majorTickSpace) * majorTickSpace);
minorTickSpace = calcNiceNumber(majorTickSpace / (maxNoOfMinorTicks - 1), true);
return new double[]{ niceMinValue, niceMaxValue, majorTickSpace, minorTickSpace };
* Returns a "niceScaling" number approximately equal to the range.
* Rounds the number if ROUND == true.
* Takes the ceiling if ROUND = false.
* @param RANGE the value range (maxValue - minValue)
* @param ROUND whether to round the result or ceil
* @return a "niceScaling" number to be used for the value range
public static final double calcNiceNumber(final double RANGE, final boolean ROUND) {
double niceFraction;
double exponent = Math.floor(Math.log10(RANGE)); // exponent of range
double fraction = RANGE / Math.pow(10, exponent); // fractional part of range
if (ROUND) {
if (, 1.5) < 0) {
niceFraction = 1;
} else if (, 3) < 0) {
niceFraction = 2;
} else if (, 7) < 0) {
niceFraction = 5;
} else {
niceFraction = 10;
} else {
if (, 1) <= 0) {
niceFraction = 1;
} else if (, 2) <= 0) {
niceFraction = 2;
} else if (, 5) <= 0) {
niceFraction = 5;
} else {
niceFraction = 10;
return niceFraction * Math.pow(10, exponent);
public static final Color getColorOfSection(final List SECTIONS, final double VALUE, final Color DEFAULT_COLOR) {
for (Section section : SECTIONS) {
if (section.contains(VALUE)) return section.getColor();
public static final void rotateContextForText(final GraphicsContext CTX, final double START_ANGLE, final double ANGLE, final TickLabelOrientation ORIENTATION) {
switch (ORIENTATION) {
if ((360 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE) % 360 > 90 && (360 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE) % 360 < 270) {
CTX.rotate((180 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE) % 360);
} else {
CTX.rotate((360 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE) % 360);
if ((360 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE - 90) % 360 > 90 && (360 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE - 90) % 360 < 270) {
CTX.rotate((90 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE) % 360);
} else {
CTX.rotate((270 - START_ANGLE - ANGLE) % 360);
public static final void adjustTextSize(final Text TEXT, final double MAX_WIDTH, double fontSize) {
final String FONT_NAME = TEXT.getFont().getName();
while (TEXT.getLayoutBounds().getWidth() > MAX_WIDTH && fontSize > 0) {
fontSize -= 0.005;
TEXT.setFont(new Font(FONT_NAME, fontSize));
public static DateTimeFormatter getDateFormat(final Locale LOCALE) {
if (Locale.US == LOCALE) {
return DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/YYYY");
} else if (Locale.CHINA == LOCALE) {
return DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("YYYY.MM.dd");
} else {
return DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.YYYY");
public static DateTimeFormatter getLocalizedDateFormat(final Locale LOCALE) {
return DateTimeFormatter.ofLocalizedDate(FormatStyle.SHORT).withLocale(LOCALE);
public static void enableNode(final Node NODE, final boolean ENABLE) {
public static final String colorToCss(final Color COLOR) {
return COLOR.toString().replace("0x", "#");
public static final ThreadFactory getThreadFactory(final String THREAD_NAME, final boolean IS_DAEMON) {
return runnable -> {
Thread thread = new Thread(runnable, THREAD_NAME);
return thread;
public static final void stopTask(ScheduledFuture> task) {
if (null == task) return;
task = null;
public static final ImagePattern createCarbonPattern() {
final double SIZE = 12;
final Canvas CANVAS = new Canvas(SIZE, SIZE);
final GraphicsContext CTX = CANVAS.getGraphicsContext2D();
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0.5 * SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(35, 35, 35)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(23, 23, 23))));
CTX.fillRect(0, 0, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0.416666 * SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));
CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.083333, 0, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.5 * SIZE, 0, SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(35, 35, 35)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(23, 23, 23))));
CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.5 * SIZE, 0, 0.916666 * SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(38, 38, 38)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(30, 30, 30))));
CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.583333, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 0.5 * SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));
CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.5, 0, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.083333 * SIZE, 0, 0.5 * SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));
CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.583333, SIZE * 0.083333, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.5 * SIZE, 0, SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(48, 48, 48)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(40, 40, 40))));
CTX.fillRect(0, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5, SIZE * 0.5);
CTX.setFill(new LinearGradient(0, 0.583333 * SIZE, 0, SIZE,
false, CycleMethod.NO_CYCLE,
new Stop(0, Color.rgb(53, 53, 53)),
new Stop(1, Color.rgb(45, 45, 45))));
CTX.fillRect(SIZE * 0.083333, SIZE * 0.583333, SIZE * 0.333333, SIZE * 0.416666);
final Image PATTERN_IMAGE = CANVAS.snapshot(new SnapshotParameters(), null);
