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dependency.parser.ModuleParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package dependency
package parser
object ModuleParser {
private implicit class EitherWithFilter[L, R](private val e: Either[L, R]) extends AnyVal {
def withFilter(f: R => Boolean): Either[L, R] =
if (e.forall(f)) e else throw new MatchError(e)
* Parses a module like
* org:name
* possibly with attributes, like
* org:name;attr1=val1;attr2=val2
* Two semi-columns after the org part is interpreted as a scala module. E.g. if
* the scala version is 2.13., org::name is equivalent to org:name_2.13.
def parse(input: String): Either[String, AnyModule] = {
val parts = input.split(":", -1).map(Some(_).filter(_.nonEmpty))
val values = parts match {
case Array(Some(org), Some(name)) => Right((org, name, NoAttributes))
case Array(Some(org), None, Some(name)) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(None, None)))
case Array(Some(org), None, Some(name), None) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(None, Some(true))))
case Array(Some(org), None, None, Some(name)) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(Some(true), None)))
case Array(Some(org), None, None, Some(name), None) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(Some(true), Some(true))))
case _ => Left(s"malformed module: $input")
for {
(org, name, nameAttributes) <- values
(name, attributes) <- parseNamePart(name)
} yield ModuleLike(org, name, nameAttributes, attributes)
def parsePrefix(input: String): Either[String, (AnyModule, String)] = {
val parts = input.split(":", -1).map(Some(_).filter(_.nonEmpty))
val values = parts match {
case Array(Some(org), Some(name), rest @ _*) => Right((org, name, NoAttributes, rest))
case Array(Some(org), None, Some(name), None, rest @ _*) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(None, Some(true)), rest))
case Array(Some(org), None, Some(name), rest @ _*) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(None, None), rest))
case Array(Some(org), None, None, Some(name), None, rest @ _*) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(Some(true), Some(true)), rest))
case Array(Some(org), None, None, Some(name), rest @ _*) => Right((org, name, ScalaNameAttributes(Some(true), None), rest))
case _ => Left(s"malformed module: $input")
for {
(org, name, nameAttributes, rest) <- values
(name, attributes) <- parseNamePart(name)
} yield (ModuleLike(org, name, nameAttributes, attributes),"")).mkString(":"))
private def parseNamePart(input: String): Either[String, (String, Map[String, String])] = {
val split = input.split(';')
val malformedAttrs = split.tail.exists(!_.contains("="))
if (malformedAttrs)
Left(s"malformed attribute(s) in $input")
else {
val name = split.head
val attributes ="=", 2)).map {
case Array(key, value) =>
key -> value
Right((name, attributes.toMap))