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io.evitadb.utils.StringUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 *              / _ \ \ / / | __/ _` | | | |  _ \
 *             |  __/\ V /| | || (_| | |_| | |_) |
 *              \___| \_/ |_|\__\__,_|____/|____/
 *   Copyright (c) 2023-2024
 *   Licensed under the Business Source License, Version 1.1 (the "License");
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 *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 *   limitations under the License.

package io.evitadb.utils;

import lombok.AccessLevel;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import javax.annotation.Nonnull;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.text.Normalizer;
import java.text.Normalizer.Form;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HexFormat;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.MatchResult;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * String utils contains shared utility methods for working with Strings.
 * We know some of these functions are available in Apache Commons, but we try to keep our transitive dependencies as low as
 * possible, so we rather went through duplication of the code.
 * @author Jan Novotný ([email protected]), FG Forrest a.s. (c) 2021
 * @author Lukáš Hornych, FG Forrest a.s. (c) 2022
@NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
public class StringUtils {

	 * The number of bytes in a kilobyte.
	public static final int ONE_KB = 1024;
	 * The number of bytes in a megabyte.
	public static final int ONE_MB = ONE_KB * ONE_KB;
	 * The number of bytes in a gigabyte.
	public static final int ONE_GB = ONE_KB * ONE_MB;
	 * Universal word splitter inspired by this.
	private static final Pattern STRING_WITH_CASE_WORD_SPLITTING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([^\\s\\-_A-Z]+)|([A-Z]+[^\\s\\-_A-Z]*)");
	 * Finds unsupported characters in concrete cases (not base case).
	 * Characters are based on {@link ClassifierUtils#SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PATTERN} regex.
	private static final Pattern UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTERS_FOR_WORD_SPLITTING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[.:+\\-@/\\\\|`~]");

	 * Displays bytes in human-readable form (i.e. using shortening for kB, MB, GB and so on).
	public static String formatByteSize(int sizeInBytes) {
		if (sizeInBytes / ONE_GB > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f GB", (double) sizeInBytes / ONE_GB);
		} else if (sizeInBytes / ONE_MB > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f MB", (double) sizeInBytes / ONE_MB);
		} else if (sizeInBytes / ONE_KB > 0) {
			return sizeInBytes / ONE_KB + " KB";
		} else {
			return sizeInBytes + " B";

	 * Displays bytes in human-readable form (i.e. using shortening for kB, MB, GB and so on).
	public static String formatByteSize(long sizeInBytes) {
		if (sizeInBytes / ONE_GB > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f GB", (double) sizeInBytes / ONE_GB);
		} else if (sizeInBytes / ONE_MB > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f MB", (double) sizeInBytes / ONE_MB);
		} else if (sizeInBytes / ONE_KB > 0) {
			return sizeInBytes / ONE_KB + " KB";
		} else {
			return sizeInBytes + " B";

	 * Displays high number (count) in human-readable form (i.e. using shortening for thousands, millions and so on).
	public static String formatCount(int count) {
		if (count / 1_000_000_000 > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f bil.", (double) count / 1_000_000_000);
		} else if (count / 100_000 > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f mil.", (double) count / 1_000_000);
		} else if (count / 1_000 > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f thousands", (double) count / 1_000);
		} else {
			return String.valueOf(count);

	 * Displays high number (count) in human-readable form (i.e. using shortening for thousands, millions and so on).
	public static String formatCount(long count) {
		if (count / 1_000_000_000 > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f bil.", (double) count / 1_000_000_000);
		} else if (count / 100_000 > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f mil.", (double) count / 1_000_000);
		} else if (count / 1_000 > 0) {
			return String.format("%.2f thousands", (double) count / 1_000);
		} else {
			return String.valueOf(count);

	 * Formats value in nanoseconds (used for measuring elapsed time) to human readable format.
	 * Nanoseconds are omitted when at least second is printed.
	public static String formatNano(long nanoSeconds) {
		return formatNano(nanoSeconds, true);

	 * Formats value in nanoseconds (used for measuring elapsed time) to human readable format.
	 * Nanoseconds are not omitted and printed every time - even if nano spans days.
	public static String formatPreciseNano(long nanoSeconds) {
		return formatNano(nanoSeconds, false);