final ImagePattern PATTERN = new ImagePattern(PATTERN_IMAGE, 0, 0, SIZE, SIZE, false);
return PATTERN;
public static void drawTrapezoid(final GraphicsContext CTX,
final double PI1X, final double PI1Y, final double PI2X, final double PI2Y,
final double PO1X, final double PO1Y, final double PO2X, final double PO2Y) {
CTX.moveTo(PI2X, PI2Y);
CTX.lineTo(PI1X, PI1Y);
CTX.lineTo(PO1X, PO1Y);
CTX.lineTo(PO2X, PO2Y);
public static void drawTriangle(final GraphicsContext CTX,
final double PIX, final double PIY, final double PO1X, final double PO1Y, final double PO2X, final double PO2Y) {
CTX.moveTo(PIX, PIY);
CTX.lineTo(PO1X, PO1Y);
CTX.lineTo(PO2X, PO2Y);
public static void drawDot(final GraphicsContext CTX, final double CENTER_X, final double CENTER_Y, final double SIZE) {
public static void drawLine(final GraphicsContext CTX, final double P1X, final double P1Y, final double P2X, final double P2Y) {
CTX.strokeLine(P1X, P1Y, P2X, P2Y);
public static boolean isMonochrome(final Color COLOR) {
return, COLOR.getGreen()) == 0 &&, COLOR.getBlue()) == 0;
public static double colorDistance(final Color COLOR_1, final Color COLOR_2) {
final double DELTA_R = (COLOR_2.getRed() - COLOR_1.getRed());
final double DELTA_G = (COLOR_2.getGreen() - COLOR_1.getGreen());
final double DELTA_B = (COLOR_2.getBlue() - COLOR_1.getBlue());
return Math.sqrt(DELTA_R * DELTA_R + DELTA_G * DELTA_G + DELTA_B * DELTA_B);
public static boolean isBright(final Color COLOR) { return !isDark(COLOR); }
public static boolean isDark(final Color COLOR) {
final double DISTANCE_TO_WHITE = colorDistance(COLOR, Color.WHITE);
final double DISTANCE_TO_BLACK = colorDistance(COLOR, Color.BLACK);
public static Color getTranslucentColorFrom(final Color COLOR, final double FACTOR) {
return Color.color(COLOR.getRed(), COLOR.getGreen(), COLOR.getBlue(), Helper.clamp(0.0, 1.0, FACTOR));
public static void drawRadialTickMarks(final Gauge GAUGE, final GraphicsContext CTX,
final double MIN_VALUE, final double MAX_VALUE,
final double START_ANGLE, final double ANGLE_RANGE, final double ANGLE_STEP,
final double CENTER_X, final double CENTER_Y, final double SIZE) {
double sinValue;
double cosValue;
double centerX = CENTER_X;
double centerY = CENTER_Y;
int tickLabelDecimals = GAUGE.getTickLabelDecimals();
String tickLabelFormatString = "%." + tickLabelDecimals + "f";
double minorTickSpace = GAUGE.getMinorTickSpace();
double tmpAngleStep = ANGLE_STEP * minorTickSpace;
TickLabelOrientation tickLabelOrientation = GAUGE.getTickLabelOrientation();
TickLabelLocation tickLabelLocation = GAUGE.getTickLabelLocation();
BigDecimal minorTickSpaceBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(minorTickSpace);
BigDecimal majorTickSpaceBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(GAUGE.getMajorTickSpace());
BigDecimal mediumCheck2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(2 * minorTickSpace);
BigDecimal mediumCheck5 = BigDecimal.valueOf(5 * minorTickSpace);
BigDecimal counterBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(MIN_VALUE);
double counter = MIN_VALUE;
List tickMarkSections = GAUGE.getTickMarkSections();
List tickLabelSections = GAUGE.getTickLabelSections();
Color tickMarkColor = GAUGE.getTickMarkColor();
Color majorTickMarkColor = GAUGE.getMajorTickMarkColor().equals(tickMarkColor) ? tickMarkColor : GAUGE.getMajorTickMarkColor();
Color mediumTickMarkColor = GAUGE.getMediumTickMarkColor().equals(tickMarkColor) ? tickMarkColor : GAUGE.getMediumTickMarkColor();
Color minorTickMarkColor = GAUGE.getMinorTickMarkColor().equals(tickMarkColor) ? tickMarkColor : GAUGE.getMinorTickMarkColor();
double majorTickMarkLengthFactor = GAUGE.getMajorTickMarkLengthFactor();
double majorTickMarkWidthFactor = GAUGE.getMajorTickMarkWidthFactor();
double mediumTickMarkLengthFactor = GAUGE.getMediumTickMarkLengthFactor();
double mediumTickMarkWidthFactor = GAUGE.getMediumTickMarkWidthFactor();
double minorTickMarkLengthFactor = GAUGE.getMinorTickMarkLengthFactor();
double minorTickMarkWidthFactor = GAUGE.getMinorTickMarkWidthFactor();
Color tickLabelColor = GAUGE.getTickLabelColor();
Color zeroColor = GAUGE.getZeroColor();
boolean isNotZero = true;
TickMarkType majorTickMarkType = GAUGE.getMajorTickMarkType();
TickMarkType mediumTickMarkType = GAUGE.getMediumTickMarkType();
TickMarkType minorTickMarkType = GAUGE.getMinorTickMarkType();
boolean tickMarkSectionsVisible = GAUGE.getTickMarkSectionsVisible();
boolean tickLabelSectionsVisible = GAUGE.getTickLabelSectionsVisible();
boolean majorTickMarksVisible = GAUGE.getMajorTickMarksVisible();
boolean mediumTickMarksVisible = GAUGE.getMediumTickMarksVisible();
boolean minorTickMarksVisible = GAUGE.getMinorTickMarksVisible();
boolean tickLabelsVisible = GAUGE.getTickLabelsVisible();
boolean onlyFirstAndLastLabelVisible = GAUGE.isOnlyFirstAndLastTickLabelVisible();
boolean customTickLabelsEnabled = GAUGE.getCustomTickLabelsEnabled();
Locale locale = GAUGE.getLocale();
List customTickLabels = customTickLabelsEnabled ? GAUGE.getCustomTickLabels() : null;
double textDisplacementFactor = majorTickMarkType == TickMarkType.DOT ? (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? 0.95 : 1.05) : 1.0;
double majorDotSize;
double majorHalfDotSize;
double mediumDotSize;
double mediumHalfDotSize;
double minorDotSize;
double minorHalfDotSize;
double orthTextFactor;
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
