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* #%L
* nom.tam FITS library
* %%
* Copyright (C) 1996 - 2024 nom-tam-fits
* %%
* This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
* Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
* distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
* binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
* means.
* In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
* of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
* software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
* of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
* successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
* relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
* software under copyright law.
* #L%
package nom.tam.util;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import nom.tam.fits.FitsFactory;
import nom.tam.util.type.ElementType;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
* Decodes FITS-formatted binary data into Java arrays (primarily for internal use)
* @since 1.16
* @see FitsEncoder
* @see FitsInputStream
* @see FitsFile
public class FitsDecoder extends InputDecoder {
* The FITS byte value for the binary representation of a boolean 'true' value
private static final byte FITS_TRUE = (byte) 'T';
* Instantiates a new decoder of FITS binary data to Java arrays. To be used by subclass constructors only.
protected FitsDecoder() {
* Instantiates a new FITS binary data decoder for converting FITS data representations into Java arrays.
* @param i the FITS input.
public FitsDecoder(InputReader i) {
* Gets the boolean equivalent for a FITS byte value representing a logical value. This call does not
* support null values, which are allowed by the FITS standard, but the similar
* {@link #booleanObjectFor(int)} does. FITS defines 'T' as true, 'F' as false, and 0 as null. However, prior
* versions of this library have used the value 1 for true, and 0 for false. Therefore, this implementation will
* recognise both 'T' and 1 as true, and will return false for all other byte values.
* @param c The FITS byte that defines a boolean value
* @return true if and only if the byte is the ASCII character 'T' or has the value of 1, otherwise
* false.
* @see #booleanObjectFor(int)
public static final boolean booleanFor(int c) {
return c == FITS_TRUE || c == 1;
* Gets the boolean equivalent for a FITS byte value representing a logical value. This call supports
* null values, which are allowed by the FITS standard. FITS defines 'T' as true, 'F' as false, and 0
* as null. Prior versions of this library have used the value 1 for true, and 0 for false. Therefore, this
* implementation will recognise both 'T' and 1 as true, but 0 will map to null and
* everything else will return false.
* @param c The FITS byte that defines a boolean value
* @return true if and only if the byte is the ASCII character 'T' or has the value of 1,
* null it the byte is 0, otherwise false.
* @see #booleanFor(int)
@SuppressFBWarnings(value = "NP_BOOLEAN_RETURN_NULL", justification = "null values are explicitly allowed by FITS, so we want to support them.")
public static final Boolean booleanObjectFor(int c) {
if (c == 0) {
return null;
return booleanFor(c);
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next boolean value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized boolean readBoolean() throws EOFException, IOException {
return booleanFor(readByte());
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next character value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized char readChar() throws EOFException, IOException {
int b = FitsFactory.isUseUnicodeChars() ? readUnsignedShort() : read();
if (b < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
return (char) b;
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next byte the input.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected final byte readByte() throws IOException {
int i = read();
if (i < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
return (byte) i;
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next unsigned byte from the input, or -1 if there is no more bytes available.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input, other than the end-of-file.
protected synchronized int readUnsignedByte() throws IOException {
return read();
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next 16-bit integer value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected final short readShort() throws EOFException, IOException {
int i = readUnsignedShort();
if (i < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
return (short) i;
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next unsigned 16-bit integer value from the input, or -1 if reached the end of stream
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized int readUnsignedShort() throws IOException {
return getInputBuffer().getUnsignedShort();
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next 32-bit integer value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized int readInt() throws EOFException, IOException {
return getInputBuffer().getInt();
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next 64-bit integer value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized long readLong() throws EOFException, IOException {
return getInputBuffer().getLong();
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next single-precision (32-bit) floating point value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized float readFloat() throws EOFException, IOException {
return getInputBuffer().getFloat();
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next double-precision (64-bit) floating point value from the input.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized double readDouble() throws EOFException, IOException {
return getInputBuffer().getDouble();
* @deprecated (for internal use) Low-level reading/writing should be handled internally as
* arrays by this library only.
* @return the next line of 1-byte ASCII characters, terminated by a LF or EOF.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error reading from the input.
protected synchronized String readAsciiLine() throws EOFException, IOException {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
for (;;) {
int c = read();
if (c < 0) {
if (str.length() > 0) {
throw new EOFException();
if (c == '\n') {
str.append((char) c);
return new String(str);
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(boolean[], int, int)} for the general contract of this method. In FITS,
* true values are represented by the ASCII byte for 'T', whereas false is represented by
* the ASCII byte for 'F'.