	 * Lower cases first character of the string.
	public static String uncapitalize(@Nonnull String string) {
		if (string.length() == 0) {
			return string;

		char firstCharacter = Character.toLowerCase(string.charAt(0));
		if (firstCharacter == string.charAt(0)) {
			return string;

		char[] chars = string.toCharArray();
		chars[0] = firstCharacter;
		return new String(chars, 0, chars.length);

	 * Upper cases first character of the string.
	public static String capitalize(String string) {
		if (string == null || string.length() == 0) {
			return string;

		char firstCharacter = Character.toUpperCase(string.charAt(0));
		if (firstCharacter == string.charAt(0)) {
			return string;

		char[] chars = string.toCharArray();
		chars[0] = firstCharacter;
		return new String(chars, 0, chars.length);

	 * Removes national diacritic characters and replaces them with ASCII characters.
	 * equivalents.
	public static String removeDiacritics(@Nonnull String original) {
		final String normalizedResult = Normalizer.normalize(original, Form.NFKD);
		return normalizedResult.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", "");

	 * Removes national diacritic characters and replaces them with ASCII equivalents. Finally removes all non alphanumeric
	 * characters (respecting exceptions) and replaces them with
	 * @param charactersToKeep in regular expression form
	public static String removeDiacriticsAndAllNonStandardCharactersExcept(@Nonnull String original, char sanitizeCharacter, @Nonnull String charactersToKeep) {
		final String asciiName = removeDiacritics(original);
		final String sanitizeString = String.valueOf(sanitizeCharacter);
		final String quotedSanitizeString = Pattern.quote(sanitizeString);
		return asciiName.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9" + charactersToKeep + "]", sanitizeString)
			.replaceAll(quotedSanitizeString + "+", sanitizeString)
			.replaceAll("\\A" + quotedSanitizeString + "+", "")
			.replaceAll(quotedSanitizeString + "+\\z", "");

	 * Computes and returns requests per second rounded to two decimal places.
	public static String formatRequestsPerSec(int requestsProcessed, long nanoSeconds) {
		if (requestsProcessed == 0) {
			return "N/A";
		} else {
			final double reqsSec = requestsProcessed / ((double) nanoSeconds / (double) 1_000_000_000);
			return new BigDecimal(String.valueOf(reqsSec)).setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) + " reqs/s";

	 * Prints unknown object as human readable string.
	public static String unknownToString(@Nullable Object value) {
		if (value instanceof Object[]) {
			return Arrays.toString((Object[]) value);
		} else if (value != null) {
			return value.toString();
		} else {
			return "";

	 * Switches case of {@code s} to {@code c} case. The original {@code s} must have some other case, so that it can be
	 * split into words.
	 * Note: if there are any numbers in passed string, a reverse conversion may not result in original string due to
	 * an ambiguity of not knowing when to split numbers from letter or between themselves.
	 * @param s                      string to convert
	 * @param targetNamingConvention target naming convention of passed string
	 * @return string in target case
	public static String toSpecificCase(@Nonnull String s, @Nonnull NamingConvention targetNamingConvention) {
		return switch (targetNamingConvention) {
			case CAMEL_CASE -> StringUtils.toCamelCase(s);
			case PASCAL_CASE -> StringUtils.toPascalCase(s);
			case SNAKE_CASE -> StringUtils.toSnakeCase(s);
			case UPPER_SNAKE_CASE -> StringUtils.toUpperSnakeCase(s);
			case KEBAB_CASE -> StringUtils.toKebabCase(s);

	 * Switches case of {@code s} to camelCase. The original {@code s} must have some other case, so that it can be
	 * split into words.
	 * Note: if there are any numbers in passed string, a reverse conversion may not result in original string due to
	 * an ambiguity of not knowing when to split numbers from letter or between themselves.
	 * @param s string to convert
	 * @return string in camelCase
	public static String toCamelCase(@Nonnull String s) {
		final List words = splitStringWithCaseIntoWords(s);
		return uncapitalize(
				.map(word -> capitalize(word.toLowerCase()))

	 * Switches case of {@code s} to PascalCase. The original {@code s} must have some other case, so that it can be
	 * split into words.
	 * Note: if there are any numbers in passed string, a reverse conversion may not result in original string due to
	 * an ambiguity of not knowing when to split numbers from letter or between themselves.
	 * @param s string to convert
	 * @return string in PascalCase
	public static String toPascalCase(@Nonnull String s) {
		final List words = splitStringWithCaseIntoWords(s);
			.map(word -> capitalize(word.toLowerCase()))