orthTextFactor = 0.45 * textDisplacementFactor;//TickLabelOrientation.ORTHOGONAL == tickLabelOrientation ? 0.45 * textDisplacementFactor : 0.45 * textDisplacementFactor;
majorDotSize = 0.02 * SIZE;
majorHalfDotSize = majorDotSize * 0.5;
mediumDotSize = 0.01375 * SIZE;
mediumHalfDotSize = mediumDotSize * 0.5;
minorDotSize = 0.0075 * SIZE;
minorHalfDotSize = minorDotSize * 0.5;
} else {
orthTextFactor = TickLabelOrientation.ORTHOGONAL == tickLabelOrientation ? 0.38 * textDisplacementFactor : 0.37 * textDisplacementFactor;
majorDotSize = 0.025 * SIZE;
majorHalfDotSize = majorDotSize * 0.5;
mediumDotSize = 0.01875 * SIZE;
mediumHalfDotSize = mediumDotSize * 0.5;
minorDotSize = 0.0125 * SIZE;
minorHalfDotSize = minorDotSize * 0.5;
double customFontSizeFactor = GAUGE.getCustomTickLabelFontSize() / 400;
boolean fullRange = (MIN_VALUE < 0 && MAX_VALUE > 0);
double tickLabelFontSize = tickLabelDecimals == 0 ? 0.054 * SIZE : 0.051 * SIZE;
tickLabelFontSize = GAUGE.getCustomTickLabelsEnabled() ? customFontSizeFactor * SIZE : tickLabelFontSize;
double tickMarkFontSize = tickLabelDecimals == 0 ? 0.047 * SIZE: 0.044 * SIZE;
double tickLabelOrientationFactor = TickLabelOrientation.HORIZONTAL == tickLabelOrientation ? 0.9 : 1.0;
Font tickLabelFont = Fonts.robotoCondensedRegular(tickLabelFontSize * tickLabelOrientationFactor);
Font tickMarkFont = Fonts.robotoCondensedRegular(tickMarkFontSize * tickLabelOrientationFactor);
Font tickLabelZeroFont = fullRange ? Fonts.robotoCondensedBold(tickLabelFontSize * tickLabelOrientationFactor) : tickLabelFont;
Font tickMarkZeroFont = fullRange ? Fonts.robotoCondensedBold(tickMarkFontSize * tickLabelOrientationFactor) : tickMarkFont;
// Variables needed for tickmarks
double innerPointX;
double innerPointY;
double innerMediumPointX;
double innerMediumPointY;
double innerMinorPointX;
double innerMinorPointY;
double outerPointX;
double outerPointY;
double outerMediumPointX;
double outerMediumPointY;
double outerMinorPointX;
double outerMinorPointY;
double textPointX;
double textPointY;
double dotCenterX;
double dotCenterY;
double dotMediumCenterX;
double dotMediumCenterY;
double dotMinorCenterX;
double dotMinorCenterY;
double tickLabelTickMarkX;
double tickLabelTickMarkY;
double trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1;
double trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2;
double trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1;
double trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2;
double trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1X;
double trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1Y;
double trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2X;
double trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2Y;
double trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1X;
double trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1Y;
double trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2X;
double trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2Y;
double trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1;
double trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2;
double trapezoidMediumOuterAngle1;
double trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2;
double trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1X;
double trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1Y;
double trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2X;
double trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2Y;
double trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1X;
double trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1Y;
double trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2X;
double trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2Y;
double trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1;
double trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2;
double trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1;
double trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2;
double trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X;
double trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y;
double trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X;
double trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y;
double trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X;
double trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y;
double trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X;
double trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y;
double triangleMajorInnerPointX;
double triangleMajorInnerPointY;
double triangleMajorOuterPointX;
double triangleMajorOuterPointY;
double triangleMediumInnerPointX;
double triangleMediumInnerPointY;
double triangleMediumOuterPointX;
double triangleMediumOuterPointY;
double triangleMinorInnerPointX;
double triangleMinorInnerPointY;
double triangleMinorOuterPointX;
double triangleMinorOuterPointY;
ScaleDirection scaleDirection = GAUGE.getScaleDirection();
// Draw tickmark ring
if (GAUGE.isTickMarkRingVisible()) {
SkinType skinType = GAUGE.getSkinType();
double xy = TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? SIZE * 0.026 : SIZE * 0.14;
double wh = TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? SIZE * 0.948 : SIZE * 0.72;
double offset = -90 + START_ANGLE;
double horVerOffset = SIZE * 0.055555555;
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * 0.004);
switch(skinType) {
case HORIZONTAL: CTX.strokeArc(xy + horVerOffset, xy, wh, wh, offset, -ANGLE_RANGE, ArcType.OPEN); break;
