fabric8-source-code - Download JAR File
On this page, you can download the JAR file for fabric8-source-code. Click on the provided download link to get the latest version of the JAR file. This JAR file contains the source code of fabric8-source-code project. Enjoy hassle-free downloading of JAR files from jar-download.com. Keywords: jar, file, download.
Files of the artifact apiman version from the group io.fabric8.jube.images.fabric8.
Artifact apiman
Group io.fabric8.jube.images.fabric8
Last update 15. July 2015
Tags: deployed jetty apiman
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 32
Dependencies apiman-manager-api-war, kubernetes-api, fabric8-utils, jetty-server, jetty-servlet, jetty-servlets, jetty-security, jetty-jsp, jetty-jndi, jetty-util, jetty-rewrite, jetty-io, weld-se-core, weld-core, weld-servlet-core, resteasy-jaxrs, resteasy-cdi, resteasy-jackson-provider, resteasy-jaxb-provider, commons-dbcp, commons-io, commons-pool, h2, hibernate-core, hibernate-entitymanager, hibernate-jpa-2.1-api, elasticsearch, jest, httpclient, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, cdi-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.fabric8.jube.images.fabric8
Last update 15. July 2015
Tags: deployed jetty apiman
Organization not specified
URL Not specified
License not specified
Dependencies amount 32
Dependencies apiman-manager-api-war, kubernetes-api, fabric8-utils, jetty-server, jetty-servlet, jetty-servlets, jetty-security, jetty-jsp, jetty-jndi, jetty-util, jetty-rewrite, jetty-io, weld-se-core, weld-core, weld-servlet-core, resteasy-jaxrs, resteasy-cdi, resteasy-jackson-provider, resteasy-jaxb-provider, commons-dbcp, commons-io, commons-pool, h2, hibernate-core, hibernate-entitymanager, hibernate-jpa-2.1-api, elasticsearch, jest, httpclient, slf4j-api, slf4j-log4j12, cdi-api,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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