	 * Switches case of {@code s} to snake_case. The original {@code s} must have some other case, so that it can be
	 * split into words.
	 * @param s string to convert
	 * @return string in snake_case
	public static String toSnakeCase(@Nonnull String s) {
		final List words = splitStringWithCaseIntoWords(s);

	 * Switches case of {@code s} to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE. The original {@code s} must have some other case, so that it can be
	 * split into words.
	 * @param s string to convert
	 * @return string in UPPER_SNAKE_CASE
	public static String toUpperSnakeCase(@Nonnull String s) {
		final List words = splitStringWithCaseIntoWords(s);

	 * Switches case of {@code s} to kebab-case. The original {@code s} must have some other case, so that it can be
	 * split into words.
	 * @param s string to convert
	 * @return string in kebab-case
	public static String toKebabCase(@Nonnull String s) {
		final List words = splitStringWithCaseIntoWords(s);

	 * Splits string which is in certain case (camelCase, snake_case, ...) to individual words for transforming the string
	 * to other cases.
	public static List splitStringWithCaseIntoWords(@Nullable String s) {
		if (s == null || s.isBlank()) {
			return List.of();

		String newString = s;

		// remove unsupported characters in concrete cases (not base case)
		// characters are based on ClassifierUtils#SUPPORTED_FORMAT_PATTERN regex
		newString = UNSUPPORTED_CHARACTERS_FOR_WORD_SPLITTING_PATTERN.matcher(newString).replaceAll(" ");


	 * Returns MD5 hash of the passed string.
	public static String hashChars(@Nonnull String string) {
		try {
			final MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
			return HexFormat.of().formatHex(md5.digest());
		} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
			throw new RuntimeException(e);

	 * Returns `theText` padded with `padCharacter` to the requested size.
	 * @param theText
	 * @param padCharacter
	 * @param requestedSize
	 * @return
	public static String rightPad(@Nonnull String theText, @Nonnull String padCharacter, int requestedSize) {
		return theText + padCharacter.repeat(Math.max(0, requestedSize - theText.length()));

	 * Returns a string whose value is the passed string, with escape sequences
	 * translated as if in a string literal.
	 * Base code borrowed from {@link String#translateEscapes()} and extended to support unicode escape sequences.
	 * @throws IllegalArgumentException when an escape sequence is malformed.
	 * @return String with escape sequences translated.
	public static String translateEscapes(@Nonnull String s) {
		if (s.isEmpty()) {
			return "";
		char[] chars = s.toCharArray();
		int length = chars.length;
		int from = 0;
		int to = 0;
		while (from < length) {
			char[] ch = { chars[from++] };
			if (ch[0] == '\\') {
				ch[0] = from < length ? chars[from++] : '\0';
				switch (ch[0]) {
					case 'b':
						ch[0] = '\b';
					case 'f':
						ch[0] = '\f';
					case 'n':
						ch[0] = '\n';
					case 'r':
						ch[0] = '\r';
					case 's':
						ch[0] = ' ';
					case 't':
						ch[0] = '\t';
					case 'u':
						final int unicodeCodepoint = Integer.parseInt(new String(chars, from, 4), 16);
						ch = Character.toChars(unicodeCodepoint);
						from += 4;
					case '\'':
					case '\"':
					case '\\':
						// as is
					case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3':
					case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7':
						int limit = Integer.min(from + (ch[0] <= '3' ? 2 : 1), length);
						int code = ch[0] - '0';
						while (from < limit) {
							ch[0] = chars[from];
							if (ch[0] < '0' || '7' < ch[0]) {
							code = (code << 3) | (ch[0] - '0');
						ch[0] = (char)code;
					case '\n':
					case '\r':
						if (from < length && chars[from] == '\n') {
					default: {
						String msg = String.format(
							"Invalid escape sequence: \\%c \\\\u%04X",
							ch[0], (int)ch[0]);
						throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

			for (char c : ch) {
				chars[to++] = c;

		return new String(chars, 0, to);


* Replaces all occurrences of Strings within another String. *

* *

* A {@code null} reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if * any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be * ignored. This will not repeat. For repeating replaces, call the * overloaded method. *

