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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: build/bazel/remote/asset/v1/remote_asset.proto
package build.bazel.remote.asset.v1;
* A request message for
* [Push.PushBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Push.PushBlob].
* Protobuf type {@code build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest}
public final class PushBlobRequest extends implements
// @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest)
PushBlobRequestOrBuilder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
// Use PushBlobRequest.newBuilder() to construct.
private PushBlobRequest(> builder) {
private PushBlobRequest() {
instanceName_ = "";
uris_ =;
qualifiers_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
referencesBlobs_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
referencesDirectories_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
protected java.lang.Object newInstance(
UnusedPrivateParameter unused) {
return new PushBlobRequest();
public static final
getDescriptor() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.RemoteAssetProto.internal_static_build_bazel_remote_asset_v1_PushBlobRequest_descriptor;
internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.RemoteAssetProto.internal_static_build_bazel_remote_asset_v1_PushBlobRequest_fieldAccessorTable
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.class, build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.Builder.class);
public static final int INSTANCE_NAME_FIELD_NUMBER = 1;
private volatile java.lang.Object instanceName_ = "";
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* string instance_name = 1;
* @return The bytes for instanceName.
getInstanceNameBytes() {
java.lang.Object ref = instanceName_;
if (ref instanceof java.lang.String) { b =
(java.lang.String) ref);
instanceName_ = b;
return b;
} else {
return ( ref;
public static final int URIS_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
private uris_ =;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @return A list containing the uris.
getUrisList() {
return uris_;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @return The count of uris.
public int getUrisCount() {
return uris_.size();
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The uris at the given index.
public java.lang.String getUris(int index) {
return uris_.get(index);
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the uris at the given index.
getUrisBytes(int index) {
return uris_.getByteString(index);
public static final int QUALIFIERS_FIELD_NUMBER = 3;
private java.util.List qualifiers_;
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public int getQualifiersCount() {
return qualifiers_.size();
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.QualifierOrBuilder getQualifiersOrBuilder(
int index) {
return qualifiers_.get(index);
public static final int EXPIRE_AT_FIELD_NUMBER = 4;
private expireAt_;
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* .google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_at = 4;
* @return Whether the expireAt field is set.
public boolean hasExpireAt() {
return expireAt_ != null;
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* .google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_at = 4;
public getExpireAtOrBuilder() {
return expireAt_ == null ? : expireAt_;
public static final int BLOB_DIGEST_FIELD_NUMBER = 5;
private build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest blobDigest_;
* The blob to associate.
* .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest blob_digest = 5;
* @return Whether the blobDigest field is set.
public boolean hasBlobDigest() {
return blobDigest_ != null;
* .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest blob_digest = 5;
public build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.DigestOrBuilder getBlobDigestOrBuilder() {
return blobDigest_ == null ? build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest.getDefaultInstance() : blobDigest_;
public static final int REFERENCES_BLOBS_FIELD_NUMBER = 6;
private java.util.List referencesBlobs_;
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public int getReferencesBlobsCount() {
return referencesBlobs_.size();
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.DigestOrBuilder getReferencesBlobsOrBuilder(
int index) {
return referencesBlobs_.get(index);
public static final int REFERENCES_DIRECTORIES_FIELD_NUMBER = 7;
private java.util.List referencesDirectories_;
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_directories = 7;
public java.util.List getReferencesDirectoriesList() {
return referencesDirectories_;
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_directories = 7;
public java.util.List extends build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.DigestOrBuilder>
getReferencesDirectoriesOrBuilderList() {
return referencesDirectories_;
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_directories = 7;
public int getReferencesDirectoriesCount() {
return referencesDirectories_.size();
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_directories = 7;
public build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest getReferencesDirectories(int index) {
return referencesDirectories_.get(index);
