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* Copyright (C) 2018-2020
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package eu.toop.connector.api;
import javax.annotation.CheckForSigned;
import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.GuardedBy;
import javax.annotation.concurrent.ThreadSafe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.helger.commons.ValueEnforcer;
import com.helger.commons.concurrent.SimpleReadWriteLock;
import com.helger.commons.debug.GlobalDebug;
import com.helger.commons.string.StringHelper;
import com.helger.commons.url.URLHelper;
import com.helger.config.Config;
import com.helger.config.ConfigFactory;
import com.helger.config.IConfig;
import com.helger.config.source.MultiConfigurationValueProvider;
import com.helger.peppol.sml.ESML;
import com.helger.peppol.sml.ISMLInfo;
import com.helger.peppol.sml.SMLInfo;
import com.helger.peppolid.factory.IIdentifierFactory;
* This class contains global configuration elements for the TOOP Connector.
* @author Philip Helger
public final class TCConfig
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger (TCConfig.class);
private static final SimpleReadWriteLock s_aRWLock = new SimpleReadWriteLock ();
@GuardedBy ("s_aRWLock")
private static IConfig s_aConfig;
setDefaultConfig ();
private TCConfig ()
* @return The configuration file. Never null.
public static IConfig getConfig ()
return s_aRWLock.readLockedGet ( () -> s_aConfig);
* Set a different configuration. E.g. for testing.
* @param aConfig
* The config to be set. May not be null.
public static void setConfig (@Nonnull final IConfig aConfig)
ValueEnforcer.notNull (aConfig, "Config");
s_aRWLock.writeLockedGet ( () -> s_aConfig = aConfig);
* Set the default configuration.
public static void setDefaultConfig ()
final MultiConfigurationValueProvider aMCSVP = ConfigFactory.createDefaultValueProvider ();
final IConfig aConfig = Config.create (aMCSVP);
setConfig (aConfig);
public static IIdentifierFactory getIdentifierFactory ()
return TCIdentifierFactory.INSTANCE_TC;
public static final class Global
private Global ()
public static boolean isGlobalDebug ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("global.debug", GlobalDebug.isDebugMode ());
public static boolean isGlobalProduction ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("global.production", GlobalDebug.isProductionMode ());
* @return A debug name to identify an instance, especially in the tracker.
public static String getToopInstanceName ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("global.instancename");
public static final class Tracker
public static final boolean DEFAULT_TOOP_TRACKER_ENABLED = false;
public static final String DEFAULT_TOOP_TRACKER_TOPIC = "toop";
private Tracker ()
public static boolean isToopTrackerEnabled ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("toop.tracker.enabled", DEFAULT_TOOP_TRACKER_ENABLED);
public static String getToopTrackerUrl ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.tracker.url");
public static String getToopTrackerTopic ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.tracker.topic", DEFAULT_TOOP_TRACKER_TOPIC);
public static final class DSD
private DSD ()
* @return The DSD base URL. Should never end with a slash.
public static String getDSDBaseUrl ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.dsd.service.baseurl");
public static final class R2D2
public static final boolean DEFAULT_USE_SML = true;
private static ISMLInfo s_aCachedSMLInfo;
private R2D2 ()
* Get a static endpoint URL to use. This method is ONLY available for BRIS
* and effectively works around the SMP lookup by providing a constant
* result. This value is only used if it is not empty and if the static
* certificate is also present.
* Additionally #isR2D2UseDNS () must return false for this
* method to be used.
* @return The static endpoint URL to use. May be null.
* @see #getR2D2StaticCertificate()
* @since 2.1.0
public static String getR2D2StaticEndpointURL ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.r2d2.static.endpointurl");
* Get a static endpoint certificate to use. This method is ONLY available
* for BRIS and effectively works around the SMP lookup by providing a
* constant result. This value is only used if it is not empty and if the
* static endpoint URL is also present.
* Additionally #isR2D2UseDNS () must return false for this
* method to be used.
* @return The static endpoint URL to use. May be null.
* @see #getR2D2StaticEndpointURL()
* @since 2.1.0
public static X509Certificate getR2D2StaticCertificate ()
final String sCert = getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.r2d2.static.certificate");
if (StringHelper.hasNoText (sCert))
return null;
final X509Certificate ret = CertificateHelper.convertStringToCertficateOrNull (sCert);
if (ret == null)
LOGGER.error ("The provided static R2D2 certificate could NOT be parsed");
return ret;
* @return true to use SML lookup, false to not do
* it.
