// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: envoy/data/accesslog/v3alpha/accesslog.proto
package io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha;
public interface ResponseFlagsOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha.ResponseFlags)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* Indicates local server healthcheck failed.
* bool failed_local_healthcheck = 1;
boolean getFailedLocalHealthcheck();
* Indicates there was no healthy upstream.
* bool no_healthy_upstream = 2;
boolean getNoHealthyUpstream();
* Indicates an there was an upstream request timeout.
* bool upstream_request_timeout = 3;
boolean getUpstreamRequestTimeout();
* Indicates local codec level reset was sent on the stream.
* bool local_reset = 4;
boolean getLocalReset();
* Indicates remote codec level reset was received on the stream.
* bool upstream_remote_reset = 5;
boolean getUpstreamRemoteReset();
* Indicates there was a local reset by a connection pool due to an initial connection failure.
* bool upstream_connection_failure = 6;
boolean getUpstreamConnectionFailure();
* Indicates the stream was reset due to an upstream connection termination.
* bool upstream_connection_termination = 7;
boolean getUpstreamConnectionTermination();
* Indicates the stream was reset because of a resource overflow.
* bool upstream_overflow = 8;
boolean getUpstreamOverflow();
* Indicates no route was found for the request.
* bool no_route_found = 9;
boolean getNoRouteFound();
* Indicates that the request was delayed before proxying.
* bool delay_injected = 10;
boolean getDelayInjected();
* Indicates that the request was aborted with an injected error code.
* bool fault_injected = 11;
boolean getFaultInjected();
* Indicates that the request was rate-limited locally.
* bool rate_limited = 12;
boolean getRateLimited();
* Indicates if the request was deemed unauthorized and the reason for it.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha.ResponseFlags.Unauthorized unauthorized_details = 13;
boolean hasUnauthorizedDetails();
* Indicates if the request was deemed unauthorized and the reason for it.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha.ResponseFlags.Unauthorized unauthorized_details = 13;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha.ResponseFlags.Unauthorized getUnauthorizedDetails();
* Indicates if the request was deemed unauthorized and the reason for it.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha.ResponseFlags.Unauthorized unauthorized_details = 13;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3alpha.ResponseFlags.UnauthorizedOrBuilder getUnauthorizedDetailsOrBuilder();
* Indicates that the request was rejected because there was an error in rate limit service.
* bool rate_limit_service_error = 14;
boolean getRateLimitServiceError();
* Indicates the stream was reset due to a downstream connection termination.
* bool downstream_connection_termination = 15;
boolean getDownstreamConnectionTermination();
* Indicates that the upstream retry limit was exceeded, resulting in a downstream error.
* bool upstream_retry_limit_exceeded = 16;
boolean getUpstreamRetryLimitExceeded();
* Indicates that the stream idle timeout was hit, resulting in a downstream 408.
* bool stream_idle_timeout = 17;
boolean getStreamIdleTimeout();
* Indicates that the request was rejected because an envoy request header failed strict
* validation.
* bool invalid_envoy_request_headers = 18;
boolean getInvalidEnvoyRequestHeaders();