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_directories = 7;
public build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.DigestOrBuilder getReferencesDirectoriesOrBuilder(
int index) {
return referencesDirectories_.get(index);
private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
if (isInitialized == 1) return true;
if (isInitialized == 0) return false;
memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
return true;
public void writeTo( output)
throws {
if (! {, 1, instanceName_);
for (int i = 0; i < uris_.size(); i++) {, 2, uris_.getRaw(i));
for (int i = 0; i < qualifiers_.size(); i++) {
output.writeMessage(3, qualifiers_.get(i));
if (expireAt_ != null) {
output.writeMessage(4, getExpireAt());
if (blobDigest_ != null) {
output.writeMessage(5, getBlobDigest());
for (int i = 0; i < referencesBlobs_.size(); i++) {
output.writeMessage(6, referencesBlobs_.get(i));
for (int i = 0; i < referencesDirectories_.size(); i++) {
output.writeMessage(7, referencesDirectories_.get(i));
public int getSerializedSize() {
int size = memoizedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (! {
size +=, instanceName_);
int dataSize = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < uris_.size(); i++) {
dataSize += computeStringSizeNoTag(uris_.getRaw(i));
size += dataSize;
size += 1 * getUrisList().size();
for (int i = 0; i < qualifiers_.size(); i++) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(3, qualifiers_.get(i));
if (expireAt_ != null) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(4, getExpireAt());
if (blobDigest_ != null) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(5, getBlobDigest());
for (int i = 0; i < referencesBlobs_.size(); i++) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(6, referencesBlobs_.get(i));
for (int i = 0; i < referencesDirectories_.size(); i++) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(7, referencesDirectories_.get(i));
size += getUnknownFields().getSerializedSize();
memoizedSize = size;
return size;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest)) {
return super.equals(obj);
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest other = (build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest) obj;
if (!getInstanceName()
.equals(other.getInstanceName())) return false;
if (!getUrisList()
.equals(other.getUrisList())) return false;
if (!getQualifiersList()
.equals(other.getQualifiersList())) return false;
if (hasExpireAt() != other.hasExpireAt()) return false;
if (hasExpireAt()) {
if (!getExpireAt()
.equals(other.getExpireAt())) return false;
if (hasBlobDigest() != other.hasBlobDigest()) return false;
if (hasBlobDigest()) {
if (!getBlobDigest()
.equals(other.getBlobDigest())) return false;
if (!getReferencesBlobsList()
.equals(other.getReferencesBlobsList())) return false;
if (!getReferencesDirectoriesList()
.equals(other.getReferencesDirectoriesList())) return false;
if (!getUnknownFields().equals(other.getUnknownFields())) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
if (memoizedHashCode != 0) {
return memoizedHashCode;
int hash = 41;
hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode();
hash = (37 * hash) + INSTANCE_NAME_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getInstanceName().hashCode();
if (getUrisCount() > 0) {
hash = (37 * hash) + URIS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getUrisList().hashCode();
if (getQualifiersCount() > 0) {
hash = (37 * hash) + QUALIFIERS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getQualifiersList().hashCode();
if (hasExpireAt()) {
hash = (37 * hash) + EXPIRE_AT_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getExpireAt().hashCode();
if (hasBlobDigest()) {
hash = (37 * hash) + BLOB_DIGEST_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getBlobDigest().hashCode();
if (getReferencesBlobsCount() > 0) {
hash = (53 * hash) + getReferencesBlobsList().hashCode();
if (getReferencesDirectoriesCount() > 0) {
hash = (53 * hash) + getReferencesDirectoriesList().hashCode();
hash = (29 * hash) + getUnknownFields().hashCode();
memoizedHashCode = hash;
return hash;
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom(
java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom(
java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom( data)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom(byte[] data)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom(
byte[] data, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom( input)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseDelimitedFrom( input)
throws {
.parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
.parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom( input)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder();
public static Builder newBuilder(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest prototype) {
return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
public Builder toBuilder() {
return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE
? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this);
protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) {
Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
return builder;
* A request message for
* [Push.PushBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Push.PushBlob].
