xds.core.v3.resource_locator.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
syntax = "proto3";
package xds.core.v3;
import "xds/annotations/v3/status.proto";
import "xds/core/v3/context_params.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "ResourceLocatorProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.github.xds.core.v3";
option go_package = "github.com/cncf/xds/go/xds/core/v3";
option (xds.annotations.v3.file_status).work_in_progress = true;
// xDS resource locators identify a xDS resource name and instruct the
// data-plane load balancer on how the resource may be located.
// Resource locators have a canonical xdstp:// URI representation:
// xdstp://{authority}/{type_url}/{id}?{context_params}{#directive,*}
// where context_params take the form of URI query parameters.
// Resource locators have a similar canonical http:// URI representation:
// http://{authority}/{type_url}/{id}?{context_params}{#directive,*}
// Resource locators also have a simplified file:// URI representation:
// file:///{id}{#directive,*}
message ResourceLocator {
enum Scheme {
XDSTP = 0;
HTTP = 1;
FILE = 2;
// URI scheme.
Scheme scheme = 1 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Opaque identifier for the resource. Any '/' will not be escaped during URI
// encoding and will form part of the URI path. This may end
// with ‘*’ for glob collection references.
string id = 2;
// Logical authority for resource (not necessarily transport network address).
// Authorities are opaque in the xDS API, data-plane load balancers will map
// them to concrete network transports such as an xDS management server, e.g.
// via envoy.config.core.v3.ConfigSource.
string authority = 3;
// Fully qualified resource type (as in type URL without types.googleapis.com/
// prefix).
string resource_type = 4 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
oneof context_param_specifier {
// Additional parameters that can be used to select resource variants.
// Matches must be exact, i.e. all context parameters must match exactly and
// there must be no additional context parameters set on the matched
// resource.
ContextParams exact_context = 5;
// .. space reserved for future potential matchers, e.g. CEL expressions.
// Directives provide information to data-plane load balancers on how xDS
// resource names are to be interpreted and potentially further resolved. For
// example, they may provide alternative resource locators for when primary
// resolution fails. Directives are not part of resource names and do not
// appear in a xDS transport discovery request.
// When encoding to URIs, directives take the form:
// =
// For example, we can have alt=xdstp://foo/bar or entry=some%20thing. Each
// directive value type may have its own string encoding, in the case of
// ResourceLocator there is a recursive URI encoding.
// Percent encoding applies to the URI encoding of the directive value.
// Multiple directives are comma-separated, so the reserved characters that
// require percent encoding in a directive value are [',', '#', '[', ']',
// '%']. These are the RFC3986 fragment reserved characters with the addition
// of the xDS scheme specific ','. See
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#page-49 for further details on URI ABNF
// and reserved characters.
message Directive {
oneof directive {
option (validate.required) = true;
// An alternative resource locator for fallback if the resource is
// unavailable. For example, take the resource locator:
// xdstp://foo/some-type/some-route-table#alt=xdstp://bar/some-type/another-route-table
// If the data-plane load balancer is unable to reach `foo` to fetch the
// resource, it will fallback to `bar`. Alternative resources do not need
// to have equivalent content, but they should be functional substitutes.
ResourceLocator alt = 1;
// List collections support inlining of resources via the entry field in
// Resource. These inlined Resource objects may have an optional name
// field specified. When specified, the entry directive allows
// ResourceLocator to directly reference these inlined resources, e.g.
// xdstp://.../foo#entry=bar.
string entry = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1, pattern: "^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-\\./~:]+$"}];
// A list of directives that appear in the xDS resource locator #fragment.
// When encoding to URI form, directives are percent encoded with comma
// separation.
repeated Directive directives = 6;