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// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: opentelemetry/proto/metrics/v1/metrics.proto
package io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1;
* HistogramDataPoint is a single data point in a timeseries that describes the
* time-varying values of a Histogram. A Histogram contains summary statistics
* for a population of values, it may optionally contain the distribution of
* those values across a set of buckets.
* If the histogram contains the distribution of values, then both
* "explicit_bounds" and "bucket counts" fields must be defined.
* If the histogram does not contain the distribution of values, then both
* "explicit_bounds" and "bucket_counts" must be omitted and only "count" and
* "sum" are known.
* Protobuf type {@code opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint}
public final class HistogramDataPoint extends implements
// @@protoc_insertion_point(message_implements:opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint)
HistogramDataPointOrBuilder {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
// Use HistogramDataPoint.newBuilder() to construct.
private HistogramDataPoint(> builder) {
private HistogramDataPoint() {
attributes_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
bucketCounts_ = emptyLongList();
explicitBounds_ = emptyDoubleList();
exemplars_ = java.util.Collections.emptyList();
protected java.lang.Object newInstance(
UnusedPrivateParameter unused) {
return new HistogramDataPoint();
public final
getUnknownFields() {
return this.unknownFields;
private HistogramDataPoint( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
if (extensionRegistry == null) {
throw new java.lang.NullPointerException();
int mutable_bitField0_ = 0; unknownFields =;
try {
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
int tag = input.readTag();
switch (tag) {
case 0:
done = true;
case 17: {
startTimeUnixNano_ = input.readFixed64();
case 25: {
timeUnixNano_ = input.readFixed64();
case 33: {
count_ = input.readFixed64();
case 41: {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
sum_ = input.readDouble();
case 49: {
if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
bucketCounts_ = newLongList();
mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
case 50: {
int length = input.readRawVarint32();
int limit = input.pushLimit(length);
if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0) && input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
bucketCounts_ = newLongList();
mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
while (input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
case 57: {
if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) {
explicitBounds_ = newDoubleList();
mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
case 58: {
int length = input.readRawVarint32();
int limit = input.pushLimit(length);
if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0) && input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
explicitBounds_ = newDoubleList();
mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000008;
while (input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
case 66: {
if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) {
exemplars_ = new java.util.ArrayList();
mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000010;
input.readMessage(io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.Exemplar.parser(), extensionRegistry));
case 74: {
if (!((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
attributes_ = new java.util.ArrayList();
mutable_bitField0_ |= 0x00000001;
input.readMessage(io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue.parser(), extensionRegistry));
case 80: {
flags_ = input.readUInt32();
case 89: {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
min_ = input.readDouble();
case 97: {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000004;
max_ = input.readDouble();
default: {
if (!parseUnknownField(
input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag)) {
done = true;
} catch ( e) {
throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this);
} catch ( e) {
throw e.asInvalidProtocolBufferException().setUnfinishedMessage(this);
} catch ( e) {
throw new
} finally {
if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
bucketCounts_.makeImmutable(); // C
if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0)) {
explicitBounds_.makeImmutable(); // C
if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000010) != 0)) {
exemplars_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(exemplars_);
if (((mutable_bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
attributes_ = java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(attributes_);
this.unknownFields =;
public static final
getDescriptor() {
return io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.MetricsProto.internal_static_opentelemetry_proto_metrics_v1_HistogramDataPoint_descriptor;
internalGetFieldAccessorTable() {
return io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.MetricsProto.internal_static_opentelemetry_proto_metrics_v1_HistogramDataPoint_fieldAccessorTable
io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint.class, io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint.Builder.class);
private int bitField0_;
public static final int ATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER = 9;
private java.util.List attributes_;
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public int getAttributesCount() {
return attributes_.size();
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValueOrBuilder getAttributesOrBuilder(
int index) {
return attributes_.get(index);
public static final int START_TIME_UNIX_NANO_FIELD_NUMBER = 2;
private long startTimeUnixNano_;
* StartTimeUnixNano is optional but strongly encouraged, see the
* the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2;
* @return The startTimeUnixNano.
public long getStartTimeUnixNano() {
return startTimeUnixNano_;
public static final int TIME_UNIX_NANO_FIELD_NUMBER = 3;
private long timeUnixNano_;
* TimeUnixNano is required, see the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3;
* @return The timeUnixNano.
public long getTimeUnixNano() {
return timeUnixNano_;
public static final int COUNT_FIELD_NUMBER = 4;
private long count_;
* count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. This
* value must be equal to the sum of the "count" fields in buckets if a
* histogram is provided.
