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package io.apicurio.registry.resolver;
import io.apicurio.registry.resolver.strategy.ArtifactCoordinates;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
* Expiration + Retry Cache
* @type V SchemaLookupResult
public class ERCache {
/** Global ID index */
private final Map> index1 = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Data content index */
private final Map> index2 = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Artifact Content ID index */
private final Map> index3 = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** ArtifactCoordinates index */
private final Map> index4 = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
/** Artifact content hash index */
private final Map> index5 = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Function keyExtractor1;
private Function keyExtractor2;
private Function keyExtractor3;
private Function keyExtractor4;
private Function keyExtractor5;
private Duration lifetime = Duration.ZERO;
private Duration backoff = Duration.ofMillis(200);
private long retries;
private boolean cacheLatest;
private boolean faultTolerantRefresh;
// === Configuration
public void configureLifetime(Duration lifetime) {
this.lifetime = lifetime;
public void configureRetryBackoff(Duration backoff) {
this.backoff = backoff;
public void configureRetryCount(long retries) {
this.retries = retries;
* If {@code true}, will cache schema lookups that either have `latest` or no version specified. Setting
* this to false will effectively disable caching for schema lookups that do not specify a version.
* @param cacheLatest Whether to enable cache of artifacts without a version specified.
public void configureCacheLatest(boolean cacheLatest) {
this.cacheLatest = cacheLatest;
* If set to {@code true}, will log the load error instead of throwing it when an exception occurs trying
* to refresh a cache entry. This will still honor retries before enacting this behavior.
* @param faultTolerantRefresh Whether to enable fault tolerant refresh behavior.
public void configureFaultTolerantRefresh(boolean faultTolerantRefresh) {
this.faultTolerantRefresh = faultTolerantRefresh;
public void configureGlobalIdKeyExtractor(Function keyExtractor) {
this.keyExtractor1 = keyExtractor;
public void configureContentKeyExtractor(Function keyExtractor) {
this.keyExtractor2 = keyExtractor;
public void configureContentIdKeyExtractor(Function keyExtractor) {
this.keyExtractor3 = keyExtractor;
public void configureArtifactCoordinatesKeyExtractor(Function keyExtractor) {
this.keyExtractor4 = keyExtractor;
public void configureContentHashKeyExtractor(Function keyExtractor) {
this.keyExtractor5 = keyExtractor;
* Return whether caching of artifact lookups with {@code null} versions is enabled.
* @return {@code true} if it's enabled.
* @see #configureCacheLatest(boolean)
public boolean isCacheLatest() {
return this.cacheLatest;
* Return whether fault tolerant refresh is enabled.
* @return {@code true} if it's enabled.
* @see #configureFaultTolerantRefresh(boolean)
public boolean isFaultTolerantRefresh() {
return this.faultTolerantRefresh;
public void checkInitialized() {
boolean initialized = keyExtractor1 != null && keyExtractor2 != null && keyExtractor3 != null
&& keyExtractor4 != null && keyExtractor5 != null;
initialized = initialized && lifetime != null && backoff != null && retries >= 0;
if (!initialized)
throw new IllegalStateException("Not properly initialized!");
public boolean containsByGlobalId(Long key) {
WrappedValue value = this.index1.get(key);
return value != null && !value.isExpired();
public boolean containsByContentId(Long key) {
WrappedValue value = this.index3.get(key);
return value != null && !value.isExpired();
public boolean containsByArtifactCoordinates(ArtifactCoordinates key) {
WrappedValue value = this.index4.get(key);
return value != null && !value.isExpired();
public boolean containsByContentHash(String key) {
WrappedValue value = this.index5.get(key);
return value != null && !value.isExpired();
public V getByGlobalId(Long key, Function loaderFunction) {
WrappedValue value = this.index1.get(key);
return getValue(value, key, loaderFunction);
public V getByContent(String key, Function loaderFunction) {
WrappedValue value = this.index2.get(key);
return getValue(value, key, loaderFunction);
public V getByContentId(Long key, Function loaderFunction) {
WrappedValue value = this.index3.get(key);
return getValue(value, key, loaderFunction);
public V getByArtifactCoordinates(ArtifactCoordinates key,
Function loaderFunction) {
WrappedValue value = this.index4.get(key);
return getValue(value, key, loaderFunction);
public V getByContentHash(String key, Function loaderFunction) {
WrappedValue value = this.index5.get(key);
return getValue(value, key, loaderFunction);
// === Generic
private V getValue(WrappedValue value, T key, Function loaderFunction) {
V result = value != null ? value.value : null;
if (value == null || value.isExpired()) {
// With retry
Result newValue = retry(backoff, retries, () -> {
return loaderFunction.apply(key);
if (newValue.isOk()) {
// Index
reindex(new WrappedValue<>(lifetime,, newValue.ok), key);
// Return
result = newValue.ok;
} else {
if (faultTolerantRefresh && value != null) {
return value.value;
throw newValue.error;
return result;
private void reindex(WrappedValue newValue, T lookupKey) {
Optional.ofNullable(keyExtractor1.apply(newValue.value)).ifPresent(k -> index1.put(k, newValue));
Optional.ofNullable(keyExtractor2.apply(newValue.value)).ifPresent(k -> index2.put(k, newValue));
Optional.ofNullable(keyExtractor3.apply(newValue.value)).ifPresent(k -> index3.put(k, newValue));
Optional.ofNullable(keyExtractor4.apply(newValue.value)).ifPresent(k -> {
index4.put(k, newValue);
// By storing the lookup key, we ensure that a null/latest lookup gets cached, as the key
// extractor will
// automatically add the version to the new key
if (this.cacheLatest && k.getClass().equals(lookupKey.getClass())) {
index4.put((ArtifactCoordinates) lookupKey, newValue);
Optional.ofNullable(keyExtractor5.apply(newValue.value)).ifPresent(k -> index5.put(k, newValue));
public void clear() {
// === Util & Other
private static Result retry(Duration backoff, long retries,
Supplier supplier) {
if (retries < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
for (long i = 0; i <= retries; i++) {
try {
T value = supplier.get();
if (value != null)
return Result.ok(value);
else {
return Result.error(new NullPointerException(
"Could not retrieve schema for the cache. " + "Loading function returned null."));
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// TODO: verify if this is really needed, retries are already baked into the adapter ...
// if (i == retries || !(e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ExecutionException
// && e.getCause().getCause() != null && e.getCause().getCause() instanceof ApiException
// && (((ApiException) e.getCause().getCause()).getResponseStatusCode() == 429)))
if (i == retries || !(e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof ApiException
&& (((ApiException) e.getCause()).getResponseStatusCode() == 429))) {
return Result.error(new RuntimeException(e));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore
return Result.error(new IllegalStateException("Unreachable."));
private static class WrappedValue {
private final Duration lifetime;
private final Instant lastUpdate;
private final V value;
public WrappedValue(Duration lifetime, Instant lastUpdate, V value) {
this.lifetime = lifetime;
this.lastUpdate = lastUpdate;
this.value = value;
public V getValue() {
return value;
public boolean isExpired() {
public static class Result {
public final T ok;
public final E error;
public static Result ok(T ok) {
return new Result<>(ok, null);
public static Result error(E error) {
return new Result<>(null, error);
private Result(T ok, E error) {
this.ok = ok;
this.error = error;
public boolean isOk() {
return this.ok != null;
public boolean isError() {
return this.error != null;