// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
// source: envoy/data/accesslog/v3/accesslog.proto
package io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3;
public interface TLSPropertiesOrBuilder extends
// @@protoc_insertion_point(interface_extends:envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties)
com.google.protobuf.MessageOrBuilder {
* Version of TLS that was negotiated.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.TLSVersion tls_version = 1;
* @return The enum numeric value on the wire for tlsVersion.
int getTlsVersionValue();
* Version of TLS that was negotiated.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.TLSVersion tls_version = 1;
* @return The tlsVersion.
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.TLSVersion getTlsVersion();
* TLS cipher suite negotiated during handshake. The value is a
* four-digit hex code defined by the IANA TLS Cipher Suite Registry
* (e.g. ``009C`` for ``TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256``).
* Here it is expressed as an integer.
* .google.protobuf.UInt32Value tls_cipher_suite = 2;
* @return Whether the tlsCipherSuite field is set.
boolean hasTlsCipherSuite();
* TLS cipher suite negotiated during handshake. The value is a
* four-digit hex code defined by the IANA TLS Cipher Suite Registry
* (e.g. ``009C`` for ``TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256``).
* Here it is expressed as an integer.
* .google.protobuf.UInt32Value tls_cipher_suite = 2;
* @return The tlsCipherSuite.
com.google.protobuf.UInt32Value getTlsCipherSuite();
* TLS cipher suite negotiated during handshake. The value is a
* four-digit hex code defined by the IANA TLS Cipher Suite Registry
* (e.g. ``009C`` for ``TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256``).
* Here it is expressed as an integer.
* .google.protobuf.UInt32Value tls_cipher_suite = 2;
com.google.protobuf.UInt32ValueOrBuilder getTlsCipherSuiteOrBuilder();
* SNI hostname from handshake.
* string tls_sni_hostname = 3;
* @return The tlsSniHostname.
java.lang.String getTlsSniHostname();
* SNI hostname from handshake.
* string tls_sni_hostname = 3;
* @return The bytes for tlsSniHostname.
* Properties of the local certificate used to negotiate TLS.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties local_certificate_properties = 4;
* @return Whether the localCertificateProperties field is set.
boolean hasLocalCertificateProperties();
* Properties of the local certificate used to negotiate TLS.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties local_certificate_properties = 4;
* @return The localCertificateProperties.
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties getLocalCertificateProperties();
* Properties of the local certificate used to negotiate TLS.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties local_certificate_properties = 4;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificatePropertiesOrBuilder getLocalCertificatePropertiesOrBuilder();
* Properties of the peer certificate used to negotiate TLS.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties peer_certificate_properties = 5;
* @return Whether the peerCertificateProperties field is set.
boolean hasPeerCertificateProperties();
* Properties of the peer certificate used to negotiate TLS.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties peer_certificate_properties = 5;
* @return The peerCertificateProperties.
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties getPeerCertificateProperties();
* Properties of the peer certificate used to negotiate TLS.
* .envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificateProperties peer_certificate_properties = 5;
io.envoyproxy.envoy.data.accesslog.v3.TLSProperties.CertificatePropertiesOrBuilder getPeerCertificatePropertiesOrBuilder();
* The TLS session ID.
* string tls_session_id = 6;
* @return The tlsSessionId.
java.lang.String getTlsSessionId();
* The TLS session ID.
* string tls_session_id = 6;
* @return The bytes for tlsSessionId.
* The ``JA3`` fingerprint when ``JA3`` fingerprinting is enabled.
* string ja3_fingerprint = 7;
* @return The ja3Fingerprint.
java.lang.String getJa3Fingerprint();
* The ``JA3`` fingerprint when ``JA3`` fingerprinting is enabled.
* string ja3_fingerprint = 7;
* @return The bytes for ja3Fingerprint.