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* Copyright 2005-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
* Red Hat licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version
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package io.fabric8.jube.local;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import static java.util.UUID.randomUUID;
import io.fabric8.jube.KubernetesModel;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.KubernetesHelper;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Container;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ContainerState;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ContainerStatus;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.PodList;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Pod;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationControllerList;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ReplicationController;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ServiceList;
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.Service;
import io.fabric8.utils.Filter;
import io.fabric8.utils.Filters;
import io.hawt.util.Strings;
* A pure in memory implementation of the {@link KubernetesModel}
public class LocalKubernetesModel implements KubernetesModel {
public static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "default";
private ConcurrentHashMap namespaces = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private String namespace = DEFAULT_NAMESPACE;
public LocalKubernetesModel() {
public String getNamespace() {
return namespace;
* Sets the default namespace
public void setNamespace(String namespace) {
this.namespace = namespace;
// Pods
public ImmutableMap getPodMap() {
return getPodMap(namespace);
public ImmutableMap getPodMap(String namespace) {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(getInternalPodMap(namespace));
public PodList getPods() {
return getPods(namespace);
public PodList getPods(String namespace) {
PodList answer = new PodList();
return answer;
public ImmutableList getPods(Map replicaSelector) {
return getPods(KubernetesHelper.createPodFilter(replicaSelector));
public ImmutableList getPods(Filter podFilter) {
return ImmutableList.copyOf(Filters.filter(getPodMap().values(), podFilter));
public Pod getPod(String id) {
return getInternalPodMap(namespace).get(id);
public Pod getPod(String id, String namespace) {
return getInternalPodMap(namespace).get(id);
public void updatePod(String id, Pod pod) {
String namespace = defaultNamespace(KubernetesHelper.getNamespace(pod));
id = getOrCreateId(id, NodeHelper.KIND_POD);
// lets make sure that for each container we have a current container created
List containers = KubernetesHelper.getContainers(pod);
for (Container container : containers) {
String name = getOrCreateId(container.getName(), NodeHelper.KIND_POD);
ContainerState containerState = NodeHelper.getOrCreateContainerState(pod, name);
getInternalPodMap(namespace).put(id, pod);
public String getOrCreateId(String id, String kind) {
if (Strings.isBlank(id)) {
id = createID(kind);
return id;
* Updates the pod if one does not already exist
public boolean updatePodIfNotExist(String id, Pod pod) {
Pod oldValue = getInternalPodMap(namespace).putIfAbsent(id, pod);
return oldValue == null;
* Removes the pods from the model.
* Note you should make sure to delete any container processes too!
public Pod deletePod(String podId, String namespace) {
namespace = defaultNamespace(namespace);
if (Strings.isBlank(podId)) {
return null;
return getInternalPodMap(namespace).remove(podId);
* Returns all the current containers and their pods
public ImmutableMap getPodRunningContainers(KubernetesModel model) {
Map answer = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry entry : getInternalPodMap(namespace).entrySet()) {
String podId = entry.getKey();
Pod podSchema = entry.getValue();
Map currentContainers = KubernetesHelper.getCurrentContainers(podSchema);
for (Map.Entry containerEntry : currentContainers.entrySet()) {
String containerId = containerEntry.getKey();
ContainerStatus currentContainer = containerEntry.getValue();
PodCurrentContainer podCurrentContainer = new PodCurrentContainer(model, podId, podSchema, containerId, currentContainer);
answer.put(containerId, podCurrentContainer);
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(answer);
// Replication Controllers
public ReplicationController getReplicationController(String id) {
return getReplicationController(id, namespace);
public ReplicationController getReplicationController(String id, String namespace) {
return getInternalReplicationControllerMap(namespace).get(id);
public ReplicationControllerList getReplicationControllers() {
return getReplicationControllers(namespace);
public ReplicationControllerList getReplicationControllers(String namespace) {
ReplicationControllerList answer = new ReplicationControllerList();
return answer;
public ImmutableMap getReplicationControllerMap() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(getInternalReplicationControllerMap(namespace));
public void updateReplicationController(String id, ReplicationController replicationController) {
id = getOrCreateId(id, NodeHelper.KIND_REPLICATION_CONTROLLER);
String namespace = defaultNamespace(KubernetesHelper.getNamespace(replicationController));
getInternalReplicationControllerMap(namespace).put(id, replicationController);
public void deleteReplicationController(String controllerId, String namespace) {
namespace = defaultNamespace(namespace);
System.out.println("Deleted replicationController " + controllerId + ". Now has " + getInternalReplicationControllerMap(namespace).size() + " service(s)");
// Services
public ServiceList getServices() {
return getServices(namespace);
public ServiceList getServices(String namespace) {
ServiceList answer = new ServiceList();
return answer;
public Service getService(String id) {
return getService(id, namespace);
public Service getService(String id, String namespace) {
return getInternalServiceMap(namespace).get(id);
public ImmutableMap getServiceMap() {
return ImmutableMap.copyOf(getInternalServiceMap(namespace));
public void updateService(String id, Service entity) {
String namespace = defaultNamespace(KubernetesHelper.getNamespace(entity));
id = getOrCreateId(id, NodeHelper.KIND_SERVICE);
getInternalServiceMap(namespace).put(id, entity);
public void deleteService(String serviceId, String namespace) {
namespace = defaultNamespace(namespace);
System.out.println("Deleted service " + serviceId + ". Now has " + getInternalServiceMap(namespace).size() + " service(s)");
// Other stuff
* Creates a new ID for the given kind
public String createID(String kind) {
return kind + "-" + randomUUID().toString();
protected ConcurrentHashMap getInternalPodMap(String namespace) {
return namespaceModel(namespace).podMap;
protected ConcurrentHashMap getInternalReplicationControllerMap(String namespace) {
return namespaceModel(namespace).replicationControllerMap;
protected ConcurrentHashMap getInternalServiceMap(String namespace) {
return namespaceModel(namespace).serviceMap;
protected class NamespaceModel {
public ConcurrentHashMap podMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public ConcurrentHashMap replicationControllerMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
public ConcurrentHashMap serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
* Returns the namespace model for the given namespace id
protected NamespaceModel namespaceModel(String namespace) {
namespace = defaultNamespace(namespace);
NamespaceModel answer = namespaces.get(namespace);
if (answer == null) {
answer = new NamespaceModel();
namespaces.put(namespace ,answer);
return answer;
protected String defaultNamespace(String namespace) {
if (Strings.isBlank(namespace)) {
namespace = this.namespace;
if (Strings.isBlank(namespace)) {
return namespace;