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package kyo
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
/** Provides ANSI color and formatting utilities for strings.
object Ansi:
extension (str: String)
/** Applies black color to the string. */
def black: String = s"\u001b[30m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies red color to the string. */
def red: String = s"\u001b[31m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies green color to the string. */
def green: String = s"\u001b[32m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies yellow color to the string. */
def yellow: String = s"\u001b[33m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies blue color to the string. */
def blue: String = s"\u001b[34m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies magenta color to the string. */
def magenta: String = s"\u001b[35m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies cyan color to the string. */
def cyan: String = s"\u001b[36m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies white color to the string. */
def white: String = s"\u001b[37m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies grey color to the string. */
def grey: String = s"\u001b[90m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies bold formatting to the string. */
def bold: String = s"\u001b[1m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies dim formatting to the string. */
def dim: String = s"\u001b[2m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies italic formatting to the string. */
def italic: String = s"\u001b[3m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Applies underline formatting to the string. */
def underline: String = s"\u001b[4m$str\u001b[0m"
/** Removes all ANSI escape sequences from the string. */
def stripAnsi: String = str.replaceAll("\u001b\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z]", "")
end extension
object highlight:
/** Applies syntax highlighting to a code snippet with optional header and trailer.
* @param header
* The header text to be displayed before the code (optional).
* @param code
* The main code snippet to be highlighted.
* @param trailer
* The trailer text to be displayed after the code (optional).
* @param startLine
* The starting line number for the code snippet (default is 1).
* @return
* A string with the highlighted code, including line numbers and formatting.
def apply(header: String, code: String, trailer: String, startLine: Int = 1): String =
val separatorLine = "─".repeat(30).dim
val headerLines = if header.nonEmpty then Array(separatorLine) ++ header.split("\n") else Array.empty[String]
val codeLines = code.split("\n").dropWhile(_.isBlank).reverse.dropWhile(_.isBlank).reverse
val trailerLines = if trailer.nonEmpty then trailer.split("\n") ++ Array(separatorLine) else Array.empty[String]
val toDrop = codeLines.filter(_.trim.nonEmpty).map(_.takeWhile(_ == ' ').length).minOption.getOrElse(0)
val lineNumberWidth = (startLine + codeLines.length).toString.length
val separator = "│".dim
val allLines = headerLines ++ Array(separatorLine) ++ codeLines ++ Array(separatorLine) ++ trailerLines
val processedLines = { case (line, index) =>
val isHeader = index <= headerLines.length
val isTrailer = index > (headerLines.length + codeLines.length)
val lineNumber =
if isHeader || isTrailer then
" ".repeat(lineNumberWidth)
(startLine + index - headerLines.length).toString.padTo(lineNumberWidth, ' ')
val highlightedLine =
if isHeader || isTrailer then
s"${lineNumber.dim} $separator $highlightedLine"
case ex if NonFatal(ex) =>
(header :: code :: trailer :: Nil).mkString("\n")
end apply
/** Applies syntax highlighting to a code snippet without header or trailer.
* @param code
* The code snippet to be highlighted.
* @return
* A string with the highlighted code, including line numbers and formatting.
def apply(code: String): String = apply("", code, "", 1)
private def highlightLine(line: String): String =
if line.trim.startsWith("//") then // Make entire line green for single-line comments
line.split(" ").map { token =>
if keywords.contains(token) then token.yellow
else if token.matches("\".*\"") then
else if token.matches("/\\*.*\\*/") then // Inline multi-line comments
else if token.matches("[0-9]+") then token.cyan
else token
}.mkString(" ")
end highlightLine
private val keywords = Set(
end highlight
end Ansi