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package kyo
import kyo.kernel.Reducible
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.NotGiven
import scala.util.Success
extension (kyoObject: Kyo.type)
/** Acquires a resource and ensures its release.
* @param acquire
* The effect to acquire the resource
* @param release
* The effect to release the resource
* @return
* An effect that manages the resource lifecycle using Resource and IO effects
def acquireRelease[A, S](acquire: => A < S)(release: A => Unit < IO)(using Frame): A < (S & Resource & IO) = => Resource.ensure(release(a)).as(a))
/** Adds a finalizer to the current effect using Resource.
* @param finalizer
* The effect to add as a finalizer
* @return
* An effect that ensures the finalizer is executed when the effect is completed
def addFinalizer(finalizer: => Unit < IO)(using Frame): Unit < (Resource & IO) =
/** Creates an asynchronous effect that can be completed by the given register function.
* @param register
* A function that takes an asynchronous effect and registers it to be completed
* @return
* An effect that can be completed by the given register function
def async[A](register: (A < Async => Unit) => Unit < Async)(
): A < Async =
promise <- Promise.init[Nothing, A]
registerFn = (eff: A < Async) =>
val effFiber =
val updatePromise = => promise.completeUnit(a)))
val updatePromiseIO =
_ <- register(registerFn)
a <- promise.get
yield a
/** Creates an effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles any exceptions that occur to Abort[Throwable].
* @param effect
* The effect to attempt to run
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles any exceptions that occur
def attempt[A, S](effect: => A < S)(using Flat[A], Frame): A < (S & Abort[Throwable]) =
/** Collects elements from a sequence using a partial function and returns a new sequence.
* @param sequence
* The sequence to collect elements from
* @param useElement
* A partial function to apply to each element of the sequence
* @return
* A new sequence with elements collected using the partial function
def collect[A, S, A1, S1](
sequence: => Seq[A] < S
useElement: PartialFunction[A, A1 < S1]
)(using Frame): Seq[A1] < (S & S1) =
sequence.flatMap((seq: Seq[A]) => Kyo.collect(seq.collect(useElement)))
/** Prints a message to the console.
* @param message
* The message to print
* @return
* An effect that prints the message to the console
def debugln[S](message: => String < S)(using Frame): Unit < (S & IO) = => Console.println(m))
/** Creates an effect that fails with Abort[E].
* @param error
* The error to fail with
* @return
* An effect that fails with the given error
def fail[E, S](error: => E < S)(using Frame): Nothing < (S & Abort[E]) = =>
/** Applies a function to each element in parallel and returns a new sequence with the results.
* @param sequence
* The sequence to apply the function to
* @param useElement
* A function to apply to each element of the sequence
* @return
* A new sequence with elements collected using the function
def foreachPar[A, S, A1](
sequence: => Seq[A] < S
useElement: A => A1 < Async
)(using Flat[A1], Frame): Seq[A1] < (S & Async) = => Async.parallel(
/** Applies a function to each element in parallel and discards the results.
* @param sequence
* The sequence to apply the function to
* @param useElement
* A function to apply to each element of the sequence
* @return
* Discards the results of the function application and returns Unit
def foreachParDiscard[A, S, Any](
sequence: => Seq[A] < S
useElement: A => Any < Async
)(using Flat[Any], Frame): Unit < (S & Async) = => Async.parallel( => useElement(v)))).unit
/** Creates an effect from an AutoCloseable resource.
* @param closeable
* The AutoCloseable resource to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that manages the resource lifecycle using Resource and IO effects
def fromAutoCloseable[A <: AutoCloseable, S](closeable: => A < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Resource & IO) =
acquireRelease(closeable)(c => IO(c.close()))
/** Creates an effect from an Either[E, A] and handles Left[E] to Abort[E].
* @param either
* The Either[E, A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles Left[E] to Abort[E].
def fromEither[E, A, S](either: => Either[E, A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Abort[E]) =
/** Creates an effect from an Option[A] and handles None to Abort[Maybe.Empty].
* @param option
* The Option[A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles None to Abort[Maybe.Empty].
def fromOption[A, S](option: => Option[A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Abort[Maybe.Empty]) = => Abort.get(o.toRight[Maybe.Empty](Maybe.Empty)))
/** Creates an effect from a Maybe[A] and handles Maybe.Empty to Abort[Maybe.Empty].
* @param maybe
* The Maybe[A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles Maybe.Empty to Abort[Maybe.Empty].
def fromMaybe[A, S](maybe: => Maybe[A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Abort[Maybe.Empty]) = => Abort.get(m))
/** Creates an effect from a Result[E, A] and handles Result.Failure[E] to Abort[E].
* @param result
* The Result[E, A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles Result.Failure[E] to Abort[E].
def fromResult[E, A, S](result: => Result[E, A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Abort[E]) =
/** Creates an effect from a Future[A] and handles the Future to Async.
* @param future
* The Future[A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles the Future to Async.
def fromFuture[A: Flat, S](future: => Future[A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Async) = => Fiber.fromFuture(f).map(_.get))
/** Creates an effect from a Promise[A] and handles the Promise to Async.
* @param promise
* The Promise[A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles the Promise to Async.
def fromPromiseScala[A: Flat, S](promise: => scala.concurrent.Promise[A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Async) = => fromFuture(p.future))
/** Creates an effect from a sequence and handles the sequence to Choice.
* @param sequence
* The sequence to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles the sequence to Choice.
def fromSeq[A, S](sequence: => Seq[A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Choice) = => Choice.get(seq))
/** Creates an effect from a Try[A] and handles the Try to Abort[Throwable].