* @see #getR2D2SML()
* @see #getR2D2SMPUrl()
public static boolean isR2D2UseDNS ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("toop.r2d2.usedns", DEFAULT_USE_SML);
* @return The SML URL to be used. Must only contain a value if
* {@link #isR2D2UseDNS()} returned true.
public static ISMLInfo getR2D2SML ()
ISMLInfo ret = s_aCachedSMLInfo;
if (ret == null)
final String sSMLID = getConfig ().getAsString ("");
final ESML eSML = ESML.getFromIDOrNull (sSMLID);
if (eSML != null)
// Pre-configured SML it is
ret = eSML;
// Custom SML
final String sDisplayName = getConfig ().getAsString ("", "TOOP SML");
// E.g.
final String sDNSZone = getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.r2d2.sml.dnszone");
// E.g.
final String sManagementServiceURL = getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.r2d2.sml.serviceurl");
final boolean bClientCertificateRequired = getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("toop.r2d2.sml.clientcert", false);
// No need for a persistent ID here
ret = new SMLInfo (GlobalIDFactory.getNewStringID (), sDisplayName, sDNSZone, sManagementServiceURL, bClientCertificateRequired);
// Remember in cache
s_aCachedSMLInfo = ret;
return ret;
* @return The constant SMP URI to be used. Must only contain a value if
* {@link #isR2D2UseDNS()} returned false.
public static URI getR2D2SMPUrl ()
// E.g. http://smp.central.toop
final String sURI = getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.r2d2.smp.url");
return URLHelper.getAsURI (sURI);
public static final class MEM
private MEM ()
* @return The MEM implementation ID or the default value. Never
* null.
public static String getMEMImplementationID ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.mem.implementation");
* Get the overall protocol to be used. Depending on that output different
* other properties might be queried.
* @return The overall protocol to use. Never null.
public static EMEProtocol getMEMProtocol ()
final String sID = getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.mem.protocol", EMEProtocol.DEFAULT.getID ());
final EMEProtocol eProtocol = EMEProtocol.getFromIDOrNull (sID);
if (eProtocol == null)
throw new IllegalStateException ("Failed to resolve protocol with ID '" + sID + "'");
return eProtocol;
public static String getMEMAS4Endpoint ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.mem.as4.endpoint");
public static String getMEMAS4GwPartyID ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("");
public static String getMEMAS4TcPartyid ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("");
* @return The To/PartyId/@type for receiving party id
* @since 2.0.2
public static String getToPartyIdType ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("");
public static long getGatewayNotificationWaitTimeout ()
return getConfig ().getAsLong ("toop.mem.as4.notificationWaitTimeout", 20000);
* @return The DSC/DP URL where incoming AS4 messages are forwarded to. This
* is the value from the configuration file.
public static String getMEMIncomingURL ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.mem.incoming.url");
public static boolean isMEMOutgoingDumpEnabled ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("toop.mem.outgoing.dump.enabled", false);
public static String getMEMOutgoingDumpPath ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.mem.outgoing.dump.path");
public static boolean isMEMIncomingDumpEnabled ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("toop.mem.incoming.dump.enabled", false);
public static String getMEMIncomingDumpPath ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("toop.mem.incoming.dump.path");
public static final class HTTP
private HTTP ()
public static boolean isProxyServerEnabled ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("http.proxy.enabled", false);
public static String getProxyServerAddress ()
// Scheme plus hostname or IP address
return getConfig ().getAsString ("http.proxy.address");
public static int getProxyServerPort ()
return getConfig ().getAsInt ("http.proxy.port", -1);
public static String getProxyServerNonProxyHosts ()
// Separated by pipe
return getConfig ().getAsString ("http.proxy.non-proxy");
public static boolean isTLSTrustAll ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("http.tls.trustall", false);
public static int getConnectionTimeoutMS ()
return getConfig ().getAsInt ("http.connection-timeout", -1);
public static int getReadTimeoutMS ()
return getConfig ().getAsInt ("", -1);
public static final class WebApp
private WebApp ()
public static boolean isStatusEnabled ()
return getConfig ().getAsBoolean ("toop.webapp.status.enabled", true);
* @return The storage path for the TC.
* @since 2.0.0-RC4
public static String getDataPath ()
return getConfig ().getAsString ("");