case VERTICAL : CTX.strokeArc(xy, xy + horVerOffset, wh, wh, offset, -ANGLE_RANGE, ArcType.OPEN); break;
default : CTX.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, offset, -ANGLE_RANGE, ArcType.OPEN); break;
if (tickMarkSections.size() > 0) {
int listSize = tickMarkSections.size();
double sectionStartAngle;
for (int i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
Section section = tickMarkSections.get(i);
if (, MIN_VALUE) < 0 &&, MAX_VALUE) < 0) {
sectionStartAngle = 0;
} else {
sectionStartAngle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (section.getStart() - MIN_VALUE) * ANGLE_STEP : -(section.getStart() - MIN_VALUE) * ANGLE_STEP;
double sectionAngleExtend;
if (, MAX_VALUE) > 0) {
sectionAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (MAX_VALUE - section.getStart()) * ANGLE_STEP : -(MAX_VALUE - section.getStart()) * ANGLE_STEP;
} else {
sectionAngleExtend = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (section.getStop() - section.getStart()) * ANGLE_STEP : -(section.getStop() - section.getStart()) * ANGLE_STEP;
switch(skinType) {
case HORIZONTAL: CTX.strokeArc(xy + horVerOffset, xy, wh, wh, offset - sectionStartAngle, -sectionAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); break;
case VERTICAL : CTX.strokeArc(xy, xy + horVerOffset, wh, wh, offset - sectionStartAngle, -sectionAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); break;
default : CTX.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, offset - sectionStartAngle, -sectionAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN); break;
// Main loop
BigDecimal tmpStepBD = new BigDecimal(tmpAngleStep);
tmpStepBD = tmpStepBD.setScale(3, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
double tmpStep = tmpStepBD.doubleValue();
double angle = 0;
int customTickLabelCounter = 0;
for (double i = 0 ; - tmpStep, i) <= 0 ; i -= tmpStep) {
sinValue = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle + START_ANGLE));
cosValue = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle + START_ANGLE));
switch(tickLabelLocation) {
innerPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * sinValue;
innerPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * cosValue;
innerMediumPointX = innerPointX;
innerMediumPointY = innerPointY;
innerMinorPointX = innerPointX;
innerMinorPointY = innerPointY;
outerPointX = centerX + SIZE * (0.3585 + MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * majorTickMarkLengthFactor) * sinValue;
outerPointY = centerY + SIZE * (0.3585 + MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * majorTickMarkLengthFactor) * cosValue;
outerMediumPointX = centerX + SIZE * (0.3585 + MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * mediumTickMarkLengthFactor) * sinValue;
outerMediumPointY = centerY + SIZE * (0.3585 + MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * mediumTickMarkLengthFactor) * cosValue;
outerMinorPointX = centerX + SIZE * (0.3585 + MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * minorTickMarkLengthFactor) * sinValue;
outerMinorPointY = centerY + SIZE * (0.3585 + MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * minorTickMarkLengthFactor) * cosValue;
textPointX = centerX + SIZE * orthTextFactor * sinValue;
textPointY = centerY + SIZE * orthTextFactor * cosValue;
dotCenterX = centerX + SIZE * 0.3685 * sinValue;
dotCenterY = centerY + SIZE * 0.3685 * cosValue;
dotMediumCenterX = centerX + SIZE * 0.365375 * sinValue;
dotMediumCenterY = centerY + SIZE * 0.365375 * cosValue;
dotMinorCenterX = centerX + SIZE * 0.36225 * sinValue;
dotMinorCenterY = centerY + SIZE * 0.36225 * cosValue;
tickLabelTickMarkX = centerX + SIZE * 0.3805 * sinValue;
tickLabelTickMarkY = centerY + SIZE * 0.3805 * cosValue;
trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 1.2 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 1.2 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.4105 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.4105 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.4105 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.4105 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 1.0 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 1.0 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumOuterAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.7 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.7 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.sin(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.sin(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3985 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3985 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3985 * Math.sin(trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3985 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.6 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.6 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3975 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3975 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.3975 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.3975 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2);
triangleMajorInnerPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.3585 * sinValue;
triangleMajorInnerPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.3585 * cosValue;
triangleMajorOuterPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.4105 * sinValue;
triangleMajorOuterPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.4105 * cosValue;
triangleMediumInnerPointX = triangleMajorInnerPointX;
triangleMediumInnerPointY = triangleMajorInnerPointY;
triangleMediumOuterPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.4045 * sinValue;
triangleMediumOuterPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.4045 * cosValue;
triangleMinorInnerPointX = triangleMajorInnerPointX;
triangleMinorInnerPointY = triangleMajorInnerPointY;
triangleMinorOuterPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.3975 * sinValue;
triangleMinorOuterPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.3975 * cosValue;
case INSIDE:
innerPointX = centerX + SIZE * (0.475 - MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * majorTickMarkLengthFactor) * sinValue;
innerPointY = centerY + SIZE * (0.475 - MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * majorTickMarkLengthFactor) * cosValue;
innerMediumPointX = centerX + SIZE * (0.475 - MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * mediumTickMarkLengthFactor) * sinValue;
innerMediumPointY = centerY + SIZE * (0.475 - MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * mediumTickMarkLengthFactor) * cosValue;
innerMinorPointX = centerX + SIZE * (0.475 - MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * minorTickMarkLengthFactor) * sinValue;
innerMinorPointY = centerY + SIZE * (0.475 - MAX_TICK_MARK_LENGTH * minorTickMarkLengthFactor) * cosValue;
outerPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * sinValue;
outerPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * cosValue;
outerMediumPointX = outerPointX;
outerMediumPointY = outerPointY;
outerMinorPointX = outerPointX;
outerMinorPointY = outerPointY;
textPointX = centerX + SIZE * orthTextFactor * sinValue;
textPointY = centerY + SIZE * orthTextFactor * cosValue;
dotCenterX = centerX + SIZE * 0.4625 * sinValue;
dotCenterY = centerY + SIZE * 0.4625 * cosValue;
dotMediumCenterX = centerX + SIZE * 0.465625 * sinValue;
dotMediumCenterY = centerY + SIZE * 0.465625 * cosValue;
dotMinorCenterX = centerX + SIZE * 0.46875 * sinValue;
dotMinorCenterY = centerY + SIZE * 0.46875 * cosValue;
tickLabelTickMarkX = centerX + SIZE * 0.445 * sinValue;
tickLabelTickMarkY = centerY + SIZE * 0.445 * cosValue;
trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 1.2 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 1.2 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.423 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.423 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.423 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.423 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.cos(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.7 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.7 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumOuterAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 1.0 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 1.0 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.435 * Math.sin(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.435 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.435 * Math.sin(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.435 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.sin(trapezoidMajorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.sin(trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.cos(trapezoidMediumOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.6 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.6 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1 = Math.toRadians(angle - 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2 = Math.toRadians(angle + 0.8 + START_ANGLE);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.440 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.440 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle1);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.440 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.440 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorInnerAngle2);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle1);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.sin(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2);
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * Math.cos(trapezoidMinorOuterAngle2);
triangleMajorInnerPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.423 * sinValue;
triangleMajorInnerPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.423 * cosValue;
triangleMajorOuterPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.475 * sinValue;
triangleMajorOuterPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.475 * cosValue;
triangleMediumInnerPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.43 * sinValue;
triangleMediumInnerPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.43 * cosValue;
triangleMediumOuterPointX = triangleMajorOuterPointX;
triangleMediumOuterPointY = triangleMajorOuterPointY;
triangleMinorInnerPointX = centerX + SIZE * 0.436 * sinValue;
triangleMinorInnerPointY = centerY + SIZE * 0.436 * cosValue;
triangleMinorOuterPointX = triangleMajorOuterPointX;
triangleMinorOuterPointY = triangleMajorOuterPointY;
// Set the general tickmark color
if (, 0.0) == 0) {
// Draw major tick mark
isNotZero =, counter) != 0;
TickMarkType tickMarkType = null;
if (majorTickMarksVisible) {
tickMarkType = majorTickMarkType;
