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World Wind is a collection of components that interactively display 3D geographic information within Java applications or applets.

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 * Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
 * National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
 * All Rights Reserved.

package gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology;

import gov.nasa.worldwind.Movable;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.Position;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.UnitsFormat;

 * TacticalGraphic provides a common interface for displaying a graphic from a symbology set. A graphic can be an icon
 * that is drawn a geographic position, a vector graphic that is positioned using one or more control points, or a line
 * or polygon that is styled according to the symbol set's specification. See the TacticalGraphic Usage Guide for instructions on using TacticalGraphic in an application.

* See the {@link gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.symbology.Symbology} and {@link gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.symbology.TacticalGraphics} * example applications for examples of how to use tactical graphics. *




* TacticalGraphics are typically created by an instance of {@link TacticalGraphicFactory}. Each graphic within a symbol * set is identified by a string identifier. The format of this identifier depends on the symbol set. For example, a * MIL-STD-2525 Symbol Identification Code (SIDC) is a string of 15 characters. *

* You will need to instantiate the appropriate factory for the symbol set that you intend to use. For example, {@link * gov.nasa.worldwind.symbology.milstd2525.MilStd2525GraphicFactory} creates graphics for the MIL-STD-2525 symbology * set. *

* The TacticalGraphic interface provides access to settings common to all tactical graphics. TacticalGraphic extends * the {@link Renderable} interface, so you can add a TacticalGraphic directly to a {@link * gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.RenderableLayer}. Here's an example of creating a graphic from the MIL-STD-2525 symbol * set: *


 * // Create a graphic factory for MIL-STD-2525
 * TacticalGraphicFactory factory = new MilStd2525GraphicFactory();
 * // Specify the control points for the line
 * List positions = Arrays.asList(
 *     Position.fromDegrees(34.7327, -117.8347, 0),
 *     Position.fromDegrees(34.7328, -117.7305, 0));
 * // Specify a text modifier
 * AVList modifiers = new AVListImpl();
 * modifiers.setValue(SymbologyConstants.UNIQUE_DESIGNATION, "Alpha");
 * // Create a graphic for a MIL-STD-2525 hostile phase line. The first argument is the symbol identification code
 * // (SIDC) that identifies the type of graphic to create.
 * TacticalGraphic graphic = factory.createGraphic("GHGPGLP----AUSX", positions, modifiers);
 * // Create a renderable layer to display the tactical graphic. This example adds only a single graphic, but many
 * // graphics can be added to a single layer.
 * RenderableLayer graphicLayer = new RenderableLayer();
 * graphicLayer.addRenderable(graphic);
 * // Add the layer to the world window's model and request that the layer redraw itself. The world window draws the
 * // graphic on the globe at the specified position. Interactions between the graphic and the cursor are returned in
 * // the world window's picked object list, and reported to the world window's select listeners.
 * WorldWindow wwd = ... // A reference to your application's WorldWind instance.
 * wwd.getModel().getLayers().add(graphicLayer);
 * wwd.redraw();

* The symbol identifier ({@code GHGPGLP----AUSX}) tells the factory what type of graphic to create, and how the * graphic should be styled. In the example above we added a text modifier of "Alpha" to identify our shape. These * parameters can be specified using a parameter list when the TacticalGraphic is created, as shown above. They can also * be set after creation using setters in the TacticalGraphic interface. *




* Many graphics support text or graphic modifiers. Each modifier is identified by a String key. The set of possible * modifiers is determined by the symbol set. Modifiers can be specified in the parameter list when a graphic is * created, or using {@link #setModifier(String, Object) setModifier} after the graphic has been created. *

* For example, a MIL-STD-2525 General Area graphic can have a text modifier that identifies the area. Here's an example * of how to specify the modifier when the graphic is created: *


 * AVList modifiers = new AVListImpl();
 * modifiers.setValue(SymbologyConstants.UNIQUE_DESIGNATION, "Boston"); // Text that identifies the area enclosed by
 *                                                                      //  the  graphic.
 * List positions = ...; // List of positions that define the boundary of the area.
 * TacticalGraphic graphic = milstd2525Factory.createGraphic("GHGPGAG----AUSX", positions, modifiers);

* The modifier can also be set (or changed) after the graphic is created: *


 * // Create the graphic
 * TacticalGraphic graphic = milstd2525Factory.createGraphic("GHGPGAG----AUSX", positions, null);
 * graphic.setModifier(SymbologyConstants.UNIQUE_DESIGNATION, "Boston");




* Each tactical graphic is positioned by one or more control points. How many points are required depends on the type * of graphic. A point graphic will only require one point. A more complex shape may require three or four, and a line * or area may allow any number. *

