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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package io.gatling.charts.stats.buffers
import scala.collection.mutable
import io.gatling.charts.stats.{ GroupRecord, IntVsTimePlot, RequestRecord }
import io.gatling.commons.shared.unstable.model.stats.{ GeneralStats, Group }
import io.gatling.commons.stats.Status
import com.tdunning.math.stats.AVLTreeDigest
private[stats] abstract class GeneralStatsBuffers(durationInSec: Long) {
val requestGeneralStatsBuffers = mutable.Map.empty[BufferKey, GeneralStatsBuffer]
val groupDurationGeneralStatsBuffers = mutable.Map.empty[BufferKey, GeneralStatsBuffer]
val groupCumulatedResponseTimeGeneralStatsBuffers = mutable.Map.empty[BufferKey, GeneralStatsBuffer]
val requestCounts = mutable.Map.empty[BufferKey, (Int, Int)]
def getRequestGeneralStatsBuffers(request: Option[String], group: Option[Group], status: Option[Status]): GeneralStatsBuffer =
requestGeneralStatsBuffers.getOrElseUpdate(BufferKey(request, group, status), new GeneralStatsBuffer(durationInSec))
def getGroupDurationGeneralStatsBuffers(group: Group, status: Option[Status]): GeneralStatsBuffer =
groupDurationGeneralStatsBuffers.getOrElseUpdate(BufferKey(None, Some(group), status), new GeneralStatsBuffer(durationInSec))
def getGroupCumulatedResponseTimeGeneralStatsBuffers(group: Group, status: Option[Status]): GeneralStatsBuffer =
groupCumulatedResponseTimeGeneralStatsBuffers.getOrElseUpdate(BufferKey(None, Some(group), status), new GeneralStatsBuffer(durationInSec))
def updateRequestGeneralStatsBuffers(record: RequestRecord): Unit = {
import record._
getRequestGeneralStatsBuffers(Some(name), group, None).update(responseTime)
getRequestGeneralStatsBuffers(Some(name), group, Some(status)).update(responseTime)
getRequestGeneralStatsBuffers(None, None, None).update(responseTime)
getRequestGeneralStatsBuffers(None, None, Some(status)).update(responseTime)
def updateGroupGeneralStatsBuffers(record: GroupRecord): Unit = {
import record._
getGroupCumulatedResponseTimeGeneralStatsBuffers(group, None).update(cumulatedResponseTime)
getGroupCumulatedResponseTimeGeneralStatsBuffers(group, Some(status)).update(cumulatedResponseTime)
getGroupDurationGeneralStatsBuffers(group, None).update(duration)
getGroupDurationGeneralStatsBuffers(group, Some(status)).update(duration)
private[stats] class GeneralStatsBuffer(durationInSec: Long) {
val counts = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Int]
val digest = new AVLTreeDigest(100.0)
var sumOfSquares = 0L
var sum = 0L
def update(time: Int): Unit = {
val newCount = counts.get(time) match {
case Some(count) => count + 1
case None => 1
counts.put(time, newCount)
sumOfSquares += time.toLong * time.toLong
sum += time
lazy val stats: GeneralStats = {
val valuesCount = digest.size
if (valuesCount == 0) {
} else {
val count = digest.size
val mean = sum.toDouble / count
val stdDev = math.sqrt(sumOfSquares.toDouble / count - math.pow(mean, 2))
val meanRequestsPerSec = valuesCount.toDouble / durationInSec
val min = digest.quantile(0).toInt
val max = digest.quantile(1).toInt
val percentile: Double => Int = (rank: Double) => math.round(digest.quantile(rank / 100.0)).toInt
GeneralStats(min.toInt, max.toInt, valuesCount, math.round(mean).toInt, math.round(stdDev).toInt, percentile, meanRequestsPerSec)
def distribution: Iterable[IntVsTimePlot] = { case (time, count) => new IntVsTimePlot(time, count) }