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* Copyright Debezium Authors.
* Licensed under the Apache Software License version 2.0, available at
package io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.RetrievalCriteria.JournalCode;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.RetrievalCriteria.JournalEntryType;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.exception.InvalidJournalFilterException;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.exception.InvalidPositionException;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.rjne0200.EntryHeader;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.rjne0200.EntryHeaderDecoder;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.rjne0200.FirstHeader;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.rjne0200.FirstHeaderDecoder;
import io.debezium.ibmi.db2.journal.retrieve.rjne0200.OffsetStatus;
* based on the work of Stanley Vong see
public class RetrieveJournal {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RetrieveJournal.class);
private static final JournalCode[] REQUIRED_JOURNAL_CODES = new JournalCode[]{ JournalCode.D, JournalCode.R,
JournalCode.C };
private static final JournalEntryType[] REQURED_ENTRY_TYPES = new JournalEntryType[]{ JournalEntryType.PT,
JournalEntryType.PX, JournalEntryType.UP, JournalEntryType.UB, JournalEntryType.DL, JournalEntryType.DR,
JournalEntryType.CT, JournalEntryType.CG, JournalEntryType.SC, JournalEntryType.CM };
private static final FirstHeaderDecoder firstHeaderDecoder = new FirstHeaderDecoder();
private static final EntryHeaderDecoder entryHeaderDecoder = new EntryHeaderDecoder();
private final SimpleDateFormat dateFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd-hhmm");
private final ReceiverPagination journalReceivers;
private final ParameterListBuilder builder = new ParameterListBuilder();
RetrieveConfig config;
private byte[] outputData = null;
private FirstHeader header = null;
private EntryHeader entryHeader = null;
private int offset = -1;
private JournalProcessedPosition position;
private long totalTransferred = 0;
public RetrieveJournal(RetrieveConfig config, JournalInfoRetrieval journalRetrieval) {
this.config = config;
journalReceivers = new ReceiverPagination(journalRetrieval, config.maxServerSideEntries(), config.journalInfo());
builder.withJournal(config.journalInfo().journalName(), config.journalInfo().journalLibrary());
* retrieves a block of journal data
* @param previousPosition
* @return true if the journal was read successfully false if there was some
* problem reading the journal
* @throws Exception
* CURAVLCHN - returns only available journals CURCHAIN will
* work though journals that have happened but may no longer
* be available if the journal is no longer available we need
* to capture this and log an error as we may have missed data
public boolean retrieveJournal(JournalProcessedPosition previousPosition) throws Exception {
final PositionRange range = journalReceivers.findRange(config.as400().connection(), previousPosition);
return retrieveJournal(previousPosition, range);
public boolean retrieveJournal(JournalProcessedPosition previousPosition, final PositionRange range)
throws Exception {
this.offset = -1;
this.entryHeader = null;
this.position = new JournalProcessedPosition(previousPosition);
// will return data for both first entry and last entry
// but call fails if start == end
if (range.startEqualsEnd()) {
this.header = new FirstHeader(0, 0, 0, OffsetStatus.NOT_CALLED,
new JournalProcessedPosition(range.end(), Instant.EPOCH, true));
log.debug("start equals end - range {}", range);
return true;
// TODO end could be optional for filtering or use same mechanism as non
// filtering?
final JournalProcessedPosition end = new JournalProcessedPosition(range.end(), Instant.EPOCH, true);
final ServiceProgramCall spc = new ServiceProgramCall(config.as400().connection());
if (config.filtering() && !config.includeFiles().isEmpty()) {
final ProgramParameter[] parameters =;
spc.setProgram(JournalInfoRetrieval.JOURNAL_SERVICE_LIB, parameters);
final boolean success =;
if (success) {
outputData = parameters[0].getOutputData();
header = firstHeaderDecoder.decode(outputData, end);
totalTransferred += header.totalBytes();
log.debug("retrieve from {} to {} header {}", range.start(), range.end(), header);
offset = -1;
if (header.status() == OffsetStatus.MORE_DATA_NEW_OFFSET && header.offset() == 0) {
log.error("buffer too small need to skip this entry {}", previousPosition);
if (!hasData()) {
else {
log.debug("retrieve from {} to {} status {}", range.start(), range.end(), success);
return reThrowIfFatal(previousPosition, spc, end, builder);
return success;
private boolean reThrowIfFatal(JournalProcessedPosition retrievePosition, final ServiceProgramCall spc,
JournalProcessedPosition latestJournalPosition, final ParameterListBuilder builder)
throws InvalidPositionException, InvalidJournalFilterException, RetrieveJournalException {
for (final AS400Message id : spc.getMessageList()) {
final String idt = id.getID();
if (idt == null) {
log.error("Call failed position {} parameters {} no Id, message: {}", retrievePosition, builder, id.getText());
switch (idt) {
case "CPF7053": { // sequence number does not exist or break in receivers
throw new InvalidPositionException(
String.format("Call failed position %s parameters %s failed to find sequence or break in receivers: %s",
retrievePosition, builder, getFullAS400MessageText(id)));
case "CPF9801": { // specify invalid receiver
throw new InvalidPositionException(String.format("Call failed position %s parameters %s failed to find receiver: %s",