CTX.setFill(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, majorTickMarkColor) : majorTickMarkColor);
CTX.setStroke(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, majorTickMarkColor) : majorTickMarkColor);
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * (TickMarkType.BOX == tickMarkType || TickMarkType.PILL == tickMarkType ? 0.016 : MAX_TICK_MARK_WIDTH * majorTickMarkWidthFactor));
CTX.setLineCap(TickMarkType.PILL == tickMarkType ? StrokeLineCap.ROUND : StrokeLineCap.BUTT);
} else if (minorTickMarksVisible) {
tickMarkType = minorTickMarkType;
CTX.setFill(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, minorTickMarkColor) : minorTickMarkColor);
CTX.setStroke(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, minorTickMarkColor) : minorTickMarkColor);
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * (TickMarkType.BOX == tickMarkType || TickMarkType.PILL == tickMarkType ? 0.007 : MAX_TICK_MARK_WIDTH * minorTickMarkWidthFactor));
CTX.setLineCap(TickMarkType.PILL == tickMarkType ? StrokeLineCap.ROUND : StrokeLineCap.BUTT);
if (fullRange && !isNotZero) {
if (null != tickMarkType) {
switch (tickMarkType) {
if (majorTickMarksVisible) {
Helper.drawTrapezoid(CTX, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2Y,
trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2Y);
} else if (minorTickMarksVisible) {
Helper.drawTrapezoid(CTX, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y,
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y);
if (majorTickMarksVisible) {
if (TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMajorInnerPointX, triangleMajorInnerPointY, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMajorOuterPoint2Y);
} else {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMajorOuterPointX, triangleMajorOuterPointY, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMajorInnerPoint2Y);
} else if (minorTickMarksVisible) {
if (TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMinorInnerPointX, triangleMinorInnerPointY, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y);
} else {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMinorOuterPointX, triangleMinorOuterPointY, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y);
case DOT:
if (majorTickMarksVisible) {
Helper.drawDot(CTX, dotCenterX - majorHalfDotSize, dotCenterY - majorHalfDotSize, majorDotSize);
} else if (minorTickMarksVisible) {
Helper.drawDot(CTX, dotMinorCenterX - minorHalfDotSize, dotMinorCenterY - minorHalfDotSize, minorDotSize);
if (majorTickMarksVisible) {;
CTX.translate(tickLabelTickMarkX, tickLabelTickMarkY);
Helper.rotateContextForText(CTX, START_ANGLE, angle, tickLabelOrientation);
CTX.setFont(isNotZero ? tickMarkFont : tickMarkZeroFont);
CTX.fillText(String.format(locale, tickLabelFormatString, counter), 0, 0);
case LINE:
if (majorTickMarksVisible) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
} else if (minorTickMarksVisible) {
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMinorPointX, outerMinorPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMinorPointX, innerMinorPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
// Draw tick label text
if (tickLabelsVisible) {;
CTX.translate(textPointX, textPointY);
Helper.rotateContextForText(CTX, START_ANGLE, angle, tickLabelOrientation);
CTX.setFont(isNotZero ? tickLabelFont : tickLabelZeroFont);
if (!onlyFirstAndLastLabelVisible) {
if (isNotZero) {
CTX.setFill(tickLabelSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickLabelSections, counter, tickLabelColor) : tickLabelColor);
} else {
CTX.setFill(tickLabelSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickLabelSections, counter, tickLabelColor) : fullRange ? zeroColor : tickLabelColor);
} else {
if ((, MIN_VALUE) == 0 ||, MAX_VALUE) == 0)) {
if (isNotZero) {
CTX.setFill(tickLabelSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickLabelSections, counter, tickLabelColor) : tickLabelColor);
} else {
CTX.setFill(tickLabelSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickLabelSections, counter, tickLabelColor) : fullRange ? zeroColor : tickLabelColor);
} else {
if (customTickLabelsEnabled) {
if (customTickLabelCounter >= 0) {
CTX.fillText(customTickLabels.get(customTickLabelCounter), 0, 0);
if (customTickLabelCounter > customTickLabels.size() - 1) customTickLabelCounter = -1;
} else {
CTX.fillText(String.format(locale, tickLabelFormatString, counter), 0, 0);
} else if (mediumTickMarksVisible &&, 0.0) != 0.0 &&, 0.0) == 0.0) {
// Draw medium tick mark
CTX.setFill(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, mediumTickMarkColor) : mediumTickMarkColor);
CTX.setStroke(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, mediumTickMarkColor) : mediumTickMarkColor);
switch(mediumTickMarkType) {
Helper.drawTrapezoid(CTX, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2Y,
trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2Y);
if (TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMediumInnerPointX, triangleMediumInnerPointY, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMediumOuterPoint2Y);
} else {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMediumOuterPointX, triangleMediumOuterPointY, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMediumInnerPoint2Y);
case DOT:
Helper.drawDot(CTX, dotMediumCenterX - mediumHalfDotSize, dotMediumCenterY - mediumHalfDotSize, mediumDotSize);
case BOX:
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * 0.009);