* @param _try
* The Try[A] to create an effect from
* @return
* An effect that attempts to run the given effect and handles the Try to Abort[Throwable].
def fromTry[A, S](_try: => scala.util.Try[A] < S)(using Frame): A < (S & Abort[Throwable]) =
/** Logs an informational message to the console.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message to the console
inline def logInfo[S](message: => String < S): Unit < (S & IO) = =>
/** Logs an informational message to the console with an error.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @param err
* The error to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message and error to the console
inline def logInfo[S, S1](
message: => String < S,
err: => Throwable < S1
): Unit < (S & S1 & IO) = => =>, e)))
/** Logs a warning message to the console.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message to the console
inline def logWarn[S](message: => String < S): Unit < (S & IO) = => Log.warn(m))
/** Logs a warning message to the console with an error.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @param err
* The error to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message and error to the console
inline def logWarn[S, S1](
message: => String < S,
err: => Throwable < S1
): Unit < (S & S1 & IO) = => => Log.warn(m, e)))
/** Logs a debug message to the console.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message to the console
inline def logDebug[S](message: => String < S): Unit < (S & IO) = => Log.debug(m))
/** Logs a debug message to the console with an error.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @param err
* The error to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message and error to the console
inline def logDebug[S, S1](
message: => String < S,
err: => Throwable < S1
): Unit < (S & S1 & IO) = => => Log.debug(m, e)))
/** Logs an error message to the console.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message to the console
inline def logError[S](message: => String < S): Unit < (S & IO) = => Log.error(m))
/** Logs an error message to the console with an error.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @param err
* The error to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message and error to the console
inline def logError[S, S1](
message: => String < S,
err: => Throwable < S1
): Unit < (S & S1 & IO) = => => Log.error(m, e)))
/** Logs a trace message to the console.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message to the console
inline def logTrace[S](message: => String < S): Unit < (S & IO) = => Log.trace(m))
/** Logs a trace message to the console with an error.
* @param message
* The message to log
* @param err
* The error to log
* @return
* An effect that logs the message and error to the console
inline def logTrace[S, S1](
message: => String < S,
err: => Throwable < S1
): Unit < (S & S1 & IO) = => => Log.trace(m, e)))
/** Creates an effect that never completes using Async.
* @return
* An effect that never completes
def never(using Frame): Nothing < Async =
*> IO(throw new IllegalStateException("Async.never completed"))
/** Provides a dependency to an effect using Env.
* @param dependency
* The dependency to provide
* @param effect
* The effect to provide the dependency to
* @return
* An effect that provides the dependency to the effect
def provideFor[E, SD, A, SA, ER](
dependency: => E < SD
effect: A < (SA & Env[E | ER])
reduce: Reducible[Env[ER]],
t: Tag[E],
fl: Flat[A],
frame: Frame
): A < (SA & SD & reduce.SReduced) = =>
/** Creates a scoped effect using Resource.
* @param resource
* The resource to create a scoped effect from
* @return
* An effect that manages the resource lifecycle using Resource and IO effects
def scoped[A, S](resource: => A < (S & Resource))(using Frame): A < (Async & S) =
/** Retrieves a dependency from Env.
* @return
* An effect that retrieves the dependency from Env
def service[D](using Tag[D], Frame): D < Env[D] =
/** Retrieves a dependency from Env and applies a function to it.
* @param fn
* The function to apply to the dependency
* @return
* An effect that retrieves the dependency from Env and applies the function to it
def serviceWith[D](using Tag[D], Frame): [A, S] => (D => A < S) => A < (S & Env[D]) =
[A, S] => (fn: D => (A < S)) => service[D].map(d => fn(d))
/** Sleeps for a given duration using Async.
* @param duration
* The duration to sleep for
* @return
* An effect that sleeps for the given duration
def sleep[S](duration: => Duration < S)(using Frame): Unit < (S & Async) = => Async.sleep(d))
/** Suspends an effect using IO.
* @param effect
* The effect to suspend
* @return
* An effect that suspends the given effect
def suspend[A, S](effect: => A < S)(using Frame): A < (S & IO) =
/** Suspends an effect using IO and handles any exceptions that occur to Abort[Throwable].
* @param effect
* The effect to suspend
* @return
* An effect that suspends the given effect and handles any exceptions that occur to Abort[Throwable]
def suspendAttempt[A, S](effect: => A < S)(using
): A < (S & IO & Abort[Throwable]) =
/** Traverses a sequence of effects and collects the results.
* @param sequence
* The sequence of effects to traverse
* @return
* An effect that traverses the sequence of effects and collects the results
def traverse[A, S, S1](
sequence: => Seq[A < S] < S1
)(using Frame): Seq[A] < (S & S1) =
sequence.flatMap((seq: Seq[A < S]) => Kyo.collect(seq))
/** Traverses a sequence of effects and discards the results.
* @param sequence
* The sequence of effects to traverse
* @return
* An effect that traverses the sequence of effects and discards the results
def traverseDiscard[A, S, S1](
sequence: => Seq[A < S] < S1
)(using Frame): Unit < (S & S1) =
/** Traverses a sequence of effects in parallel and collects the results.
* @param sequence
* The sequence of effects to traverse in parallel
* @return
* An effect that traverses the sequence of effects in parallel and collects the results
def traversePar[A, S](
sequence: => Seq[A < Async] < S
)(using Flat[A], Frame): Seq[A] < (S & Async) = => foreachPar(seq)(identity))
/** Traverses a sequence of effects in parallel and discards the results.
* @param sequence
* The sequence of effects to traverse in parallel
* @return
* An effect that traverses the sequence of effects in parallel and discards the results
def traverseParDiscard[A, S](
sequence: => Seq[A < Async] < S
)(using Flat[A < S], Frame): Unit < (S & Async) = =>
end extension