// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: opencensus/proto/stats/v1/stats.proto
package io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1;
public interface ViewOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:opencensus.proto.stats.v1.View)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* A string by which the View will be referred to, e.g. "rpc_latency". Names MUST be unique
* within the library.
* string name = 1;
java.lang.String getName();
* A string by which the View will be referred to, e.g. "rpc_latency". Names MUST be unique
* within the library.
* string name = 1;
* Describes the view, e.g. "RPC latency distribution"
* string description = 2;
java.lang.String getDescription();
* Describes the view, e.g. "RPC latency distribution"
* string description = 2;
* The Measure to which this view is applied.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.Measure measure = 3;
boolean hasMeasure();
* The Measure to which this view is applied.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.Measure measure = 3;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.Measure getMeasure();
* The Measure to which this view is applied.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.Measure measure = 3;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.MeasureOrBuilder getMeasureOrBuilder();
* An array of tag keys. These values associated with tags of this name form the basis by which
* individual stats will be aggregated (one aggregation per unique tag value). If none are
* provided, then all data is recorded in a single aggregation.
* repeated string columns = 4;
* An array of tag keys. These values associated with tags of this name form the basis by which
* individual stats will be aggregated (one aggregation per unique tag value). If none are
* provided, then all data is recorded in a single aggregation.
* repeated string columns = 4;
int getColumnsCount();
* An array of tag keys. These values associated with tags of this name form the basis by which
* individual stats will be aggregated (one aggregation per unique tag value). If none are
* provided, then all data is recorded in a single aggregation.
* repeated string columns = 4;
java.lang.String getColumns(int index);
* An array of tag keys. These values associated with tags of this name form the basis by which
* individual stats will be aggregated (one aggregation per unique tag value). If none are
* provided, then all data is recorded in a single aggregation.
* repeated string columns = 4;
getColumnsBytes(int index);
* Counts the number of measurements recorded.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.CountAggregation count_aggregation = 5;
boolean hasCountAggregation();
* Counts the number of measurements recorded.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.CountAggregation count_aggregation = 5;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.CountAggregation getCountAggregation();
* Counts the number of measurements recorded.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.CountAggregation count_aggregation = 5;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.CountAggregationOrBuilder getCountAggregationOrBuilder();
* Indicates that data collected and aggregated with this Aggregation will be summed up.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.SumAggregation sum_aggregation = 6;
boolean hasSumAggregation();
* Indicates that data collected and aggregated with this Aggregation will be summed up.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.SumAggregation sum_aggregation = 6;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.SumAggregation getSumAggregation();
* Indicates that data collected and aggregated with this Aggregation will be summed up.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.SumAggregation sum_aggregation = 6;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.SumAggregationOrBuilder getSumAggregationOrBuilder();
* Indicates that data collected and aggregated with this Aggregation will represent the last
* recorded value. This is useful to support Gauges.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.LastValueAggregation last_value_aggregation = 7;
boolean hasLastValueAggregation();
* Indicates that data collected and aggregated with this Aggregation will represent the last
* recorded value. This is useful to support Gauges.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.LastValueAggregation last_value_aggregation = 7;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.LastValueAggregation getLastValueAggregation();
* Indicates that data collected and aggregated with this Aggregation will represent the last
* recorded value. This is useful to support Gauges.
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.LastValueAggregation last_value_aggregation = 7;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.LastValueAggregationOrBuilder getLastValueAggregationOrBuilder();
* Indicates that the desired Aggregation is a histogram distribution. A distribution
* Aggregation may contain a histogram of the values in the population. User should define the
* bucket boundaries for that histogram (see DistributionAggregation).
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.DistributionAggregation distribution_aggregation = 8;
boolean hasDistributionAggregation();
* Indicates that the desired Aggregation is a histogram distribution. A distribution
* Aggregation may contain a histogram of the values in the population. User should define the
* bucket boundaries for that histogram (see DistributionAggregation).
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.DistributionAggregation distribution_aggregation = 8;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.DistributionAggregation getDistributionAggregation();
* Indicates that the desired Aggregation is a histogram distribution. A distribution
* Aggregation may contain a histogram of the values in the population. User should define the
* bucket boundaries for that histogram (see DistributionAggregation).
* .opencensus.proto.stats.v1.DistributionAggregation distribution_aggregation = 8;
io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.DistributionAggregationOrBuilder getDistributionAggregationOrBuilder();
public io.opencensus.proto.stats.v1.View.AggregationCase getAggregationCase();