* fixed64 count = 4;
* @return The count.
public long getCount() {
return count_;
public static final int SUM_FIELD_NUMBER = 5;
private double sum_;
* sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field
* must be zero.
* Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete
* events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events.
* Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when
* doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics,
* see:
* optional double sum = 5;
* @return Whether the sum field is set.
public boolean hasSum() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0);
* sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field
* must be zero.
* Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete
* events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events.
* Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when
* doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics,
* see:
* optional double sum = 5;
* @return The sum.
public double getSum() {
return sum_;
public static final int BUCKET_COUNTS_FIELD_NUMBER = 6;
private bucketCounts_;
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @return A list containing the bucketCounts.
public java.util.List
getBucketCountsList() {
return bucketCounts_;
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @return The count of bucketCounts.
public int getBucketCountsCount() {
return bucketCounts_.size();
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The bucketCounts at the given index.
public long getBucketCounts(int index) {
return bucketCounts_.getLong(index);
private int bucketCountsMemoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public static final int EXPLICIT_BOUNDS_FIELD_NUMBER = 7;
private explicitBounds_;
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @return A list containing the explicitBounds.
public java.util.List
getExplicitBoundsList() {
return explicitBounds_;
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @return The count of explicitBounds.
public int getExplicitBoundsCount() {
return explicitBounds_.size();
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The explicitBounds at the given index.
public double getExplicitBounds(int index) {
return explicitBounds_.getDouble(index);
private int explicitBoundsMemoizedSerializedSize = -1;
public static final int EXEMPLARS_FIELD_NUMBER = 8;
private java.util.List exemplars_;
* (Optional) List of exemplars collected from
* measurements that were used to form the data point
* (Optional) List of exemplars collected from
* measurements that were used to form the data point
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.Exemplar exemplars = 8;
public io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.ExemplarOrBuilder getExemplarsOrBuilder(
int index) {
return exemplars_.get(index);
public static final int FLAGS_FIELD_NUMBER = 10;
private int flags_;
* Flags that apply to this specific data point. See DataPointFlags
* for the available flags and their meaning.
* uint32 flags = 10;
* @return The flags.
public int getFlags() {
return flags_;
public static final int MIN_FIELD_NUMBER = 11;
private double min_;
* min is the minimum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double min = 11;
* @return Whether the min field is set.
public boolean hasMin() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0);
* min is the minimum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double min = 11;
* @return The min.
public double getMin() {
return min_;
public static final int MAX_FIELD_NUMBER = 12;
private double max_;
* max is the maximum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double max = 12;
* @return Whether the max field is set.
public boolean hasMax() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0);
* max is the maximum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double max = 12;
* @return The max.
public double getMax() {
return max_;
private byte memoizedIsInitialized = -1;
public final boolean isInitialized() {
byte isInitialized = memoizedIsInitialized;
if (isInitialized == 1) return true;
if (isInitialized == 0) return false;
memoizedIsInitialized = 1;
return true;
public void writeTo( output)
throws {
if (startTimeUnixNano_ != 0L) {
output.writeFixed64(2, startTimeUnixNano_);
if (timeUnixNano_ != 0L) {
output.writeFixed64(3, timeUnixNano_);
if (count_ != 0L) {
output.writeFixed64(4, count_);
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
output.writeDouble(5, sum_);
if (getBucketCountsList().size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < bucketCounts_.size(); i++) {
if (getExplicitBoundsList().size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < explicitBounds_.size(); i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < exemplars_.size(); i++) {
output.writeMessage(8, exemplars_.get(i));
for (int i = 0; i < attributes_.size(); i++) {
output.writeMessage(9, attributes_.get(i));
if (flags_ != 0) {
output.writeUInt32(10, flags_);
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) {
output.writeDouble(11, min_);
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
output.writeDouble(12, max_);
public int getSerializedSize() {
int size = memoizedSize;
if (size != -1) return size;
size = 0;
if (startTimeUnixNano_ != 0L) {
size +=
.computeFixed64Size(2, startTimeUnixNano_);
if (timeUnixNano_ != 0L) {
size +=
.computeFixed64Size(3, timeUnixNano_);
if (count_ != 0L) {
size +=
.computeFixed64Size(4, count_);
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000001) != 0)) {
size +=
.computeDoubleSize(5, sum_);
int dataSize = 0;
dataSize = 8 * getBucketCountsList().size();
size += dataSize;
if (!getBucketCountsList().isEmpty()) {
size += 1;
size +=
bucketCountsMemoizedSerializedSize = dataSize;