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMediumPointX, outerMediumPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMediumPointX, innerMediumPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
case PILL:
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * 0.009);
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMediumPointX, outerMediumPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMediumPointX, innerMediumPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
case LINE:
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * MAX_TICK_MARK_WIDTH * mediumTickMarkWidthFactor);
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMediumPointX, outerMediumPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMediumPointX, innerMediumPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
} else if (minorTickMarksVisible &&, 0.0) == 0) {
// Draw minor tick mark
if (TickMarkType.TICK_LABEL != majorTickMarkType) {
CTX.setFill(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, minorTickMarkColor) : minorTickMarkColor);
CTX.setStroke(tickMarkSectionsVisible ? Helper.getColorOfSection(tickMarkSections, counter, minorTickMarkColor) : minorTickMarkColor);
switch (minorTickMarkType) {
Helper.drawTrapezoid(CTX, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y,
trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y);
if (TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMinorInnerPointX, triangleMinorInnerPointY, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2X, trapezoidMinorOuterPoint2Y);
} else {
Helper.drawTriangle(CTX, triangleMinorOuterPointX, triangleMinorOuterPointY, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint1Y, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2X, trapezoidMinorInnerPoint2Y);
case DOT:
Helper.drawDot(CTX, dotMinorCenterX - minorHalfDotSize, dotMinorCenterY - minorHalfDotSize, minorDotSize);
case BOX:
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * 0.007);
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMinorPointX, outerMinorPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMinorPointX, innerMinorPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
case PILL:
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * 0.007);
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMinorPointX, outerMinorPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMinorPointX, innerMinorPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
case LINE:
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * MAX_TICK_MARK_WIDTH * minorTickMarkWidthFactor);
if (TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation) {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerPointX, innerPointY, outerMinorPointX, outerMinorPointY);
} else {
Helper.drawLine(CTX, innerMinorPointX, innerMinorPointY, outerPointX, outerPointY);
counterBD = counterBD.add(minorTickSpaceBD);
counter = counterBD.doubleValue();
if (counter > MAX_VALUE) break;
angle = ScaleDirection.CLOCKWISE == scaleDirection ? (angle - tmpAngleStep) : (angle + tmpAngleStep);
public static Image createNoiseImage(final double WIDTH, final double HEIGHT, final Color DARK_COLOR, final Color BRIGHT_COLOR, final double ALPHA_VARIATION_IN_PERCENT) {
if (, 0) <= 0 ||, 0) <= 0) return null;
int width = (int) WIDTH;
int height = (int) HEIGHT;
double alphaVariationInPercent = Helper.clamp(0.0, 100.0, ALPHA_VARIATION_IN_PERCENT);
final WritableImage IMAGE = new WritableImage(width, height);
final PixelWriter PIXEL_WRITER = IMAGE.getPixelWriter();
final Random BW_RND = new Random();
final Random ALPHA_RND = new Random();
final double ALPHA_START = alphaVariationInPercent / 100 / 2;
final double ALPHA_VARIATION = alphaVariationInPercent / 100;
for (int y = 0 ; y < height ; y++) {
for (int x = 0 ; x < width ; x++) {
final Color NOISE_COLOR = BW_RND.nextBoolean() == true ? BRIGHT_COLOR : DARK_COLOR;
final double NOISE_ALPHA = Helper.clamp(0.0, 1.0, ALPHA_START + ALPHA_RND.nextDouble() * ALPHA_VARIATION);
PIXEL_WRITER.setColor(x, y, Color.color(NOISE_COLOR.getRed(), NOISE_COLOR.getGreen(), NOISE_COLOR.getBlue(), NOISE_ALPHA));
return IMAGE;
public static void drawTimeSections(final Clock CLOCK, final GraphicsContext CTX, final List SECTIONS, final double SIZE,
final double XY_INSIDE, final double XY_OUTSIDE, final double WH_INSIDE, final double WH_OUTSIDE,
final double LINE_WIDTH) {
if (SECTIONS.isEmpty()) return;
TickLabelLocation tickLabelLocation = CLOCK.getTickLabelLocation();
ZonedDateTime time = CLOCK.getTime();
boolean isAM = time.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 0;
double xy = TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? XY_INSIDE * SIZE : XY_OUTSIDE * SIZE;
double wh = TickLabelLocation.INSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? WH_INSIDE * SIZE : WH_OUTSIDE * SIZE;
double offset = 90;
int listSize = SECTIONS.size();
double angleStep = 360.0 / 60.0;
boolean highlightSections = CLOCK.isHighlightSections();
for (int i = 0 ; i < listSize ; i++) {
TimeSection section = SECTIONS.get(i);
LocalTime start = section.getStart();
LocalTime stop = section.getStop();
boolean isStartAM = start.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 0;
boolean isStopAM = stop.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 0;
boolean draw = isAM ? (isStartAM || isStopAM) :(!isStartAM || !isStopAM);
if (draw) {
double sectionStartAngle = (start.getHour() % 12 * 5.0 + start.getMinute() / 12.0 + start.getSecond() / 300.0) * angleStep + 180;