* Protobuf type {@code build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest}
public static final class Builder extends implements
// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_implements:build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest)
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequestOrBuilder {
public static final
getDescriptor() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.RemoteAssetProto.internal_static_build_bazel_remote_asset_v1_PushBlobRequest_descriptor;
internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.RemoteAssetProto.internal_static_build_bazel_remote_asset_v1_PushBlobRequest_fieldAccessorTable
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.class, build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.Builder.class);
// Construct using build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.newBuilder()
private Builder() {
private Builder( parent) {
public Builder clear() {
bitField0_ = 0;
instanceName_ = "";
uris_ =;
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
qualifiers_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
} else {
qualifiers_ = null;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
expireAt_ = null;
if (expireAtBuilder_ != null) {
expireAtBuilder_ = null;
blobDigest_ = null;
if (blobDigestBuilder_ != null) {
blobDigestBuilder_ = null;
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
referencesBlobs_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
} else {
referencesBlobs_ = null;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
if (referencesDirectoriesBuilder_ == null) {
referencesDirectories_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
} else {
referencesDirectories_ = null;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
return this;
getDescriptorForType() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.RemoteAssetProto.internal_static_build_bazel_remote_asset_v1_PushBlobRequest_descriptor;
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest getDefaultInstanceForType() {
return build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.getDefaultInstance();
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest build() {
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest result = buildPartial();
if (!result.isInitialized()) {
throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
return result;
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest buildPartial() {
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest result = new build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest(this);
if (bitField0_ != 0) { buildPartial0(result); }
return result;
private void buildPartialRepeatedFields(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest result) {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
qualifiers_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(qualifiers_);
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
result.qualifiers_ = qualifiers_;
} else {
result.qualifiers_ =;
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0)) {
referencesBlobs_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(referencesBlobs_);
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
result.referencesBlobs_ = referencesBlobs_;
} else {
result.referencesBlobs_ =;
if (referencesDirectoriesBuilder_ == null) {
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0)) {
referencesDirectories_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(referencesDirectories_);
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
result.referencesDirectories_ = referencesDirectories_;
} else {
result.referencesDirectories_ =;
private void buildPartial0(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest result) {
int from_bitField0_ = bitField0_;
if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
result.instanceName_ = instanceName_;
if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) {
result.uris_ = uris_;
if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) {
result.expireAt_ = expireAtBuilder_ == null
? expireAt_
if (((from_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) {
result.blobDigest_ = blobDigestBuilder_ == null
? blobDigest_
public Builder mergeFrom( other) {
if (other instanceof build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest) {
return mergeFrom((build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest)other);
} else {
return this;
public Builder mergeFrom(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest other) {
if (other == build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.PushBlobRequest.getDefaultInstance()) return this;
if (!other.getInstanceName().isEmpty()) {
instanceName_ = other.instanceName_;
bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
if (!other.uris_.isEmpty()) {
if (uris_.isEmpty()) {
uris_ = other.uris_;
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
} else {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
if (!other.qualifiers_.isEmpty()) {
if (qualifiers_.isEmpty()) {
qualifiers_ = other.qualifiers_;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
} else {
} else {
if (!other.qualifiers_.isEmpty()) {
if (qualifiersBuilder_.isEmpty()) {
qualifiersBuilder_ = null;
qualifiers_ = other.qualifiers_;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000004);
qualifiersBuilder_ = ?
getQualifiersFieldBuilder() : null;
} else {
if (other.hasExpireAt()) {
if (other.hasBlobDigest()) {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
if (!other.referencesBlobs_.isEmpty()) {
if (referencesBlobs_.isEmpty()) {
referencesBlobs_ = other.referencesBlobs_;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
} else {
} else {
if (!other.referencesBlobs_.isEmpty()) {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_.isEmpty()) {
referencesBlobsBuilder_ = null;
referencesBlobs_ = other.referencesBlobs_;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
referencesBlobsBuilder_ = ?
getReferencesBlobsFieldBuilder() : null;
} else {
if (referencesDirectoriesBuilder_ == null) {
if (!other.referencesDirectories_.isEmpty()) {
if (referencesDirectories_.isEmpty()) {
referencesDirectories_ = other.referencesDirectories_;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
} else {
} else {
if (!other.referencesDirectories_.isEmpty()) {
if (referencesDirectoriesBuilder_.isEmpty()) {
referencesDirectoriesBuilder_ = null;
referencesDirectories_ = other.referencesDirectories_;
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
referencesDirectoriesBuilder_ = ?
getReferencesDirectoriesFieldBuilder() : null;
} else {
return this;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
return true;
public Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
if (extensionRegistry == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException();
try {
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
int tag = input.readTag();
switch (tag) {
case 0:
done = true;
case 10: {
instanceName_ = input.readStringRequireUtf8();
bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
} // case 10
case 18: {
java.lang.String s = input.readStringRequireUtf8();
} // case 18
case 26: {
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier m =
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
} else {
} // case 26
case 34: {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
} // case 34
case 42: {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
} // case 42
case 50: {
build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest m =
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
} else {
} // case 50
case 58: {
build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest m =
if (referencesDirectoriesBuilder_ == null) {
} else {
} // case 58
default: {
if (!super.parseUnknownField(input, extensionRegistry, tag)) {
done = true; // was an endgroup tag
} // default:
} // switch (tag)
} // while (!done)
} catch ( e) {
throw e.unwrapIOException();
} finally {
} // finally
return this;
private int bitField0_;
private java.lang.Object instanceName_ = "";
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* string instance_name = 1;
* @return The bytes for instanceName.
getInstanceNameBytes() {
java.lang.Object ref = instanceName_;
if (ref instanceof String) { b =
(java.lang.String) ref);
instanceName_ = b;
return b;
} else {
return ( ref;
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* string instance_name = 1;
* @param value The instanceName to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setInstanceName(
java.lang.String value) {
if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
instanceName_ = value;
bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
return this;
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* The instance of the execution system to operate against. A server may
* support multiple instances of the execution system (with their own workers,
* storage, caches, etc.). The server MAY require use of this field to select
* between them in an implementation-defined fashion, otherwise it can be
* omitted.