int dataSize = 0;
dataSize = 8 * getExplicitBoundsList().size();
size += dataSize;
if (!getExplicitBoundsList().isEmpty()) {
size += 1;
size +=
explicitBoundsMemoizedSerializedSize = dataSize;
for (int i = 0; i < exemplars_.size(); i++) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(8, exemplars_.get(i));
for (int i = 0; i < attributes_.size(); i++) {
size +=
.computeMessageSize(9, attributes_.get(i));
if (flags_ != 0) {
size +=
.computeUInt32Size(10, flags_);
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0)) {
size +=
.computeDoubleSize(11, min_);
if (((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0)) {
size +=
.computeDoubleSize(12, max_);
size += unknownFields.getSerializedSize();
memoizedSize = size;
return size;
public boolean equals(final java.lang.Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint)) {
return super.equals(obj);
io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint other = (io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint) obj;
if (!getAttributesList()
.equals(other.getAttributesList())) return false;
if (getStartTimeUnixNano()
!= other.getStartTimeUnixNano()) return false;
if (getTimeUnixNano()
!= other.getTimeUnixNano()) return false;
if (getCount()
!= other.getCount()) return false;
if (hasSum() != other.hasSum()) return false;
if (hasSum()) {
if (java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(getSum())
!= java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(
other.getSum())) return false;
if (!getBucketCountsList()
.equals(other.getBucketCountsList())) return false;
if (!getExplicitBoundsList()
.equals(other.getExplicitBoundsList())) return false;
if (!getExemplarsList()
.equals(other.getExemplarsList())) return false;
if (getFlags()
!= other.getFlags()) return false;
if (hasMin() != other.hasMin()) return false;
if (hasMin()) {
if (java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(getMin())
!= java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(
other.getMin())) return false;
if (hasMax() != other.hasMax()) return false;
if (hasMax()) {
if (java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(getMax())
!= java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(
other.getMax())) return false;
if (!unknownFields.equals(other.unknownFields)) return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
if (memoizedHashCode != 0) {
return memoizedHashCode;
int hash = 41;
hash = (19 * hash) + getDescriptor().hashCode();
if (getAttributesCount() > 0) {
hash = (37 * hash) + ATTRIBUTES_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getAttributesList().hashCode();
hash = (53 * hash) +
hash = (37 * hash) + TIME_UNIX_NANO_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) +
hash = (37 * hash) + COUNT_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) +
if (hasSum()) {
hash = (37 * hash) + SUM_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) +
if (getBucketCountsCount() > 0) {
hash = (37 * hash) + BUCKET_COUNTS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getBucketCountsList().hashCode();
if (getExplicitBoundsCount() > 0) {
hash = (37 * hash) + EXPLICIT_BOUNDS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getExplicitBoundsList().hashCode();
if (getExemplarsCount() > 0) {
hash = (37 * hash) + EXEMPLARS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getExemplarsList().hashCode();
hash = (37 * hash) + FLAGS_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) + getFlags();
if (hasMin()) {
hash = (37 * hash) + MIN_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) +
if (hasMax()) {
hash = (37 * hash) + MAX_FIELD_NUMBER;
hash = (53 * hash) +
hash = (29 * hash) + unknownFields.hashCode();
memoizedHashCode = hash;
return hash;
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom(
java.nio.ByteBuffer data)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom(
java.nio.ByteBuffer data, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom( data)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom( data, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom(byte[] data)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom(
byte[] data, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return PARSER.parseFrom(data, extensionRegistry);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom( input)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseDelimitedFrom( input)
throws {
.parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseDelimitedFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
.parseDelimitedWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom( input)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input);
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint parseFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
.parseWithIOException(PARSER, input, extensionRegistry);
public Builder newBuilderForType() { return newBuilder(); }
public static Builder newBuilder() {
return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder();
public static Builder newBuilder(io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint prototype) {
return DEFAULT_INSTANCE.toBuilder().mergeFrom(prototype);
public Builder toBuilder() {
return this == DEFAULT_INSTANCE
? new Builder() : new Builder().mergeFrom(this);
protected Builder newBuilderForType( parent) {
Builder builder = new Builder(parent);
return builder;
* HistogramDataPoint is a single data point in a timeseries that describes the
* time-varying values of a Histogram. A Histogram contains summary statistics
* for a population of values, it may optionally contain the distribution of
* those values across a set of buckets.
* If the histogram contains the distribution of values, then both
* "explicit_bounds" and "bucket counts" fields must be defined.