double sectionAngleExtend = ((stop.getHour() - start.getHour()) % 12 * 5.0 + (stop.getMinute() - start.getMinute()) / 12.0 + (stop.getSecond() - start.getSecond()) / 300.0) * angleStep;
//TODO: Add an indicator to the section like -1 or similar
// check if start was already yesterday
if (start.getHour() > stop.getHour()) { sectionAngleExtend = (360.0 - Math.abs(sectionAngleExtend)); };
if (highlightSections) {
CTX.setStroke(section.contains(time.toLocalTime()) ? section.getHighlightColor() : section.getColor());
} else {
CTX.setLineWidth(SIZE * LINE_WIDTH);
CTX.strokeArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + sectionStartAngle), -sectionAngleExtend, ArcType.OPEN);
public static void drawTimeAreas(final Clock CLOCK, final GraphicsContext CTX, final List AREAS, final double SIZE,
final double XY_INSIDE, final double XY_OUTSIDE, final double WH_INSIDE, final double WH_OUTSIDE) {
if (AREAS.isEmpty()) return;
TickLabelLocation tickLabelLocation = CLOCK.getTickLabelLocation();
ZonedDateTime time = CLOCK.getTime();
boolean isAM = time.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 0;
double xy = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? XY_OUTSIDE * SIZE : XY_INSIDE * SIZE;
double wh = TickLabelLocation.OUTSIDE == tickLabelLocation ? WH_OUTSIDE * SIZE : WH_INSIDE * SIZE;
double offset = 90;
double angleStep = 360.0 / 60.0;
int listSize = AREAS.size();
boolean highlightAreas = CLOCK.isHighlightAreas();
for (int i = 0; i < listSize ; i++) {
TimeSection area = AREAS.get(i);
LocalTime start = area.getStart();
LocalTime stop = area.getStop();
boolean isStartAM = start.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 0;
boolean isStopAM = stop.get(ChronoField.AMPM_OF_DAY) == 0;
boolean draw = isAM ? (isStartAM || isStopAM) :(!isStartAM || !isStopAM);
if (draw) {
double areaStartAngle = (start.getHour() % 12 * 5.0 + start.getMinute() / 12.0 + start.getSecond() / 300.0) * angleStep + 180;;
double areaAngleExtend = ((stop.getHour() - start.getHour()) % 12 * 5.0 + (stop.getMinute() - start.getMinute()) / 12.0 + (stop.getSecond() - start.getSecond()) / 300.0) * angleStep;
//TODO: Add an indicator to the area like -1 or similar
// check if start was already yesterday
if (start.getHour() > stop.getHour()) { areaAngleExtend = (360.0 - Math.abs(areaAngleExtend)); };
if (highlightAreas) {
CTX.setFill(area.contains(time.toLocalTime()) ? area.getHighlightColor() : area.getColor());
} else {
CTX.fillArc(xy, xy, wh, wh, -(offset + areaStartAngle), -areaAngleExtend, ArcType.ROUND);
public static void drawAlarms(final Clock CLOCK, final double SIZE, final double ALARM_MARKER_SIZE, final double ALARM_MARKER_RADIUS, final Map ALARM_MAP, final DateTimeFormatter DATE_TIME_FORMATTER, final ZonedDateTime TIME) {
if (CLOCK.isAlarmsVisible()) {
double alarmSize = ALARM_MARKER_SIZE * SIZE;
double center = SIZE * 0.5;
double angleStep = 360.0 / 60.0;
for (Map.Entry entry : ALARM_MAP.entrySet()) {
Alarm alarm = entry.getKey();
ZonedDateTime alarmTime = alarm.getTime();
double alarmAngle = (alarmTime.getMinute() + alarmTime.getSecond() / 60.0) * angleStep + 180;
double sinValue = Math.sin(Math.toRadians((-alarmAngle)));
double cosValue = Math.cos(Math.toRadians((-alarmAngle)));
Color alarmColor = alarm.isArmed() ? alarm.getColor() : INACTIVE_ALARM_COLOR;
Circle dot = entry.getValue();
dot.setCenterX(center + SIZE * ALARM_MARKER_RADIUS * sinValue);
dot.setCenterY(center + SIZE * ALARM_MARKER_RADIUS * cosValue);
dot.setOnMousePressed(e -> alarm.fireAlarmMarkerEvent(alarm.ALARM_MARKER_PRESSED_EVENT));
dot.setOnMouseReleased(e -> alarm.fireAlarmMarkerEvent(alarm.ALARM_MARKER_RELEASED_EVENT));
if (alarmTime.getDayOfMonth() == TIME.getDayOfMonth() &&
alarmTime.getMonthValue() == TIME.getMonthValue() &&
alarmTime.getYear() == TIME.getYear() &&
alarmTime.getHour() == TIME.getHour() &&
alarmTime.getMinute() >= TIME.getMinute()) {
} else {
Tooltip alarmTooltip;
if (alarm.getText().isEmpty()) {
alarmTooltip = new Tooltip(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.format(alarm.getTime()));
} else {
alarmTooltip = new Tooltip(new StringBuilder(alarm.getText()).append("\n").append(DATE_TIME_FORMATTER.format(alarm.getTime())).toString());
Tooltip.install(dot, alarmTooltip);
public static String formatNumber(final String FORMAT_STRING, final int DECIMALS, final double VALUE) {
double value = VALUE;
if (value > 0) {
value = Math.floor(value * Math.pow(10, DECIMALS)) / Math.pow(10, DECIMALS);
} else if (value < 0) {
value = Math.ceil(value * Math.pow(10, DECIMALS)) / Math.pow(10, DECIMALS);
return String.format(Locale.US, FORMAT_STRING, value);
public static String formatNumber(final double MIN_VALUE, final double MAX_VALUE, final int DECIMALS, final double VALUE) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("%.").append(DECIMALS).append("f");
String f = sb.toString();
int minLength = String.format(Locale.US, f, MIN_VALUE).length();
int maxLength = String.format(Locale.US, f, MAX_VALUE).length();
int length = Math.max(minLength, maxLength);
StringBuilder formatStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("%").append(length).append(".").append(DECIMALS).append("f");
String formatString = formatStringBuilder.toString();
double value = VALUE;
if (value > 0) {
value = Math.floor(VALUE * Math.pow(10, DECIMALS)) / Math.pow(10, DECIMALS);
} else if (value < 0) {
value = Math.ceil(VALUE * Math.pow(10, DECIMALS)) / Math.pow(10, DECIMALS);
return String.format(Locale.US, formatString, value);