* *
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *)        = null
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *)          = ""
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0]) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null)  = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""})  = "b"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"})  = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"})  = "wcte"
	 *  (example of how it does not repeat)
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"})  = "dcte"
* * @param text * text to search and replace in, no-op if null * @param searchList * the Strings to search for, no-op if null * @param replacementList * the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null * @return the text with any replacements processed, {@code null} if * null String input * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok, * and/or size 0) * @since 2.4 */ public static String replaceEach(final String text, final String[] searchList, final String[] replacementList) { return replaceEach(text, searchList, replacementList, false, 0); } /** * Formats duration to human readable format. * @param duration duration to be formatted * @return formatted duration */ @Nonnull public static String formatDuration(@Nonnull Duration duration) { long days = duration.toDaysPart(); long hours = duration.toHoursPart(); long minutes = duration.toMinutesPart(); long seconds = duration.toSecondsPart(); long milliSeconds = duration.toMillis(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); if (days > 0) { sb.append(days).append("d "); } if (hours > 0 || days > 0) { sb.append(hours).append("h "); } if (minutes > 0 || hours > 0 || days > 0) { sb.append(minutes).append("m "); } if (days > 0 || hours > 0 || minutes > 0 || seconds > 0) { sb.append(seconds).append("s"); } else { sb.append(milliSeconds).append("ms"); } return sb.toString().trim(); } /** *

* Replace all occurrences of Strings within another String. * This is a private recursive helper method for {@link #replaceEach(String, String[], String[])} and * {@link #replaceEach(String, String[], String[])} *

* *

* A {@code null} reference passed to this method is a no-op, or if * any "search string" or "string to replace" is null, that replace will be * ignored. *

