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syntax = "proto3";
package envoy.config.core.v3;
import "envoy/config/core/v3/base.proto";
import "envoy/config/core/v3/extension.proto";
import "envoy/config/core/v3/grpc_service.proto";
import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
import "xds/core/v3/authority.proto";
import "envoy/annotations/deprecation.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "udpa/annotations/versioning.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";
option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.config.core.v3";
option java_outer_classname = "ConfigSourceProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option go_package = ";corev3";
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;
// [#protodoc-title: Configuration sources]
// xDS API and non-xDS services version. This is used to describe both resource and transport
// protocol versions (in distinct configuration fields).
enum ApiVersion {
// When not specified, we assume v2, to ease migration to Envoy's stable API
// versioning. If a client does not support v2 (e.g. due to deprecation), this
// is an invalid value.
AUTO = 0 [deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.deprecated_at_minor_version_enum) = "3.0"];
// Use xDS v2 API.
V2 = 1 [deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.deprecated_at_minor_version_enum) = "3.0"];
// Use xDS v3 API.
V3 = 2;
// API configuration source. This identifies the API type and cluster that Envoy
// will use to fetch an xDS API.
// [#next-free-field: 10]
message ApiConfigSource {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "envoy.api.v2.core.ApiConfigSource";
// APIs may be fetched via either REST or gRPC.
enum ApiType {
// Ideally this would be 'reserved 0' but one can't reserve the default
// value. Instead we throw an exception if this is ever used.
[deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.disallowed_by_default_enum) = true];
// REST-JSON v2 API. The `canonical JSON encoding
// `_ for
// the v2 protos is used.
REST = 1;
// SotW gRPC service.
GRPC = 2;
// Using the delta xDS gRPC service, i.e. DeltaDiscovery{Request,Response}
// rather than Discovery{Request,Response}. Rather than sending Envoy the entire state
// with every update, the xDS server only sends what has changed since the last update.
// SotW xDS gRPC with ADS. All resources which resolve to this configuration source will be
// multiplexed on a single connection to an ADS endpoint.
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Delta xDS gRPC with ADS. All resources which resolve to this configuration source will be
// multiplexed on a single connection to an ADS endpoint.
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// API type (gRPC, REST, delta gRPC)
ApiType api_type = 1 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// API version for xDS transport protocol. This describes the xDS gRPC/REST
// endpoint and version of [Delta]DiscoveryRequest/Response used on the wire.
ApiVersion transport_api_version = 8 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Cluster names should be used only with REST. If > 1
// cluster is defined, clusters will be cycled through if any kind of failure
// occurs.
// .. note::
// The cluster with name ``cluster_name`` must be statically defined and its
// type must not be ``EDS``.
repeated string cluster_names = 2;
// Multiple gRPC services be provided for GRPC. If > 1 cluster is defined,
// services will be cycled through if any kind of failure occurs.
repeated GrpcService grpc_services = 4;
// For REST APIs, the delay between successive polls.
google.protobuf.Duration refresh_delay = 3;
// For REST APIs, the request timeout. If not set, a default value of 1s will be used.
google.protobuf.Duration request_timeout = 5 [(validate.rules).duration = {gt {}}];
// For GRPC APIs, the rate limit settings. If present, discovery requests made by Envoy will be
// rate limited.
RateLimitSettings rate_limit_settings = 6;
// Skip the node identifier in subsequent discovery requests for streaming gRPC config types.
bool set_node_on_first_message_only = 7;
// A list of config validators that will be executed when a new update is
// received from the ApiConfigSource. Note that each validator handles a
// specific xDS service type, and only the validators corresponding to the
// type url (in ``:ref: DiscoveryResponse`` or ``:ref: DeltaDiscoveryResponse``)
// will be invoked.
// If the validator returns false or throws an exception, the config will be rejected by
// the client, and a NACK will be sent.
// [#extension-category: envoy.config.validators]
repeated TypedExtensionConfig config_validators = 9;
// Aggregated Discovery Service (ADS) options. This is currently empty, but when
// set in :ref:`ConfigSource ` can be used to
// specify that ADS is to be used.
message AggregatedConfigSource {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Self-referencing config source options. This is currently empty, but when
// set in :ref:`ConfigSource ` can be used to
// specify that other data can be obtained from the same server.
message SelfConfigSource {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "envoy.api.v2.core.SelfConfigSource";
// API version for xDS transport protocol. This describes the xDS gRPC/REST
// endpoint and version of [Delta]DiscoveryRequest/Response used on the wire.
ApiVersion transport_api_version = 1 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Rate Limit settings to be applied for discovery requests made by Envoy.
message RateLimitSettings {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type =
// Maximum number of tokens to be used for rate limiting discovery request calls. If not set, a
// default value of 100 will be used.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value max_tokens = 1;
// Rate at which tokens will be filled per second. If not set, a default fill rate of 10 tokens
// per second will be used.
google.protobuf.DoubleValue fill_rate = 2 [(validate.rules).double = {gt: 0.0}];
// Local filesystem path configuration source.
message PathConfigSource {
// Path on the filesystem to source and watch for configuration updates.