* string instance_name = 1;
* @param value The bytes for instanceName to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setInstanceNameBytes( value) {
if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
instanceName_ = value;
bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
return this;
private uris_ =;
private void ensureUrisIsMutable() {
if (!uris_.isModifiable()) {
uris_ = new;
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @return A list containing the uris.
getUrisList() {
return uris_;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @return The count of uris.
public int getUrisCount() {
return uris_.size();
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The uris at the given index.
public java.lang.String getUris(int index) {
return uris_.get(index);
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param index The index of the value to return.
* @return The bytes of the uris at the given index.
getUrisBytes(int index) {
return uris_.getByteString(index);
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param index The index to set the value at.
* @param value The uris to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setUris(
int index, java.lang.String value) {
if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
uris_.set(index, value);
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
return this;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param value The uris to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addUris(
java.lang.String value) {
if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
return this;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param values The uris to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addAllUris(
java.lang.Iterable values) {
values, uris_);
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
return this;
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* The URI(s) of the content to associate. If multiple URIs are specified, the
* pushed content will be available to fetch by specifying any of them.
* repeated string uris = 2;
* @param value The bytes of the uris to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addUrisBytes( value) {
if (value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); }
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
return this;
private java.util.List qualifiers_ =
private void ensureQualifiersIsMutable() {
if (!((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
qualifiers_ = new java.util.ArrayList(qualifiers_);
bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier, build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier.Builder, build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.QualifierOrBuilder> qualifiersBuilder_;
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public int getQualifiersCount() {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
return qualifiers_.size();
} else {
return qualifiersBuilder_.getCount();
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public Builder setQualifiers(
int index, build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier value) {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
qualifiers_.set(index, value);
} else {
qualifiersBuilder_.setMessage(index, value);
return this;
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public Builder addQualifiers(build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier value) {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} else {
return this;
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public Builder addQualifiers(
int index, build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier value) {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
qualifiers_.add(index, value);
} else {
qualifiersBuilder_.addMessage(index, value);
return this;
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier.Builder getQualifiersBuilder(
int index) {
return getQualifiersFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index);
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier qualifiers = 3;
public build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.QualifierOrBuilder getQualifiersOrBuilder(
int index) {
if (qualifiersBuilder_ == null) {
return qualifiers_.get(index); } else {
return qualifiersBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index);
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* Qualifiers sub-specifying the content that is being pushed - see comments
* on [Qualifier][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Qualifier].
* The same qualifiers apply to all URIs.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* .google.protobuf.Timestamp expire_at = 4;
* @return Whether the expireAt field is set.
public boolean hasExpireAt() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0);
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* A time after which this content should stop being returned via [FetchBlob][build.bazel.remote.asset.v1.Fetch.FetchBlob].
* Servers *MAY* expire content early, e.g. due to storage pressure.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public int getReferencesBlobsCount() {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
return referencesBlobs_.size();
} else {
return referencesBlobsBuilder_.getCount();
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public Builder setReferencesBlobs(
int index, build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest value) {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
referencesBlobs_.set(index, value);
} else {
referencesBlobsBuilder_.setMessage(index, value);
return this;
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public Builder addReferencesBlobs(build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest value) {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} else {
return this;
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public Builder addReferencesBlobs(
int index, build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest value) {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
referencesBlobs_.add(index, value);
} else {
referencesBlobsBuilder_.addMessage(index, value);
return this;
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest.Builder getReferencesBlobsBuilder(
int index) {
return getReferencesBlobsFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index);
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* repeated .build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.Digest references_blobs = 6;
public build.bazel.remote.execution.v2.DigestOrBuilder getReferencesBlobsOrBuilder(
int index) {
if (referencesBlobsBuilder_ == null) {
return referencesBlobs_.get(index); } else {
return referencesBlobsBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index);
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.
* Referenced blobs or directories that need to not expire before expiration
* of this association, in addition to `blob_digest` itself.
* These fields are hints - clients *MAY* omit them, and servers *SHOULD*
* respect them, at the risk of increased incidents of Fetch responses
* indirectly referencing unavailable blobs.