* @param b an array of boolean values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(boolean[] b, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
byte[] ascii = new byte[length];
length = read(ascii, 0, length);
if (length < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
b[start + i] = booleanFor(ascii[i]);
return length;
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(Boolean[], int, int)} for the general contract of this method. In FITS,
* true values are represented by the ASCII byte for 'T', false is represented by the
* ASCII byte for 'F', while null values are represented by the value 0.
* @param b an array of boolean values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(Boolean[] b, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
byte[] ascii = new byte[length];
length = read(ascii, 0, length);
if (length < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
b[start + i] = booleanObjectFor(ascii[i]);
return length;
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(char[], int, int)} for the general contract of this method. In FITS characters are
* usually represented as 1-byte ASCII, not as the 2-byte Java types. However, previous implementations if this
* library have erroneously written 2-byte characters into the FITS. For compatibility both the FITS standard
* -1-byte ASCII and the old 2-byte behaviour are supported, and can be selected via
* {@link FitsFactory#setUseUnicodeChars(boolean)}.
* @param c a character array.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
* @see FitsFactory#setUseUnicodeChars(boolean)
protected synchronized int read(char[] c, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
if (ElementType.CHAR.size() == 1) {
byte[] ascii = new byte[length];
length = read(ascii, 0, length);
if (length < 0) {
throw new EOFException();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c[start + i] = (char) (ascii[i] & FitsIO.BYTE_MASK);
} else {
getInputBuffer().loadBytes(length, Short.BYTES);
short[] s = new short[length];
length = getInputBuffer().get(s, 0, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
c[start + i] = (char) (s[i] & FitsIO.SHORT_MASK);
return length * ElementType.CHAR.size();
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(short[], int, int)} for a contract of this method.
* @param s an array of 16-bit integer values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(short[] s, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
getInputBuffer().loadBytes(length, Short.BYTES);
return getInputBuffer().get(s, start, length) * Short.BYTES;
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(int[], int, int)} for a contract of this method.
* @param j an array of 32-bit integer values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(int[] j, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
getInputBuffer().loadBytes(length, Integer.BYTES);
return getInputBuffer().get(j, start, length) * Integer.BYTES;
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(long[], int, int)} for a contract of this method.
* @param l an array of 64-bit integer values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(long[] l, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
getInputBuffer().loadBytes(length, Long.BYTES);
return getInputBuffer().get(l, start, length) * Long.BYTES;
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(float[], int, int)} for a contract of this method.
* @param f an array of single-precision (32-bit) floating point values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(float[] f, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
getInputBuffer().loadBytes(length, Float.BYTES);
return getInputBuffer().get(f, start, length) * Float.BYTES;
* See {@link ArrayDataInput#read(double[], int, int)} for a contract of this method.
* @param d an array of double-precision (64-bit) floating point values.
* @param start the buffer index at which to start reading data
* @param length the total number of elements to read.
* @return the number of bytes successfully read.
* @throws EOFException if already at the end of file.
* @throws IOException if there was an IO error before, before requested number of bytes could be read
protected synchronized int read(double[] d, int start, int length) throws EOFException, IOException {
getInputBuffer().loadBytes(length, Double.BYTES);
return getInputBuffer().get(d, start, length) * Double.BYTES;
public synchronized long readArray(Object o) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
if (o == null) {
return 0L;
if (!o.getClass().isArray()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an array: " + o.getClass().getName());
int length = Array.getLength(o);
if (length == 0) {
return 0L;
// This is a 1-d array. Process it using our special
// functions.
if (o instanceof byte[]) {
readFully((byte[]) o, 0, length);
return length;
if (o instanceof boolean[]) {
return read((boolean[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof char[]) {
return read((char[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof short[]) {
return read((short[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof int[]) {
return read((int[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof float[]) {
return read((float[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof long[]) {
return read((long[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof double[]) {
return read((double[]) o, 0, length);
if (o instanceof Boolean[]) {
return read((Boolean[]) o, 0, length);
Object[] array = (Object[]) o;
long count = 0L;
// Process multidim arrays recursively.
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
try {
count += readArray(array[i]);
} catch (EOFException e) {
return eofCheck(e, count, -1L);
return count;