retrievePosition, builder, getFullAS400MessageText(id)));
case "CPF7054": { // e.g. last < first
throw new InvalidPositionException(
String.format("Call failed position %s parameters %s failed to find offset or invalid offsets: %s",
retrievePosition, builder, id.getText()));
case "CPF7060": { // object in filter doesn't exist, or was not journaled
throw new InvalidJournalFilterException(
String.format("Call failed position %s parameters %s object not found or not journaled: %s", retrievePosition, builder,
case "CPF7062": {
log.debug("Normal when filtering, call failed position {} parameters {} no data received: {}", retrievePosition, builder,
// if we're filtering we get no continuation offset just an error
header = new FirstHeader(0, 0, 0, OffsetStatus.NO_DATA, latestJournalPosition);
return true;
log.error("Call failed position {} parameters {} with error code {} message {}", retrievePosition, idt,
builder, getFullAS400MessageText(id));
throw new RetrieveJournalException(String.format("Call failed position %s", retrievePosition));
boolean shouldLimitRange() {
return config.filtering();
private String getFullAS400MessageText(AS400Message message) {
try {
return String.format("%s %s", message.getText(), message.getHelp());
catch (final Exception e) {
return message.getText();
* @return the current position or the next offset for fetching data when the
* end of data is reached
public JournalProcessedPosition getPosition() {
return position;
public void setOutputData(byte[] b, FirstHeader header, JournalProcessedPosition position) {
outputData = b;
this.header = header;
this.position = position;
// test without moving on
public boolean hasData() {
if (header.status() == OffsetStatus.NO_DATA) {
return false;
if (offset < 0 && header.size() > 0) {
return true;
return (offset > 0 && entryHeader.getNextEntryOffset() > 0);
public boolean futureDataAvailable() {
return (header.hasFutureDataAvailable());
public boolean nextEntry() {
if (offset < 0) {
if (header.size() > 0) {
offset = header.offset();
entryHeader = entryHeaderDecoder.decode(outputData, offset);
if (alreadyProcessed(position, entryHeader)) {
log.debug("skipping already seen entry {} {}", position, entryHeader);
return nextEntry();
updatePosition(position, entryHeader);
return true;
else {
return false;
else {
final long nextOffset = entryHeader.getNextEntryOffset();
if (nextOffset > 0) {
offset += (int) nextOffset;
entryHeader = entryHeaderDecoder.decode(outputData, offset);
updatePosition(position, entryHeader);
return true;
return false;
private void updateOffsetFromContinuation() {
// after we hit the end use the continuation header for the next offset
final JournalProcessedPosition nextOffset = header.nextPosition();
log.debug("Setting continuation offset {}", nextOffset);
static boolean alreadyProcessed(JournalProcessedPosition position, EntryHeader entryHeader) {
return position.processed() && position.getOffset().equals(entryHeader.getSequenceNumber()) && (!entryHeader.hasReceiver() ||
(entryHeader.getReceiverLibrary().equals(position.getReceiver().library()) && entryHeader.getReceiver().equals(position.getReceiver().name())));
private static void updatePosition(JournalProcessedPosition p, EntryHeader entryHeader) {
if (entryHeader.hasReceiver()) {
log.debug("offset with receiver {}", entryHeader.getReceiver());
p.setJournalReceiver(entryHeader.getSequenceNumber(), entryHeader.getReceiver(),
entryHeader.getReceiverLibrary(), entryHeader.getTime(), true);
else {
// this happens a lot
log.debug("offset no receiver {}", entryHeader);
p.setOffset(entryHeader.getSequenceNumber(), entryHeader.getTime(), true);
public EntryHeader getEntryHeader() {
return entryHeader;
public void dumpEntry() {
final int start = offset + entryHeader.getEntrySpecificDataOffset();
final long end = entryHeader.getNextEntryOffset();
log.debug("total offset {} entry specific offset {} next offset {}", start, entryHeader.getEntrySpecificDataOffset(), end);
public int getOffset() {
return offset;
public T decode(JournalEntryDeocder decoder) throws Exception {
// Diagnostics.dump(outputData, start);
try {
final T t = decoder.decode(entryHeader, outputData, offset);
return t;
catch (final Exception e) {
throw e;
public void dumpEntryToFile(File path) {
File dumpFile = null;
if (path != null) {
boolean created = false;
for (int i = 0; !created && i < 100; i++) {
final String formattedDate = dateFormatter.format(new Date());
final File f = new File(path, String.format("%s-%s", formattedDate, Integer.toString(i)));
try {
created = f.createNewFile();
if (created) {
dumpFile = f;
catch (final IOException e) {
log.error("unable to dump to file", e);
if (dumpFile != null) {
try {
final int start = offset;
final int end = outputData.length;
final byte[] bdata = Arrays.copyOfRange(outputData, start, end);
Files.write(dumpFile.toPath(), bdata);
final File entryInfo = new File(dumpFile.getPath() + ".txt");
try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(entryInfo, true);
BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(bw)) {
out.print("dumped: ");
out.println(end - start);
out.print("total length: ");
catch (final IOException e) {
log.error("failed to dump problematic data", e);
else {
log.error("failed to create a dump file");
public FirstHeader getFirstHeader() {
return header;
public long getTotalTransferred() {
return totalTransferred;
public static class RetrieveJournalException extends Exception {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public RetrieveJournalException(String message) {