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eu.openminted.uc.socialsciences.ner.eval.PerformanceMeasure Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package eu.openminted.uc.socialsciences.ner.eval;
import static;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import org.apache.log4j.LogManager;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.uima.UIMAException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionReaderDescription;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
import org.apache.uima.util.CasCopier;
import org.dkpro.statistics.agreement.unitizing.KrippendorffAlphaUnitizingAgreement;
import org.dkpro.statistics.agreement.unitizing.UnitizingAnnotationStudy;
import org.kohsuke.args4j.Option;
import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.metadata.type.DocumentMetaData;
import de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.segmentation.type.Token;
import eu.openminted.uc.socialsciences.common.CommandLineArgumentHandler;
import eu.openminted.uc.socialsciences.common.evaluation.FMeasure;
import eu.openminted.uc.socialsciences.ner.util.MyIobEncoder;
import webanno.custom.NamedEntity;
* Class for evaluating system performance
* Note: When argument strictId is set to false (default value) for each Gold-document there should be a
* Prediction-document in the prediction set with identical documentId (cf. documentId attribute in xmi file). If
* this requirement is not satisfied, #PerformanceMeasure.{@link #main(String[])} method will not work
* properly.
public class PerformanceMeasure {
private static final Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(PerformanceMeasure.class);
* Number of raters which includes (1) gold-standard and (2) system predictions
private static final int RATER_COUNT = 2;
@Option(name = "-iGold", usage = "input pattern for gold data", required = true)
private String inputGold;
@Option(name = "-iPred", usage = "input pattern for prediction data", required = true)
private String inputPrediction;
@Option(name = "-strictId", usage = "[optional] strictId flag. If set for each Gold-document " +
"there should be a Prediction-document in the prediction set with identical documentId " +
"(cf. documentId attribute in xmi file). If this requirement is not satisfied, program will not work properly.")
private boolean strictId = false;
@Option(name = "-v", usage = "[optional] verbose output flag. If this flag is set, output will " +
"contain comprehensive information about tags found in gold and prediction sets.")
private boolean verbose = false;
private FMeasure fMeasure = new FMeasure();
public static void main(String[] args)
throws ResourceInitializationException
new PerformanceMeasure().run(args);
public void run()
throws ResourceInitializationException
private void assertFields() {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("inputGold can not be null.");
throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputPrediction can not be null.");
private void run(String[] args)
throws ResourceInitializationException
new CommandLineArgumentHandler().parseInput(args, this);
private void runInternal() throws ResourceInitializationException {"Gold path: %s", inputGold));
Map goldJcasMap = PerformanceMeasure.getJcases(
inputGold, strictId);"Found [%d] documents in gold document path.", goldJcasMap.size()));"Prediction path: %s", inputPrediction));
Map predictionJcasMap = PerformanceMeasure.getJcases(
inputPrediction, strictId);"Found [%d] documents in prediction document path.", predictionJcasMap.size()));
for (String key : goldJcasMap.keySet())
if (!predictionJcasMap.containsKey(key))
logger.error("Couldn't find document [" + key + "] in prediction set.");
} else
System.out.printf("%nCalculating agreement scores for doc [%s]%n", key);
calculateAgreement(goldJcasMap.get(key), predictionJcasMap.get(key), key, verbose);
System.out.printf("%nCalculating precision/recall scores for doc [%s]%n", key);
calculatePrecision(goldJcasMap.get(key), predictionJcasMap.get(key), verbose);
public static void calculateAgreement(JCas goldJcas, JCas predictionJcas, String docId, boolean verbose)
final int raterOne = 0;
final int raterTwo = 1;
UnitizingAnnotationStudy unitizingStudy = new UnitizingAnnotationStudy(RATER_COUNT, goldJcas.getDocumentText().length());
Set currentGoldCategories = new HashSet<>();
for (NamedEntity namedEntity :, NamedEntity.class)) {
String category;
if (namedEntity.getValue() == null)
logger.warn(String.format("found a named entity with null value at (begin, end)=(%d, %d)! Will skip this annotation..."