* Here is an example of how to create a point graphic in the MIL-STD-2525 symbol set: *


 * Position position = Position.fromDegrees(34.9362, -118.2559, 0);
 * TacticalGraphic graphic = milstd2525Factory.createPoint("GFGPAPD----AUSX", position, null);

* More complicated graphics will require more control points. MIL-STD-2525 defines a template for each type of tactical * graphic. Each template identifies how many control points are required for the graphic, and how the points are * interpreted. The TacticalGraphic requires a list of Position objects, which identify the control points in the same * order as in the specification. For example, in order to create a graphic that requires three control points we need * to create a list of positions that specifies the three points in order: *


 * List positions = Arrays.asList(
 *     Position.fromDegrees(34.5073, -117.8380, 0), // PT. 1
 *     Position.fromDegrees(34.8686, -117.5088, 0), // PT. 2
 *     Position.fromDegrees(34.4845, -117.8495, 0)); // PT. 3
 * TacticalGraphic graphic = milstd2525Factory.createGraphic("GFGPSLA----AUSX", positions, null);


Sub-interfaces of TacticalGraphic


* TacticalGraphic describes any tactical graphic in the most general terms: a list of positions and modifiers. However, * this general interface is not convenient for all graphics. For example, when creating a circle graphic it is more * convenient to access the radius of the circle directly than to set a modifier that affects the radius. Sub-interfaces * of tactical graphic provide more convenient methods for manipulating common types of graphics. Instances of these * sub-interfaces can be created directly using a TacticalGraphicFactory. The sub-interfaces are: *


