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* Copyright 2024 circe
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package io.circe.pointer
import cats.kernel.Hash
import io.circe.ACursor
import io.circe.Encoder
import io.circe.Json
* Represents a JSON Pointer that may be either absolute or relative.
sealed abstract class Pointer extends (ACursor => ACursor) {
* Attempt to get the value at the location pointed to, returning the history if it doesn't exist.
final def get(input: Json): Either[PointerFailure, Json] = {
val navigated = apply(input.hcursor)
navigated.focus match {
case Some(value) => Right(value)
case None => Left(PointerFailure(navigated.history))
* Attempt to get the value at the location pointed to.
* @note For absolute pointers this method may be faster than [[get]] or [[apply]], since it does not have to track
* error locations.
def getOption(input: Json): Option[Json]
* Return this pointer as a [[Pointer.Absolute]] if possible.
def asAbsolute: Option[Pointer.Absolute]
* Return this pointer as a [[Pointer.Relative]] if possible.
def asRelative: Option[Pointer.Relative]
object Pointer {
* Parse a string representing a JSON Pointer that may be either absolute or relative.
def parse(input: String): Either[PointerSyntaxError, Pointer] =
if (input.isEmpty) {
} else if (isAsciiDigit(input.charAt(0))) {
} else if (input.charAt(0) == '/') {
} else {
* Parse a string representing an absolute JSON Pointer.
def parseAbsolute(input: String): Either[PointerSyntaxError, Absolute] =
if (input.isEmpty) {
} else if (input.charAt(0) == '/') {
} else {
* Parse a string representing a relative JSON Pointer.
def parseRelative(input: String): Either[PointerSyntaxError, Relative] = {
val digits = digitPrefixLength(input)
if (digits == -1) {
// There was a leading zero.
} else if (digits == 0) {
} else if (digits > maxIntegerDigits) {
} else {
val distance = Integer.parseInt(input.substring(0, digits))
if (input.length == digits) {
Right(new RelativePointer(distance, Empty))
} else {
val c = input.charAt(digits)
if (c == '/') {
parseAbsoluteUnsafe(input.substring(digits)).map(new RelativePointer(distance, _))
} else if (c == '#') {
if (input.length == digits + 1) {
Right(new LocationLookupPointer(distance))
} else {
Left(PointerSyntaxError(digits + 1, "end of input"))
} else {
Left(PointerSyntaxError(digits, "JSON Pointer or #"))
* Represents a relative JSON Pointer.
sealed abstract class Relative extends Pointer {
def evaluate(c: ACursor): Either[PointerFailure, Relative.Result]
def distance: Int
def remainder: Option[Absolute]
final def asAbsolute: Option[Pointer.Absolute] = None
final def asRelative: Option[Pointer.Relative] = Some(this)
protected[this] def navigateUp(c: ACursor, distance: Int): ACursor = {
var current: ACursor = c
var i = 0
while (i < distance) {
current = current.up
i += 1
object Relative {
* Represents the result of evaluating a relative JSON Pointer, which may be either a value or a location.
sealed abstract class Result
object Result {
case class Json(value: io.circe.Json) extends Result
case class Key(value: String) extends Result
case class Index(value: Int) extends Result
implicit val hashResult: Hash[Result] = Hash.fromUniversalHashCode
implicit val encodeResult: Encoder[Result] = new Encoder[Result] {
def apply(result: Result): io.circe.Json = result match {
case Json(value) => value
case Key(value) => io.circe.Json.fromString(value)
case Index(value) => io.circe.Json.fromInt(value)
implicit val hashPointer: Hash[Pointer] = Hash.fromUniversalHashCode
private[this] val Empty = new Absolute(Array.empty, Array.empty)
* Represents an absolute JSON Pointer.
