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import akka.http.scaladsl.util.FastFuture
import{ ActorMaterializer, Materializer }
import akka.util.ByteString
import{ ApiToBotConversions, BotServiceBase }
import{ FileStorageAdapter, FileStorageExtension, FileUtils, UnsafeFileName }
import{ Sticker, StickerImage }
import{ StickerErrors, StickersExtension }
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.Try
private[bot] object StickersBotErrors {
val LocationInvalid = BotError(400, "LOCATION_INVALID")
val NotAllowedToEdit = BotError(403, "NOT_ALLOWED_TO_EDIT")
val FailedToMakePreview = BotError(500, "FAILED_MAKE_PREVIEW")
val StickerNotFound = BotError(404, "NOT_FOUND")
val UserNotAdmin = BotError(403, "FORBIDDEN")
val AlreadyDefault = BotError(400, "ALREADY_DEFAULT")
val AlreadyNotDefault = BotError(400, "ALREADY_NOT_DEFAULT")
def catchStickerErrors: PartialFunction[Throwable, BotError] = {
case StickerErrors.NoPreview ⇒ FailedToMakePreview
case StickerErrors.NotOwner ⇒ NotAllowedToEdit
case StickerErrors.NotFound ⇒ StickerNotFound
case StickerErrors.NotAdmin ⇒ UserNotAdmin
case StickerErrors.AlreadyDefault ⇒ AlreadyDefault
case StickerErrors.AlreadyNotDefault ⇒ AlreadyNotDefault
case _ ⇒ BotError(500, "INTERNAL_ERROR")
private[bot] final class StickersBotService(_system: ActorSystem) extends BotServiceBase(_system) with FutureResult[BotError] with ApiToBotConversions {
import StickersBotErrors._
private implicit val system: ActorSystem = _system
import system.dispatcher
private implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
private val stickerExt = StickersExtension(system)
private val fsAdapter: FileStorageAdapter = FileStorageExtension(system).fsAdapter
override def handlers: Handlers = {
case CreateStickerPack(userId) ⇒ createStickerPack(userId).toWeak
case AddSticker(ownerUserId, packId, emoji,
small, smallW, smallH,
medium, mediumW, mediumH,
large, largeW, largeH) ⇒ addSticker(ownerUserId, packId, emoji,
small, smallW, smallH,
medium, mediumW, mediumH,
large, largeW, largeH).toWeak
case ShowStickerPacks(ownerUserId) ⇒ showStickerPacks(ownerUserId).toWeak
case ShowStickers(ownerUserId, packId) ⇒ showStickers(ownerUserId, packId).toWeak
case DeleteSticker(ownerUserId, packId, stickerId) ⇒ deleteSticker(ownerUserId, packId, stickerId).toWeak
//!!!requires admin rights from peer user!!!
case MakeStickerPackDefault(userId, packId) ⇒ makeStickerPackDefault(userId, packId).toWeak
case UnmakeStickerPackDefault(userId, packId) ⇒ unmakeStickerPackDefault(userId, packId).toWeak
private def createStickerPack(userId: Int) = RequestHandler[CreateStickerPack, CreateStickerPack#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
(for {
packId ← fromFuture(stickerExt.createPack(userId, isDefault = false))
} yield Container(packId.toString)).value
private def addSticker(ownerUserId: Int, packId: Int, emoji: Option[String],
smallBytes: Array[Byte], smallW: Int, smallH: Int,
mediumBytes: Array[Byte], mediumW: Int, mediumH: Int,
largeBytes: Array[Byte], largeW: Int, largeH: Int) =
RequestHandler[AddSticker, AddSticker#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
(for {
_ ← fromFutureBoolean(NotAllowedToEdit)(stickerExt.isOwner(ownerUserId, packId))
sticker ← fromFuture(for {
small ← uploadSticker("small-sticker.webp", smallBytes, smallW, smallH)
medium ← uploadSticker("medium-sticker.webp", mediumBytes, mediumW, mediumH)
large ← uploadSticker("large-sticker.webp", largeBytes, largeW, largeH)
} yield Sticker(small, medium, large))
_ ← fromFutureXor(catchStickerErrors)(stickerExt.addSticker(ownerUserId, packId, emoji, sticker))
} yield Void).value
def showStickerPacks(ownerUserId: Int) = RequestHandler[ShowStickerPacks, ShowStickerPacks#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
(for {
packs ← fromFuture(stickerExt.getStickerPacks(ownerUserId))
} yield StickerPackIds(packs map (
def showStickers(ownerUserId: Int, packId: Int) = RequestHandler[ShowStickers, ShowStickers#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
(for {
stickers ← fromFutureXor(catchStickerErrors)(stickerExt.getStickers(ownerUserId, packId))
} yield StickerIds(stickers map (
def deleteSticker(ownerUserId: Int, packId: Int, stickerId: Int) = RequestHandler[DeleteSticker, DeleteSticker#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
(for {
_ ← fromFutureXor(catchStickerErrors)(stickerExt.deleteSticker(ownerUserId, packId, stickerId))
} yield Void).value
def makeStickerPackDefault(userId: Int, packId: Int) = RequestHandler[MakeStickerPackDefault, MakeStickerPackDefault#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
ifIsAdmin(userId) {
(for {
_ ← fromFutureXor(catchStickerErrors)(stickerExt.makeStickerPackDefault(userId, packId))
} yield Void).value
def unmakeStickerPackDefault(userId: Int, packId: Int) = RequestHandler[UnmakeStickerPackDefault, UnmakeStickerPackDefault#Response] {
(botUserId: BotUserId, botAuthId: BotAuthId, botAuthSid: BotAuthSid) ⇒
ifIsAdmin(botUserId) {
ifIsAdmin(userId) {
(for {
_ ← fromFutureXor(catchStickerErrors)(stickerExt.unmakeStickerPackDefault(userId, packId))
} yield Void).value
private def uploadSticker(name: String, bytes: Array[Byte], w: Int, h: Int): Future[Option[StickerImage]] =
Try(for {
fileLocation ← fsAdapter.uploadFileF(UnsafeFileName(name), bytes)
} yield Some(StickerImage(fileLocation, w, h, bytes.length.toLong))).toOption getOrElse FastFuture.successful(None)