  • {@link TacticalPoint}- Graphics positioned by a single point.
  • {@link TacticalCircle} - Graphics * positioned by a center point and radius.
  • {@link TacticalQuad} - Rectangles with a length and width.
  • *
  • {@link TacticalRoute} - A series of point graphics connected by lines and treated as a single graphic.
  • *
* * @author pabercrombie * @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $ * @see TacticalGraphicFactory */ public interface TacticalGraphic extends Renderable, Highlightable, Movable, AVList { /** * Indicates whether this graphic is drawn when in view. * * @return true if this graphic is drawn when in view, otherwise false. */ boolean isVisible(); /** * Specifies whether this graphic is drawn when in view. * * @param visible true if this graphic should be drawn when in view, otherwise false. */ void setVisible(boolean visible); /** * Indicates the current value of a text or graphic modifier. * * @param modifier Key that identifies the modifier to retrieve. The possible modifiers depends on the symbol set. * * @return The value of the modifier, or {@code null} if the modifier is not set. */ Object getModifier(String modifier); /** * Specifies the value of a text or graphic modifier. * * @param modifier Key that identifies the modifier to set. The possible modifiers depends on the symbol set. * @param value New value for the modifier. */ void setModifier(String modifier, Object value); /** * Indicates whether this graphic draws its supplemental graphic modifiers. * * @return true if this graphic draws its graphic modifiers, otherwise false. */ boolean isShowGraphicModifiers(); /** * Specifies whether to draw this graphic's supplemental graphic modifiers. * * @param showGraphicModifiers true if this graphic should draw its graphic modifiers, otherwise false. */ void setShowGraphicModifiers(boolean showGraphicModifiers); /** * Indicates whether this graphic draws its supplemental text modifiers. * * @return true if this graphic draws its text modifiers, otherwise false. */ boolean isShowTextModifiers(); /** * Specifies whether to draw this graphic's supplemental text modifiers. * * @param showTextModifiers true if this graphic should draw its text modifiers, otherwise false. */ void setShowTextModifiers(boolean showTextModifiers); /** * Indicates whether or not the graphic should display its location as a text modifier. Not all graphics support the * location modifier. * * @return true if the graphic will display the location modifier. Note that not all graphics support this * modifier. */ boolean isShowLocation(); /** * Specifies whether or not the graphic should display its location as a text modifier. Not all graphics support the * location modifier. Setting showLocation on a graphic that does not support the modifier will have no effect. * * @param show true if the graphic will display the location modifier. Note that not all graphics support this * modifier. */ void setShowLocation(boolean show); /** * Indicates whether or not this graphic will display a text indicator when the graphic represents a hostile entity. * See comments on {@link #setShowHostileIndicator(boolean) setShowHostileIndicator} for more information. * * @return true if an indicator may be drawn when this graphic represents a hostile entity, if supported by the * graphic implementation. Note that some graphics may not display an indicator, even when representing a * hostile entity. */ boolean isShowHostileIndicator(); /** * Specifies whether or not to display a text indicator when the symbol or graphic represents a hostile entity. In * the case of MIL-STD-2525C, the indicator is the letters "ENY". The indicator is determined by the symbology set, * and may not apply to all graphics in the symbol set. * * @param show true if this graphic should display an indicator when this graphic represents a hostile entity and * the graphic implementation supports such an indicator. Note that some graphics may not display an * indicator, even when representing a hostile entity. */ void setShowHostileIndicator(boolean show); /** * Indicates a string identifier for this graphic. The format of the identifier depends on the symbol set to which * the graphic belongs. * * @return An identifier for this graphic. */ String getIdentifier(); /** * Convenience method to specify a text modifier for the graphic. Calling this method is equivalent to calling * setModifier(SymbologyConstants.UNIQUE_DESIGNATION, text). * * @param text New text modifier. May be null. * * @see #setModifier(String, Object) */ void setText(String text); /** * Convenience method to access the text modifier of the graphic. Calling this method is equivalent to calling * getModifier(SymbologyConstants.UNIQUE_DESIGNATION). * * @return Descriptive text for this graphic. * * @see #getModifier(String) */ String getText(); /** * Indicates the positions of the control points that place and orient the graphic. * * @return positions that orient the graphic. How many positions are returned depends on the type of graphic. Some * graphics require only a single position, others require many. */ Iterable getPositions(); /** * Specifies the positions of the control points that place and orient the graphic. * * @param positions Positions that orient the graphic. How many positions are returned depends on the type of * graphic. Some graphics require only a single position, others require many. The positions must * be specified in the same order as the control points defined by the symbology set's template for * this type of graphic. */ void setPositions(Iterable positions); /** * Indicates this graphic's attributes when it is in the normal (as opposed to highlighted) state. * * @return this graphic's attributes. May be null. */ TacticalGraphicAttributes getAttributes(); /** * Specifies attributes for this graphic in the normal (as opposed to highlighted) state. If any fields in the * attribute bundle are null, the default attribute will be used instead. For example, if the attribute bundle * includes a setting for outline material but not for interior material the new outline material will override the * default outline material, but the interior material will remain the default. The default attributes are * determined by the symbol set, and may differ depending on the type of graphic. * * @param attributes new attributes. May be null, in which case default attributes are used. */ void setAttributes(TacticalGraphicAttributes attributes); /** * Indicate this graphic's attributes when it is in the highlighted state. * * @return this graphic's highlight attributes. May be null. */ TacticalGraphicAttributes getHighlightAttributes(); /** * Specifies attributes for this graphic in the highlighted state. See comments on {@link * #setAttributes(TacticalGraphicAttributes) setAttributes} for more information on how the attributes are * interpreted. * * @param attributes Attributes to apply to the graphic when it is highlighted. May be null, in which default * attributes are used. */ void setHighlightAttributes(TacticalGraphicAttributes attributes); /** * Indicates an offset used to position the graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position. See * comments on {@link #setLabelOffset(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Offset) setLabelOffset} for more information. * * @return The offset that determines how the graphic's label is placed relative to the graphic. */ Offset getLabelOffset(); /** * Specifies an offset used to position this graphic's main label relative to the label's geographic position. The * geographic position is determined by the type of graphic. For example, the label for an area graphic is typically * placed at the center of the area polygon. Note that not all graphics have labels. *

* The offset can specify an absolute pixel value, or a an offset relative to the size of the label. For example, an * offset of (-0.5, -0.5) in fraction units will center the label on its geographic position both horizontally and * vertically. * * @param offset The offset that determines how the graphic's label is placed relative to the graphic. */ void setLabelOffset(Offset offset); /** * Returns the delegate owner of the graphic. If non-null, the returned object replaces the graphic as the pickable * object returned during picking. If null, the graphic itself is the pickable object returned during picking. * * @return the object used as the pickable object returned during picking, or null to indicate the the graphic is * returned during picking. */ Object getDelegateOwner(); /** * Specifies the delegate owner of the graphic. If non-null, the delegate owner replaces the graphic as the pickable * object returned during picking. If null, the graphic itself is the pickable object returned during picking. * * @param owner the object to use as the pickable object returned during picking, or null to return the graphic. */ void setDelegateOwner(Object owner); /** * Indicates the unit format used to format values in text modifiers. * * @return Units format used to format text modifiers. */ UnitsFormat getUnitsFormat(); /** * Specifies the unit format used to format values in text modifiers. * * @param unitsFormat Format used to format text modifiers. */ void setUnitsFormat(UnitsFormat unitsFormat); }

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