final class Absolute private[Pointer] (private val tokenArray: Array[String], asIndexArray: Array[Int])
extends Pointer {
def asAbsolute: Option[Pointer.Absolute] = Some(this)
def asRelative: Option[Pointer.Relative] = None
def apply(c: ACursor): ACursor = navigate(c, true)
private[Pointer] def navigate(c: ACursor, resetToRoot: Boolean): ACursor = {
var current: ACursor = if (resetToRoot) c.root else c
var i = 0
while (i < tokenArray.length) {
val key = tokenArray(i)
val asIndex = asIndexArray(i)
if (asIndex != -1) {
current.values match {
case Some(values) =>
if (key == "-") {
current = current.downN(values.size)
} else {
current = current.downN(asIndex)
case None =>
current = current.downField(key)
} else {
current = current.downField(key)
i += 1
def getOption(input: Json): Option[Json] = {
var current: Json = input
var i = 0
while (i < tokenArray.length && {
val key = tokenArray(i)
val asIndex = asIndexArray(i)
current = if (asIndex > -1) {
current.asArray match {
case Some(values) =>
if (key == "-" || values.size <= asIndex) {
} else {
case None => current.asObject.flatMap(_(key)).orNull
} else {
i += 1
if ( Some(current) else None
def tokens: Vector[String] = new scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray.ofRef(tokenArray).toVector
override def toString(): String = if (tokenArray.length == 0) {
} else {"~", "~0").replaceAll("/", "~1")).mkString("/", "/", "")
override def hashCode(): Int = java.util.Arrays.hashCode(tokenArray.asInstanceOf[Array[Object]])
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that.isInstanceOf[Absolute] && {
private[this] final class LocationLookupPointer(val distance: Int) extends Relative {
def apply(c: ACursor): ACursor = navigateUp(c, distance)
def remainder: Option[Absolute] = None
def evaluate(c: ACursor): Either[PointerFailure, Relative.Result] = {
val navigated = apply(c)
navigated.index match {
case Some(index) => Right(Relative.Result.Index(index))
case None =>
navigated.key match {
case Some(key) => Right(Relative.Result.Key(key))
case None => Left(PointerFailure(navigated.history))
def getOption(input: Json): Option[Json] = if (distance == 0) {
} else {
override def toString(): String = s"$distance#"
override def hashCode(): Int = distance
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that.isInstanceOf[LocationLookupPointer] && that.asInstanceOf[LocationLookupPointer].distance == distance
private[this] final class RelativePointer(val distance: Int, protected val pointer: Absolute) extends Relative {
def apply(c: ACursor): ACursor = pointer.navigate(navigateUp(c, distance), false)
def remainder: Option[Absolute] = Some(pointer)
def evaluate(c: ACursor): Either[PointerFailure, Relative.Result] = {
val navigated = apply(c)
navigated.focus match {
case Some(value) => Right(Relative.Result.Json(value))
case None => Left(PointerFailure(navigated.history))
def getOption(input: Json): Option[Json] = if (distance == 0) {
} else {
override def toString(): String = s"$distance$pointer"
override def hashCode(): Int = distance + pointer.hashCode
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean =
that.isInstanceOf[RelativePointer] && {
val other = that.asInstanceOf[RelativePointer]
other.distance == distance && other.pointer == pointer
private[this] val maxIntegerDigits: Int = 9
private[this] val notRootError: Either[PointerSyntaxError, Absolute] =
Left(PointerSyntaxError(0, "/"))
private[this] val notDigitError: Either[PointerSyntaxError, Relative] =
Left(PointerSyntaxError(0, "digit"))
private[this] val notDigitOrRootError: Either[PointerSyntaxError, Pointer] =
Left(PointerSyntaxError(0, "/ or digit"))
private[this] val leadingZeroError: Either[PointerSyntaxError, Relative] =
Left(PointerSyntaxError(1, "JSON Pointer or #"))
private[this] val tooManyDigitsError: Either[PointerSyntaxError, Relative] =
Left(PointerSyntaxError(maxIntegerDigits, "JSON Pointer or #"))
private[this] def isAsciiDigit(c: Char): Boolean = c >= '0' && c <= '9'
// Returns -1 to indicate a leading zero.
private[this] def digitPrefixLength(input: String): Int = {
val length = input.length
var i = 0
if (length > 0) {
if (input.charAt(i) == '0') {
if (length == 1 || !isAsciiDigit(input.charAt(i + 1))) {
} else {
} else {
while ((i < length) && isAsciiDigit(input.charAt(i))) {
i += 1
} else {
// Assumes that the input starts with '/'.
private[this] def parseAbsoluteUnsafe(input: String): Either[PointerSyntaxError, Absolute] = {
var parts = input.split("/", -1)
if (parts.length == 0) {
parts = Array("/", "")
var pos = 1
var i = 1
val tokenArray = new Array[String](parts.length - 1)
val asIndexArray = new Array[Int](parts.length - 1)
while (i < parts.length) {
val part = parts(i)
val digits = digitPrefixLength(parts(i))
if (digits == part.length && digits <= maxIntegerDigits && !part.isEmpty) {
tokenArray(i - 1) = part
asIndexArray(i - 1) = Integer.parseInt(part)
} else {
var previousEscapeEnd = 0
var currentTildeIndex = part.indexOf('~')
if (currentTildeIndex == -1) {
tokenArray(i - 1) = part
asIndexArray(i - 1) = -1
} else {
val builder = new StringBuilder()
while (currentTildeIndex != -1) {
if (part.length > currentTildeIndex + 1) {
builder.append(part.substring(previousEscapeEnd, currentTildeIndex))
val next = part.charAt(currentTildeIndex + 1)
if (next == '0') {
} else if (next == '1') {
} else {
return Left(PointerSyntaxError(pos + currentTildeIndex + 1, "0 or 1"))
} else {
return Left(PointerSyntaxError(pos + currentTildeIndex, "token character"))
previousEscapeEnd = currentTildeIndex + 2
currentTildeIndex = part.indexOf('~', previousEscapeEnd)
tokenArray(i - 1) = builder.toString
asIndexArray(i - 1) = -1
pos += part.length + 1
i += 1
Right(new Absolute(tokenArray, asIndexArray))