* If the histogram does not contain the distribution of values, then both
* "explicit_bounds" and "bucket_counts" must be omitted and only "count" and
* "sum" are known.
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public int getAttributesCount() {
if (attributesBuilder_ == null) {
return attributes_.size();
} else {
return attributesBuilder_.getCount();
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public Builder setAttributes(
int index, io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue value) {
if (attributesBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
attributes_.set(index, value);
} else {
attributesBuilder_.setMessage(index, value);
return this;
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public Builder addAttributes(io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue value) {
if (attributesBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} else {
return this;
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public Builder addAttributes(
int index, io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue value) {
if (attributesBuilder_ == null) {
if (value == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
attributes_.add(index, value);
} else {
attributesBuilder_.addMessage(index, value);
return this;
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue.Builder getAttributesBuilder(
int index) {
return getAttributesFieldBuilder().getBuilder(index);
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* repeated .opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValue attributes = 9;
public io.opentelemetry.proto.common.v1.KeyValueOrBuilder getAttributesOrBuilder(
int index) {
if (attributesBuilder_ == null) {
return attributes_.get(index); } else {
return attributesBuilder_.getMessageOrBuilder(index);
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* The set of key/value pairs that uniquely identify the timeseries from
* where this point belongs. The list may be empty (may contain 0 elements).
* Attribute keys MUST be unique (it is not allowed to have more than one
* attribute with the same key).
* StartTimeUnixNano is optional but strongly encouraged, see the
* the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2;
* @return The startTimeUnixNano.
public long getStartTimeUnixNano() {
return startTimeUnixNano_;
* StartTimeUnixNano is optional but strongly encouraged, see the
* the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2;
* @param value The startTimeUnixNano to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setStartTimeUnixNano(long value) {
startTimeUnixNano_ = value;
return this;
* StartTimeUnixNano is optional but strongly encouraged, see the
* the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 start_time_unix_nano = 2;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearStartTimeUnixNano() {
startTimeUnixNano_ = 0L;
return this;
private long timeUnixNano_ ;
* TimeUnixNano is required, see the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3;
* @return The timeUnixNano.
public long getTimeUnixNano() {
return timeUnixNano_;
* TimeUnixNano is required, see the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3;
* @param value The timeUnixNano to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setTimeUnixNano(long value) {
timeUnixNano_ = value;
return this;
* TimeUnixNano is required, see the detailed comments above Metric.
* Value is UNIX Epoch time in nanoseconds since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January
* 1970.
* fixed64 time_unix_nano = 3;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearTimeUnixNano() {
timeUnixNano_ = 0L;
return this;
private long count_ ;
* count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. This
* value must be equal to the sum of the "count" fields in buckets if a
* histogram is provided.
* fixed64 count = 4;
* @return The count.
public long getCount() {
return count_;
* count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. This
* value must be equal to the sum of the "count" fields in buckets if a
* histogram is provided.
* fixed64 count = 4;
* @param value The count to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setCount(long value) {
count_ = value;
return this;
* count is the number of values in the population. Must be non-negative. This
* value must be equal to the sum of the "count" fields in buckets if a
* histogram is provided.
* fixed64 count = 4;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearCount() {
count_ = 0L;
return this;
private double sum_ ;
* sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field
* must be zero.
* Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete
* events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events.
* Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when
* doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics,
* see:
* optional double sum = 5;
* @return Whether the sum field is set.
public boolean hasSum() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000002) != 0);
* sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field
* must be zero.
* Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete
* events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events.
* Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when
* doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics,
* see:
* optional double sum = 5;
* @return The sum.
public double getSum() {
return sum_;
* sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field
* must be zero.
* Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete
* events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events.
* Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when
* doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics,
* see:
* optional double sum = 5;
* @param value The sum to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setSum(double value) {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000002;
sum_ = value;
return this;
* sum of the values in the population. If count is zero then this field
* must be zero.
* Note: Sum should only be filled out when measuring non-negative discrete
* events, and is assumed to be monotonic over the values of these events.
* Negative events *can* be recorded, but sum should not be filled out when
* doing so. This is specifically to enforce compatibility w/ OpenMetrics,
* see:
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @return A list containing the bucketCounts.
public java.util.List
getBucketCountsList() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000004) != 0) ?
java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(bucketCounts_) : bucketCounts_;
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @return The count of bucketCounts.
public int getBucketCountsCount() {
return bucketCounts_.size();
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The bucketCounts at the given index.
public long getBucketCounts(int index) {
return bucketCounts_.getLong(index);
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @param index The index to set the value at.