// When sourcing configuration for a :ref:`secret `,
// the certificate and key files are also watched for updates.
// .. note::
// The path to the source must exist at config load time.
// .. note::
// If ``watched_directory`` is *not* configured, Envoy will watch the file path for *moves*.
// This is because in general only moves are atomic. The same method of swapping files as is
// demonstrated in the :ref:`runtime documentation ` can be
// used here also. If ``watched_directory`` is configured, no watch will be placed directly on
// this path. Instead, the configured ``watched_directory`` will be used to trigger reloads of
// this path. This is required in certain deployment scenarios. See below for more information.
string path = 1 [(validate.rules).string = {min_len: 1}];
// If configured, this directory will be watched for *moves*. When an entry in this directory is
// moved to, the ``path`` will be reloaded. This is required in certain deployment scenarios.
// Specifically, if trying to load an xDS resource using a
// `Kubernetes ConfigMap `_, the
// following configuration might be used:
// 1. Store xds.yaml inside a ConfigMap.
// 2. Mount the ConfigMap to ``/config_map/xds``
// 3. Configure path ``/config_map/xds/xds.yaml``
// 4. Configure watched directory ``/config_map/xds``
// The above configuration will ensure that Envoy watches the owning directory for moves which is
// required due to how Kubernetes manages ConfigMap symbolic links during atomic updates.
WatchedDirectory watched_directory = 2;
// Configuration for :ref:`listeners `, :ref:`clusters
// `, :ref:`routes
// `, :ref:`endpoints
// ` etc. may either be sourced from the
// filesystem or from an xDS API source. Filesystem configs are watched with
// inotify for updates.
// [#next-free-field: 9]
message ConfigSource {
option (udpa.annotations.versioning).previous_message_type = "envoy.api.v2.core.ConfigSource";
// Authorities that this config source may be used for. An authority specified in a xdstp:// URL
// is resolved to a ``ConfigSource`` prior to configuration fetch. This field provides the
// association between authority name and configuration source.
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
repeated xds.core.v3.Authority authorities = 7;
oneof config_source_specifier {
option (validate.required) = true;
// Deprecated in favor of ``path_config_source``. Use that field instead.
string path = 1 [deprecated = true, (envoy.annotations.deprecated_at_minor_version) = "3.0"];
// Local filesystem path configuration source.
PathConfigSource path_config_source = 8;
// API configuration source.
ApiConfigSource api_config_source = 2;
// When set, ADS will be used to fetch resources. The ADS API configuration
// source in the bootstrap configuration is used.
AggregatedConfigSource ads = 3;
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// When set, the client will access the resources from the same server it got the
// ConfigSource from, although not necessarily from the same stream. This is similar to the
// :ref:`ads` field, except that the client may use a
// different stream to the same server. As a result, this field can be used for things
// like LRS that cannot be sent on an ADS stream. It can also be used to link from (e.g.)
// LDS to RDS on the same server without requiring the management server to know its name
// or required credentials.
// [#next-major-version: In xDS v3, consider replacing the ads field with this one, since
// this field can implicitly mean to use the same stream in the case where the ConfigSource
// is provided via ADS and the specified data can also be obtained via ADS.]
SelfConfigSource self = 5;
// When this timeout is specified, Envoy will wait no longer than the specified time for first
// config response on this xDS subscription during the :ref:`initialization process
// `. After reaching the timeout, Envoy will move to the next
// initialization phase, even if the first config is not delivered yet. The timer is activated
// when the xDS API subscription starts, and is disarmed on first config update or on error. 0
// means no timeout - Envoy will wait indefinitely for the first xDS config (unless another
// timeout applies). The default is 15s.
google.protobuf.Duration initial_fetch_timeout = 4;
// API version for xDS resources. This implies the type URLs that the client
// will request for resources and the resource type that the client will in
// turn expect to be delivered.
ApiVersion resource_api_version = 6 [(validate.rules).enum = {defined_only: true}];
// Configuration source specifier for a late-bound extension configuration. The
// parent resource is warmed until all the initial extension configurations are
// received, unless the flag to apply the default configuration is set.
// Subsequent extension updates are atomic on a per-worker basis. Once an
// extension configuration is applied to a request or a connection, it remains
// constant for the duration of processing. If the initial delivery of the
// extension configuration fails, due to a timeout for example, the optional
// default configuration is applied. Without a default configuration, the
// extension is disabled, until an extension configuration is received. The
// behavior of a disabled extension depends on the context. For example, a
// filter chain with a disabled extension filter rejects all incoming streams.
message ExtensionConfigSource {
ConfigSource config_source = 1 [(validate.rules).any = {required: true}];
// Optional default configuration to use as the initial configuration if
// there is a failure to receive the initial extension configuration or if
// ``apply_default_config_without_warming`` flag is set.
google.protobuf.Any default_config = 2;
// Use the default config as the initial configuration without warming and
// waiting for the first discovery response. Requires the default configuration
// to be supplied.
bool apply_default_config_without_warming = 3;
// A set of permitted extension type URLs. Extension configuration updates are rejected
// if they do not match any type URL in the set.
repeated string type_urls = 4 [(validate.rules).repeated = {min_items: 1}];