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package kyo
import java.time.Duration as JavaDuration
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.*
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kyo.Duration.Units
import kyo.Duration.Units.*
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration as ScalaDuration
/** Represents a duration of time. */
type Duration = Duration.Value
/** Companion object for Duration type. */
object Duration:
opaque type Value = Long
given CanEqual[Duration, Duration] = CanEqual.derived
/** Exception thrown for invalid duration parsing. */
case class InvalidDuration(message: String) extends Exception(message)
/** Parses a string representation of a duration.
* @param s
* The string to parse
* @return
* A Result containing either the parsed Duration or an InvalidDuration error
def parse(s: String): Result[InvalidDuration, Duration] =
val pattern = """(\d+)\s*([a-zA-Z]+)""".r
s.trim.toLowerCase match
case "infinity" | "inf" => Result.success(Infinity)
case pattern(value, unit) =>
longValue <-
.mapFail(_ => InvalidDuration(s"Invalid number: $value"))
unitEnum <-
.getOrElse("Invalid unit: $unit")))
yield fromUnits(longValue, unitEnum)
case _ =>"Invalid duration format: $s"))
end match
end parse
/** Represents zero duration. */
val Zero: Duration = 0L
/** Represents infinite duration. */
val Infinity: Duration = Long.MaxValue
/** Creates a Duration from nanoseconds.
* @param value
* The number of nanoseconds
* @return
* A Duration instance
def fromNanos(value: Long): Duration =
if value <= 0 then Duration.Zero else value
/** Creates a Duration from a value and unit.
* @param value
* The numeric value
* @param unit
* The unit of time
* @return
* A Duration instance
def fromUnits(value: Long, unit: Units): Duration =
if value <= 0 then Duration.Zero else Duration.*(value)(unit.factor).min(Infinity)
/** Converts a Java Duration to a Duration.
* @param value
* The Java Duration to convert
* @return
* A Duration instance
def fromJava(value: JavaDuration): Duration =
(value.toNanos: @annotation.switch) match
case 0 => Zero
case n if n >= Long.MaxValue => Infinity
case n => n.nanos
/** Converts a Scala Duration to a Duration.
* @param value
* The Scala Duration to convert
* @return
* A Duration instance
def fromScala(value: ScalaDuration): Duration =
if value.isFinite then value.toNanos.nanos.max(Zero) else Infinity
/** Marker trait for units that can be used with Instant.truncatedTo */
sealed trait Truncatable
/** Enumeration of time units with their conversion factors and names. */
enum Units(val names: List[String], val chronoUnit: ChronoUnit):
case Nanos extends Units(List("ns", "nanos", "nanosecond", "nanoseconds"), ChronoUnit.NANOS) with Truncatable
case Micros extends Units(List("µs", "micros", "microsecond", "microseconds"), ChronoUnit.MICROS) with Truncatable
case Millis extends Units(List("ms", "millis", "millisecond", "milliseconds"), ChronoUnit.MILLIS) with Truncatable
case Seconds extends Units(List("s", "seconds", "second"), ChronoUnit.SECONDS) with Truncatable
case Minutes extends Units(List("m", "minutes", "minute"), ChronoUnit.MINUTES) with Truncatable
case Hours extends Units(List("h", "hours", "hour"), ChronoUnit.HOURS) with Truncatable
case Days extends Units(List("d", "days", "day"), ChronoUnit.DAYS) with Truncatable
case Weeks extends Units(List("w", "weeks", "week"), ChronoUnit.WEEKS)
case Months extends Units(List("m", "months", "month"), ChronoUnit.MONTHS)
case Years extends Units(List("y", "years", "year"), ChronoUnit.YEARS)
/** Returns the factor for converting this unit to nanoseconds. */
val factor: Double = chronoUnit.getDuration.toNanos.toDouble
end Units
object Units:
private val byChronoUnit: Map[ChronoUnit, Units] = => (u.chronoUnit, u)).toMap
def fromJava(chronoUnit: ChronoUnit): Units =
.getOrElse(throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Chrono unit not suppported: " + chronoUnit))
def fromJava(timeUnit: TimeUnit): Units =
given CanEqual[TimeUnit, TimeUnit] = CanEqual.derived
timeUnit match
case TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS => Units.Nanos
case TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS => Units.Micros
case TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS => Units.Millis
case TimeUnit.SECONDS => Units.Seconds
case TimeUnit.MINUTES => Units.Minutes
case TimeUnit.HOURS => Units.Hours
case TimeUnit.DAYS => Units.Days
end match
end fromJava
end Units
extension (self: Duration)
private def toLong: Long = self
infix def >=(that: Duration): Boolean = self.toLong >= that.toLong
infix def <=(that: Duration): Boolean = self.toLong <= that.toLong
infix def >(that: Duration): Boolean = self.toLong > that.toLong