, namedEntity.getBegin(), namedEntity.getEnd()));
if (namedEntity.getModifier() != null)
category = namedEntity.getValue() + namedEntity.getModifier();
category = namedEntity.getValue();
int begin = namedEntity.getBegin();
int length = namedEntity.getEnd() - begin;
unitizingStudy.addUnit(begin, length, raterOne, category);
Set currentPredictionCategories = new HashSet<>();
for (de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity namedEntity :, de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity.class)) {
String category = namedEntity.getValue();
int begin = namedEntity.getBegin();
int length = namedEntity.getEnd() - begin;
unitizingStudy.addUnit(begin, length, raterTwo, category);
if (verbose)
System.out.printf("gold categories in document %s %n", docId);
for (String set : currentGoldCategories)
System.out.printf("\t%s %n", set);
System.out.printf("prediction categories in document %s %n", docId);
for (String set:currentPredictionCategories)
System.out.printf("\t%s %n", set);
System.out.printf("Agreement scores on file [%s] %n", docId);
KrippendorffAlphaUnitizingAgreement alpha = new KrippendorffAlphaUnitizingAgreement(unitizingStudy);
for(String category : currentGoldCategories)
if (currentPredictionCategories.contains(category))
System.out.printf("\t-\tAlpha for category %s: %f %n", category, alpha.calculateCategoryAgreement(category));
System.out.printf("\t-\tCategory %s doesn't exist in prediction data! %n", category);
System.out.printf("\tOverall Alpha: %f %n", alpha.calculateAgreement());
public void calculatePrecision(JCas goldJcas, JCas predictionJcas, boolean verbose)
List goldAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();
List predictedAnnotations = new ArrayList<>();
Type neType = JCasUtil.getType(goldJcas, NamedEntity.class);
Feature neValue = neType.getFeatureByBaseName("value");
Feature neModifier = neType.getFeatureByBaseName("modifier");
MyIobEncoder myIobEncoder = new MyIobEncoder(goldJcas.getCas(), neType, neValue, neModifier, true);
// IobEncoder myIobEncoder = new IobEncoder(goldJcas.getCas(), neType, neValue);
for (Token token :, Token.class)) {
MyAnnotation annotation = new MyAnnotation(myIobEncoder.encode(token), token.getBegin(), token.getEnd());
if (!annotation.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("O"))
Type dkproNamedEntityType = JCasUtil.getType(predictionJcas, de.tudarmstadt.ukp.dkpro.core.api.ner.type.NamedEntity.class);
Feature dkproNamedEntityValue = dkproNamedEntityType.getFeatureByBaseName("value");
IobEncoder iobEncoder = new IobEncoder(predictionJcas.getCas(), dkproNamedEntityType, dkproNamedEntityValue);
for (Token token :, Token.class)) {
MyAnnotation annotation = new MyAnnotation(iobEncoder.encode(token), token.getBegin(), token.getEnd());
if (!annotation.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("O"))
int hitCount = fMeasure.process(goldAnnotations, predictedAnnotations);
if (verbose)
System.out.printf("Total annotations in gold file: %d%n", goldAnnotations.size());
System.out.printf("Intersection of annotations found in gold and prediction file: %d%n", hitCount);
System.out.printf("FMeasure scores%n");
System.out.printf("\tOverall precision: %f %n", fMeasure.getPrecision());
System.out.printf("\tOverall recall: %f %n", fMeasure.getRecall());
System.out.printf("\tOverall F-Measure: %f %n", fMeasure.getFMeasure());
public static Map getJcases(String documentPathPattern, boolean strictId)
throws ResourceInitializationException
CollectionReaderDescription reader = createReaderDescription(BinaryCasReader.class,
BinaryCasReader.PARAM_SOURCE_LOCATION, documentPathPattern);
// CollectionReaderDescription reader = createReaderDescription(XmiReader.class,
// XmiReader.PARAM_SOURCE_LOCATION, documentPathPattern,
// XmiReader.PARAM_LENIENT, true);
Map result = new HashMap<>();
int count = 0;
for (JCas jcas : SimplePipeline.iteratePipeline(reader))
String id;
if (!strictId)
id = Integer.toString(count);
} else
DocumentMetaData metadata = DocumentMetaData.get(jcas);
id = metadata.getDocumentId();
JCas myjcas;
try {
myjcas = JCasFactory.createJCas();
} catch (UIMAException e) {
logger.error("An error occurred while trying to create a new JCas", e);
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
CasCopier.copyCas(jcas.getCas(), myjcas.getCas(), true);
result.put(id, myjcas);
return result;
private static class MyAnnotation {
private final String type;
private final int begin;
private final int length;
MyAnnotation(String type, int begin, int length)
this.type = type;
this.begin = begin;
this.length = length;
public String getType()
return type;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
MyAnnotation that = (MyAnnotation) o;
return begin == that.begin &&
length == that.length &&
Objects.equals(type, that.type);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(type, begin, length);
public void setInputGold(String inputGold)
this.inputGold = inputGold;
public String getInputGold()
return inputGold;
public void setInputPrediction(String inputPrediction)
this.inputPrediction = inputPrediction;
public String getInputPrediction()
return inputPrediction;
public void setStrictId(boolean value)
strictId = value;
public boolean isStrictId()
return strictId;
public void setVerbose(boolean value)
this.verbose = value;
public boolean isVerbose()
return verbose;