* @param value The bucketCounts to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setBucketCounts(
int index, long value) {
bucketCounts_.setLong(index, value);
return this;
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @param value The bucketCounts to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addBucketCounts(long value) {
return this;
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* repeated fixed64 bucket_counts = 6;
* @param values The bucketCounts to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addAllBucketCounts(
java.lang.Iterable extends java.lang.Long> values) {
values, bucketCounts_);
return this;
* bucket_counts is an optional field contains the count values of histogram
* for each bucket.
* The sum of the bucket_counts must equal the value in the count field.
* The number of elements in bucket_counts array must be by one greater than
* the number of elements in explicit_bounds array.
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @return A list containing the explicitBounds.
public java.util.List
getExplicitBoundsList() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000008) != 0) ?
java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(explicitBounds_) : explicitBounds_;
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @return The count of explicitBounds.
public int getExplicitBoundsCount() {
return explicitBounds_.size();
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @param index The index of the element to return.
* @return The explicitBounds at the given index.
public double getExplicitBounds(int index) {
return explicitBounds_.getDouble(index);
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @param index The index to set the value at.
* @param value The explicitBounds to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setExplicitBounds(
int index, double value) {
explicitBounds_.setDouble(index, value);
return this;
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @param value The explicitBounds to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addExplicitBounds(double value) {
return this;
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* repeated double explicit_bounds = 7;
* @param values The explicitBounds to add.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder addAllExplicitBounds(
java.lang.Iterable extends java.lang.Double> values) {
values, explicitBounds_);
return this;
* explicit_bounds specifies buckets with explicitly defined bounds for values.
* The boundaries for bucket at index i are:
* (-infinity, explicit_bounds[i]] for i == 0
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], explicit_bounds[i]] for 0 < i < size(explicit_bounds)
* (explicit_bounds[i-1], +infinity) for i == size(explicit_bounds)
* The values in the explicit_bounds array must be strictly increasing.
* Histogram buckets are inclusive of their upper boundary, except the last
* bucket where the boundary is at infinity. This format is intentionally
* compatible with the OpenMetrics histogram definition.
* Flags that apply to this specific data point. See DataPointFlags
* for the available flags and their meaning.
* uint32 flags = 10;
* @return The flags.
public int getFlags() {
return flags_;
* Flags that apply to this specific data point. See DataPointFlags
* for the available flags and their meaning.
* uint32 flags = 10;
* @param value The flags to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setFlags(int value) {
flags_ = value;
return this;
* Flags that apply to this specific data point. See DataPointFlags
* for the available flags and their meaning.
* uint32 flags = 10;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearFlags() {
flags_ = 0;
return this;
private double min_ ;
* min is the minimum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double min = 11;
* @return Whether the min field is set.
public boolean hasMin() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000020) != 0);
* min is the minimum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double min = 11;
* @return The min.
public double getMin() {
return min_;
* min is the minimum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double min = 11;
* @param value The min to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setMin(double value) {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000020;
min_ = value;
return this;
* min is the minimum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double min = 11;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearMin() {
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000020);
min_ = 0D;
return this;
private double max_ ;
* max is the maximum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double max = 12;
* @return Whether the max field is set.
public boolean hasMax() {
return ((bitField0_ & 0x00000040) != 0);
* max is the maximum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double max = 12;
* @return The max.
public double getMax() {
return max_;
* max is the maximum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double max = 12;
* @param value The max to set.
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder setMax(double value) {
bitField0_ |= 0x00000040;
max_ = value;
return this;
* max is the maximum value over (start_time, end_time].
* optional double max = 12;
* @return This builder for chaining.
public Builder clearMax() {
bitField0_ = (bitField0_ & ~0x00000040);
max_ = 0D;
return this;
public final Builder setUnknownFields(
final unknownFields) {
return super.setUnknownFields(unknownFields);
public final Builder mergeUnknownFields(
final unknownFields) {
return super.mergeUnknownFields(unknownFields);
// @@protoc_insertion_point(builder_scope:opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint)
// @@protoc_insertion_point(class_scope:opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint)
private static final io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint DEFAULT_INSTANCE;
static {
DEFAULT_INSTANCE = new io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint();
public static io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint getDefaultInstance() {
private static final
PARSER = new {
public HistogramDataPoint parsePartialFrom( input, extensionRegistry)
throws {
return new HistogramDataPoint(input, extensionRegistry);
public static parser() {
return PARSER;
public getParserForType() {
return PARSER;
public io.opentelemetry.proto.metrics.v1.HistogramDataPoint getDefaultInstanceForType() {