io.prometheus.client.metrics.proto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright 2013 Prometheus Team
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto2";
package io.prometheus.client;
option java_package = "io.prometheus.client";
option go_package = ";io_prometheus_client";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message LabelPair {
optional string name = 1;
optional string value = 2;
enum MetricType {
// COUNTER must use the Metric field "counter".
// GAUGE must use the Metric field "gauge".
GAUGE = 1;
// SUMMARY must use the Metric field "summary".
// UNTYPED must use the Metric field "untyped".
// HISTOGRAM must use the Metric field "histogram".
// GAUGE_HISTOGRAM must use the Metric field "histogram".
message Gauge {
optional double value = 1;
message Counter {
optional double value = 1;
optional Exemplar exemplar = 2;
message Quantile {
optional double quantile = 1;
optional double value = 2;
message Summary {
optional uint64 sample_count = 1;
optional double sample_sum = 2;
repeated Quantile quantile = 3;
message Untyped {
optional double value = 1;
message Histogram {
optional uint64 sample_count = 1;
optional double sample_count_float = 4; // Overrides sample_count if > 0.
optional double sample_sum = 2;
// Buckets for the conventional histogram.
repeated Bucket bucket = 3; // Ordered in increasing order of upper_bound, +Inf bucket is optional.
// Everything below here is for native histograms (also known as sparse histograms).
// Native histograms are an experimental feature without stability guarantees.
// schema defines the bucket schema. Currently, valid numbers are -4 <= n <= 8.
// They are all for base-2 bucket schemas, where 1 is a bucket boundary in each case, and
// then each power of two is divided into 2^n logarithmic buckets.
// Or in other words, each bucket boundary is the previous boundary times 2^(2^-n).
// In the future, more bucket schemas may be added using numbers < -4 or > 8.
optional sint32 schema = 5;
optional double zero_threshold = 6; // Breadth of the zero bucket.
optional uint64 zero_count = 7; // Count in zero bucket.
optional double zero_count_float = 8; // Overrides sb_zero_count if > 0.
// Negative buckets for the native histogram.
repeated BucketSpan negative_span = 9;
// Use either "negative_delta" or "negative_count", the former for
// regular histograms with integer counts, the latter for float
// histograms.
repeated sint64 negative_delta = 10; // Count delta of each bucket compared to previous one (or to zero for 1st bucket).
repeated double negative_count = 11; // Absolute count of each bucket.
// Positive buckets for the native histogram.
repeated BucketSpan positive_span = 12;
// Use either "positive_delta" or "positive_count", the former for
// regular histograms with integer counts, the latter for float
// histograms.
repeated sint64 positive_delta = 13; // Count delta of each bucket compared to previous one (or to zero for 1st bucket).
repeated double positive_count = 14; // Absolute count of each bucket.
// A Bucket of a conventional histogram, each of which is treated as
// an individual counter-like time series by Prometheus.
message Bucket {
optional uint64 cumulative_count = 1; // Cumulative in increasing order.
optional double cumulative_count_float = 4; // Overrides cumulative_count if > 0.
optional double upper_bound = 2; // Inclusive.
optional Exemplar exemplar = 3;
// A BucketSpan defines a number of consecutive buckets in a native
// histogram with their offset. Logically, it would be more
// straightforward to include the bucket counts in the Span. However,
// the protobuf representation is more compact in the way the data is
// structured here (with all the buckets in a single array separate
// from the Spans).
message BucketSpan {
optional sint32 offset = 1; // Gap to previous span, or starting point for 1st span (which can be negative).
optional uint32 length = 2; // Length of consecutive buckets.
message Exemplar {
repeated LabelPair label = 1;
optional double value = 2;
optional google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3; // OpenMetrics-style.
message Metric {
repeated LabelPair label = 1;
optional Gauge gauge = 2;
optional Counter counter = 3;
optional Summary summary = 4;
optional Untyped untyped = 5;
optional Histogram histogram = 7;
optional int64 timestamp_ms = 6;
message MetricFamily {
optional string name = 1;
optional string help = 2;
optional MetricType type = 3;
repeated Metric metric = 4;