infix def <(that: Duration): Boolean = self.toLong < that.toLong
infix def ==(that: Duration): Boolean = self.toLong == that.toLong
infix def !=(that: Duration): Boolean = self.toLong != that.toLong
infix def +(that: Duration): Duration =
val sum: Long = self.toLong + that.toLong
if sum >= 0 then sum else Duration.Infinity
infix def -(that: Duration): Duration =
val diff: Long = self.toLong - that.toLong
if diff > 0 then diff else Duration.Zero
infix def *(factor: Double): Duration =
if factor <= 0 || self.toLong <= 0L then Duration.Zero
else if factor <= Long.MaxValue / self.toLong.toDouble then Math.round(self.toLong.toDouble * factor)
else Duration.Infinity
def max(that: Duration): Duration = Math.max(self.toLong, that.toLong)
def min(that: Duration): Duration = Math.min(self.toLong, that.toLong)
def to(unit: Units): Long =
Math.max(Math.round(self.toLong / unit.factor), Duration.Zero)
def to(timeUnit: TimeUnit): Long =
def to(chronoUnit: ChronoUnit): Long =
def toNanos: Long = self.toLong
def toMicros: Long =
def toMillis: Long =
def toSeconds: Long =
def toMinutes: Long =
def toHours: Long =
def toDays: Long =
def toWeeks: Long =
def toMonths: Long =
def toYears: Long =
/** Converts the Duration to a Scala Duration.
* @return
* A Scala Duration instance
def toScala: ScalaDuration =
(self: @annotation.switch) match
case Duration.Zero => ScalaDuration.Zero
case Duration.Infinity => ScalaDuration.Inf
case n => ScalaDuration.fromNanos(n.toNanos)
/** Converts the Duration to a Java Duration.
* @return
* A Java Duration instance
def toJava: JavaDuration =
(self: @annotation.switch) match
case Duration.Zero => JavaDuration.ZERO
case n => JavaDuration.of(n.toNanos, NANOS)
/** Converts the Duration to a human-readable string at the most coarse possible resolution without losing information.
* @return
* A string representation of the Duration
def show: String =
if self == Zero then "Duration.Zero"
else if self == Infinity then "Duration.Infinity"
val nanos = self.toNanos
Units.values.reverse.find(unit => nanos % unit.factor.toLong == 0) match
case Some(unit) =>
val value = (nanos / unit.factor).toLong
val name = unit.toString.toLowerCase
case None =>
end match
/** Checks if the Duration is finite.
* @return
* true if the Duration is finite, false otherwise
// TODO Is this Robust enough?
private[kyo] def isFinite: Boolean = self < Duration.Infinity
end extension
end Duration
extension (value: Long)
/** Creates a Duration of nanoseconds. */
def nanos: Duration = Duration.fromNanos(value)
/** Creates a Duration of microseconds. */
def micros: Duration = value.asUnit(Micros)
/** Creates a Duration of milliseconds. */
def millis: Duration = value.asUnit(Millis)
/** Creates a Duration of seconds. */
def seconds: Duration = value.asUnit(Seconds)
/** Creates a Duration of minutes. */
def minutes: Duration = value.asUnit(Minutes)
/** Creates a Duration of hours. */
def hours: Duration = value.asUnit(Hours)
/** Creates a Duration of days. */
def days: Duration = value.asUnit(Days)
/** Creates a Duration of weeks. */
def weeks: Duration = value.asUnit(Weeks)
/** Creates a Duration of months. */
def months: Duration = value.asUnit(Months)
/** Creates a Duration of years. */
def years: Duration = value.asUnit(Years)
inline def nano: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.nanos`")
inline def micro: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.micros`")
inline def milli: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.millis`")
inline def second: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.seconds`")
inline def minute: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.minutes`")
inline def hour: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.hours`")
inline def day: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.days`")
inline def week: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.weeks`")
inline def month: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.months`")
inline def year: Duration = compiletime.error("please use `.years`")
/** Creates a Duration from a specific unit.
* @param unit
* The unit of time
* @return
* A Duration instance
def asUnit(unit: Units): Duration =
Duration.fromUnits(value, unit)
end extension
/** Extension methods for the value 1 to create singular Durations. */
extension (value: 1)
def nano: Duration = Duration.fromNanos(value)
def micro: Duration = value.asUnit(Micros)
def milli: Duration = value.asUnit(Millis)
def second: Duration = value.asUnit(Seconds)
def minute: Duration = value.asUnit(Minutes)
def hour: Duration = value.asUnit(Hours)
def day: Duration = value.asUnit(Days)
def week: Duration = value.asUnit(Weeks)
def month: Duration = value.asUnit(Months)
def year: Duration = value.asUnit(Years)
end extension