* *
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach(null, *, *, *, *) = null
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("", *, *, *, *) = ""
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, null, *, *) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[0], null, *, *) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", null, new String[0], *, *) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, null, *, *) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{"a"}, new String[]{""}, *, >=0) = "b"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("aba", new String[]{null}, new String[]{"a"}, *, >=0) = "aba"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"w", "t"}, *, >=0) = "wcte"
	 *  (example of how it repeats)
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, false, >=0) = "dcte"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "t"}, true, >=2) = "tcte"
	 *  StringUtils.replaceEach("abcde", new String[]{"ab", "d"}, new String[]{"d", "ab"}, *, *) = IllegalStateException
* * @param text * text to search and replace in, no-op if null * @param searchList * the Strings to search for, no-op if null * @param replacementList * the Strings to replace them with, no-op if null * @param repeat if true, then replace repeatedly * until there are no more possible replacements or timeToLive < 0 * @param timeToLive * if less than 0 then there is a circular reference and endless * loop * @return the text with any replacements processed, {@code null} if * null String input * @throws IllegalStateException * if the search is repeating and there is an endless loop due * to outputs of one being inputs to another * @throws IllegalArgumentException * if the lengths of the arrays are not the same (null is ok, * and/or size 0) * @since 2.4 */ private static String replaceEach( final String text, final String[] searchList, final String[] replacementList, final boolean repeat, final int timeToLive) { // mchyzer Performance note: This creates very few new objects (one major goal) // let me know if there are performance requests, we can create a harness to measure if (text == null || text.isEmpty() || searchList == null || searchList.length == 0 || replacementList == null || replacementList.length == 0) { return text; } // if recursing, this shouldn't be less than 0 if (timeToLive < 0) { throw new IllegalStateException("Aborting to protect against StackOverflowError - " + "output of one loop is the input of another"); } final int searchLength = searchList.length; final int replacementLength = replacementList.length; // make sure lengths are ok, these need to be equal if (searchLength != replacementLength) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search and Replace array lengths don't match: " + searchLength + " vs " + replacementLength); } // keep track of which still have matches final boolean[] noMoreMatchesForReplIndex = new boolean[searchLength]; // index on index that the match was found int textIndex = -1; int replaceIndex = -1; int tempIndex = -1; // index of replace array that will replace the search string found // NOTE: logic duplicated below START for (int i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) { if (noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] || searchList[i] == null || searchList[i].isEmpty() || replacementList[i] == null) { continue; } tempIndex = text.indexOf(searchList[i]); // see if we need to keep searching for this if (tempIndex == -1) { noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] = true; } else { if (textIndex == -1 || tempIndex < textIndex) { textIndex = tempIndex; replaceIndex = i; } } } // NOTE: logic mostly below END // no search strings found, we are done if (textIndex == -1) { return text; } int start = 0; // get a good guess on the size of the result buffer so it doesn't have to double if it goes over a bit int increase = 0; // count the replacement text elements that are larger than their corresponding text being replaced for (int i = 0; i < searchList.length; i++) { if (searchList[i] == null || replacementList[i] == null) { continue; } final int greater = replacementList[i].length() - searchList[i].length(); if (greater > 0) { increase += 3 * greater; // assume 3 matches } } // have upper-bound at 20% increase, then let Java take over increase = Math.min(increase, text.length() / 5); final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(text.length() + increase); while (textIndex != -1) { for (int i = start; i < textIndex; i++) { buf.append(text.charAt(i)); } buf.append(replacementList[replaceIndex]); start = textIndex + searchList[replaceIndex].length(); textIndex = -1; replaceIndex = -1; tempIndex = -1; // find the next earliest match // NOTE: logic mostly duplicated above START for (int i = 0; i < searchLength; i++) { if (noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] || searchList[i] == null || searchList[i].isEmpty() || replacementList[i] == null) { continue; } tempIndex = text.indexOf(searchList[i], start); // see if we need to keep searching for this if (tempIndex == -1) { noMoreMatchesForReplIndex[i] = true; } else { if (textIndex == -1 || tempIndex < textIndex) { textIndex = tempIndex; replaceIndex = i; } } } // NOTE: logic duplicated above END } final int textLength = text.length(); for (int i = start; i < textLength; i++) { buf.append(text.charAt(i)); } final String result = buf.toString(); if (!repeat) { return result; } return replaceEach(result, searchList, replacementList, repeat, timeToLive - 1); } /* PRIVATE METHODS */ /** * Method will repeat `padCharacters` to the start of `currentString` until `expectedLength` is reached. */ @Nonnull private static String leftPad(char padCharacter, int expectedLength, @Nonnull String currentString) { final int padCount = expectedLength - currentString.length(); return padCount > 0 ? repeat(padCharacter, padCount) + currentString : currentString; } /** * Repeats pad character `expectedLength` times */ private static String repeat(char padCharacter, int expectedLength) { return String.valueOf(padCharacter).repeat(Math.max(0, expectedLength)); } /** * Method will remove all zeroes at the end of the `string`. */ @Nonnull private static String stripTrailingZeroes(@Nonnull String string) { final char[] stringChars = string.toCharArray(); for (int i = stringChars.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { char character = stringChars[i]; if (character != '0') { return string.substring(0, i + 1); } } return ""; } /** * Formats value in nanoseconds (used for measuring elapsed time) to human-readable format. */ private static String formatNano(long nanoSeconds, boolean omitNanoIfPossible) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); long seconds = nanoSeconds / 1000000000; long days = seconds / (3600 * 24); appendIfNonZero(sb, days, "", "d"); seconds -= (days * 3600 * 24); long hours = seconds / 3600; appendIfNonZero(sb, hours, "", "h"); seconds -= (hours * 3600); long minutes = seconds / 60; appendIfNonZero(sb, minutes, "", "m"); seconds -= (minutes * 60); final boolean emptyWithoutSeconds = sb.isEmpty() && seconds == 0; if (!omitNanoIfPossible || emptyWithoutSeconds) { if (emptyWithoutSeconds) { final long millis = nanoSeconds / 1000000; long nanos = nanoSeconds - (millis * 1000000); final String suffix = getIfNonZero(nanos, "." + "0".repeat(6 - String.valueOf(nanos).length()), "ms"); append(sb, millis, "", suffix); } else { long nanos = nanoSeconds % 1000000000; final String suffix = getIfNonZero(nanos, "." + "0".repeat(9 - String.valueOf(nanos).length()), "s"); append(sb, seconds, "", suffix); } } else { appendIfNonZero(sb, seconds, "", "s"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Appends `prefix`, `value` and suffix to the `sb` StringBuilder when `value` is greater than zero. */ private static void appendIfNonZero(@Nonnull StringBuilder sb, long value, @Nonnull String prefix, @Nonnull String suffix) { if (value > 0) { append(sb, value, prefix, suffix); } } /** * Envelopes `value` with `prefix` and suffix when `value` is greater than zero. */ private static String getIfNonZero(long value, @Nonnull String prefix, @Nonnull String suffix) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (value > 0) { append(sb, value, prefix, suffix); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Appends `prefix`, `value` and suffix to the `sb` StringBuilder. */ private static void append(@Nonnull StringBuilder sb, long value, @Nonnull String prefix, @Nonnull String suffix) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(" "); } sb.append(prefix).append(value).append(suffix); } }

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