lspace.client.session.OpenSession.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package lspace.client.session
import java.time.Instant
import lspace.datatype.DataType
import lspace.librarian.traversal.TypedKey
import lspace.provider.detached.DetachedGraph
import lspace.provider.wrapped.WrappedNode
import lspace.structure.OntologyDef
import lspace.structure._
import monix.eval.Task
object OpenSession
extends OntologyDef(
lspace.NS.vocab.Lspace + "OpenSession",
"An open session is to secure a series of requests during a " +
"limited period of time and is not bound to a client or user.",
() => Session.ontology :: Nil
) {
object keys extends Session.Properties {
object `lspace:OpenSession/expiration`
extends PropertyDef(
lspace.NS.vocab.Lspace + "expiration",
"Date and time at which the session expires.",
`@range` = () => DataType.default.`@datetime` :: Nil
) {}
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/expiration@Instant`
: TypedProperty[Instant] = `lspace:OpenSession/expiration` as DataType.default.`@datetime`
object `lspace:OpenSession/startTime`
extends PropertyDef(
lspace.NS.vocab.Lspace + "startTime",
"Date and time at which the session has started.",
`@range` = () => DataType.default.`@datetime` :: Nil
) {}
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/startTime@Instant`
: TypedProperty[Instant] = `lspace:OpenSession/startTime` as DataType.default.`@datetime`
object `lspace:OpenSession/endTime`
extends PropertyDef(
lspace.NS.vocab.Lspace + "endTime",
"Date and time at which the session has ended.",
`@range` = () => DataType.default.`@datetime` :: Nil
) {}
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/endTime@Instant`
: TypedProperty[Instant] = `lspace:OpenSession/endTime` as DataType.default.`@datetime`
override lazy val properties
: List[Property] = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/expiration`.property :: keys.`lspace:OpenSession/startTime`.property :: keys.`lspace:OpenSession/endTime`.property ::
trait Properties extends Session.Properties {
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/expiration`: Property = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/expiration`
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/expiration@Instant`: TypedKey[Instant] = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/expiration@Instant`
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/startTime`: Property = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/startTime`
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/startTime@Instant`: TypedKey[Instant] = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/startTime@Instant`
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/endTime`: Property = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/endTime`
lazy val `lspace:OpenSession/endTime@Instant`: TypedKey[Instant] = keys.`lspace:OpenSession/endTime@Instant`
def apply(iri: String, expiration: Instant, startTime: Instant, endTime: Option[Instant] = None): OpenSession = {
val iri0 = iri
val expiration0 = expiration
val startTime0 = startTime
val endTime0 = endTime
new OpenSession {
def iri: String = iri0
def expiration: Instant = expiration0
def startTime: Instant = startTime0
def endTime: Option[Instant] = endTime0
implicit def toNode(session: OpenSession): Task[Node] = {
for {
node <- DetachedGraph.nodes.create(ontology)
_ <- node.addOut(Property.default.typed.iriUrlString, session.iri)
_ <- node.addOut(keys.`lspace:OpenSession/expiration@Instant`, session.expiration)
_ <- node.addOut(keys.`lspace:OpenSession/startTime@Instant`, session.startTime)
_ <-`lspace:OpenSession/endTime@Instant`, _)).getOrElse(Task.unit)
} yield node
def toOpenSession(node: Node): Task[OpenSession] = Task {
val expiration0: Instant =
.getOrElse(throw new Exception("no expiration date"))
val startTime0: Instant =
.getOrElse(throw new Exception("no startTime date"))
val endTime0: Option[Instant] = node.out(OpenSession.keys.`lspace:OpenSession/endTime@Instant`).headOption
new OpenSession {
val iri = node.iri
def expiration = expiration0
def startTime = startTime0
def endTime = endTime0
trait OpenSession extends Session {
implicit def toNode: Task[Node] = this
def expiration: Instant
def startTime: Instant
def endTime: Option[Instant]