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package kyo
import Schedule.internal.*
import kyo.Duration
import kyo.Instant
/** An immutable, composable scheduling policy.
* Schedule provides various combinators for creating complex scheduling policies. It can be used to define retry policies, periodic tasks,
* or any other time-based scheduling logic.
sealed abstract class Schedule derives CanEqual:
/** Returns the next delay and the updated schedule.
* @return
* a tuple containing the next delay duration and the updated schedule
def next: Maybe[(Duration, Schedule)]
/** Combines this schedule with another, taking the maximum delay of both.
* @param that
* the schedule to combine with
* @return
* a new schedule that produces the maximum delay of both schedules
final infix def max(that: Schedule): Schedule =
this match
case Never => this
case Done | Immediate => that
case _ =>
that match
case Never => that
case Done | Immediate => this
case _ => Max(this, that)
/** Combines this schedule with another, taking the minimum delay of both.
* @param that
* the schedule to combine with
* @return
* a new schedule that produces the minimum delay of both schedules
final infix def min(that: Schedule): Schedule =
this match
case Never => that
case Done | Immediate => this
case _ =>
that match
case Never => this
case Done | Immediate => that
case _ => Min(this, that)
/** Limits the number of repetitions of this schedule.
* @param n
* the maximum number of repetitions
* @return
* a new schedule that stops after n repetitions
final def take(n: Int): Schedule =
if n <= 0 then Schedule.done
this match
case Never | Done => this
case _ => Take(this, n)
/** Chains this schedule with another, running the second after the first completes.
* @param that
* the schedule to run after this one
* @return
* a new schedule that runs this schedule followed by the other
final def andThen(that: Schedule): Schedule =
this match
case Never => Never
case Done => that
case _ =>
that match
case Done | Never | Immediate => this
case _ => AndThen(this, that)
/** Repeats this schedule a specified number of times.
* @param n
* the number of times to repeat
* @return
* a new schedule that repeats this schedule n times
final def repeat(n: Int): Schedule =
if n <= 0 then Schedule.done
else if n == 1 then this
this match
case Never | Done => this
case _ => Repeat(this, n)
/** Limits the total duration of this schedule.
* @param maxDuration
* the maximum total duration
* @return
* a new schedule that stops after the specified duration
final def maxDuration(maxDuration: Duration): Schedule =
if !maxDuration.isFinite then this
this match
case Never | Done | Immediate => this
case _ => MaxDuration(this, maxDuration)
/** Repeats this schedule indefinitely.
* @return
* a new schedule that repeats this schedule forever
final def forever: Schedule =
this match
case Never | Done => this
case _: Forever => this
case _ => Forever(this)
/** Adds a fixed delay before each iteration of this schedule.
* @param duration
* the delay to add
* @return
* a new schedule with the added delay
final def delay(duration: Duration): Schedule =
if duration == Duration.Zero then this
this match
case Never | Done => this
case _ => Delay(this, duration)
/** Returns a string representation of the schedule as it would appear in source code.
* @return
* a string representation of the schedule
def show: String
override def toString() = show
end Schedule
object Schedule:
/** A schedule that completes once immediately. */
val immediate: Schedule = Immediate
/** A schedule that never completes. */
val never: Schedule = Never
/** A schedule that is already done. */
val done: Schedule = Done
/** A schedule that forever repeats immediately. */
val forever: Schedule = immediate.forever
/** Creates a schedule that executes once after a fixed duration.
* @param duration
* the delay duration
* @return
* a new schedule with the specified delay
def delay(duration: Duration): Schedule =
/** Creates a schedule that immediately repeats a specified number of times.
* @param n
* the number of repetitions
* @return
* a new schedule that repeats n times
def repeat(n: Int): Schedule =
/** Creates a schedule with a fixed interval between iterations.
* @param interval
* the fixed interval
* @return
* a new schedule with the specified fixed interval
def fixed(interval: Duration): Schedule = Fixed(interval)
/** Creates a schedule with linearly increasing intervals.
* @param base
* the initial interval
* @return
* a new schedule with linearly increasing intervals
def linear(base: Duration): Schedule =
if base == Duration.Zero then immediate.forever
else Linear(base)
/** Creates a schedule with intervals following the Fibonacci sequence.
* @param a
* the first interval
* @param b
* the second interval
* @return
* a new schedule with Fibonacci sequence intervals
def fibonacci(a: Duration, b: Duration): Schedule =
if a == Duration.Zero && b == Duration.Zero then immediate.forever
else Fibonacci(a, b)
/** Creates a schedule with exponentially increasing intervals.
* @param initial
* the initial interval
* @param factor
* the factor by which to increase the interval
* @return
* a new schedule with exponentially increasing intervals
def exponential(initial: Duration, factor: Double): Schedule =
if initial == Duration.Zero then immediate
else if factor == 1.0 then fixed(initial)
else Exponential(initial, factor)
/** Creates a schedule with exponential backoff and a maximum delay.
* @param initial
* the initial interval
* @param factor
* the factor by which to increase the interval
* @param maxBackoff
* the maximum delay allowed
* @return
* a new schedule with exponential backoff and a maximum delay
def exponentialBackoff(initial: Duration, factor: Double, maxBackoff: Duration): Schedule =
if initial == Duration.Zero then immediate
else if factor == 1.0 then fixed(initial)
else ExponentialBackoff(initial, factor, maxBackoff)
private[kyo] object internal:
case object Immediate extends Schedule:
val next = Maybe((Duration.Zero, Done))
def show = "Schedule.immediate"
case object Never extends Schedule:
def next = Maybe.empty
def show = "Schedule.never"
case object Done extends Schedule:
def next = Maybe.empty
def show = "Schedule.done"
final case class Fixed(interval: Duration) extends Schedule:
val next = Maybe((interval, this))
def show = s"Schedule.fixed(${})"
final case class Exponential(initial: Duration, factor: Double) extends Schedule:
def next = Maybe((initial, Exponential(initial * factor, factor)))
def show = s"Schedule.exponential(${}, ${formatDouble(factor)})"
final case class Fibonacci(a: Duration, b: Duration) extends Schedule:
def next = Maybe((a, Fibonacci(b, a + b)))
def show = s"Schedule.fibonacci(${}, ${})"
final case class ExponentialBackoff(initial: Duration, factor: Double, maxBackoff: Duration) extends Schedule:
def next =
val nextDelay = initial.min(maxBackoff)
Maybe((nextDelay, exponentialBackoff(nextDelay * factor, factor, maxBackoff)))
def show = s"Schedule.exponentialBackoff(${}, ${formatDouble(factor)}, ${})"
end ExponentialBackoff
final case class Linear(base: Duration) extends Schedule:
def next = Maybe((base, linear(base + base)))
def show = s"Schedule.linear(${})"
final case class Max(a: Schedule, b: Schedule) extends Schedule:
def next =
(d1, s1) <-
(d2, s2) <-
yield (d1.max(d2), s1.max(s2))
def show = s"(${}).max(${})"
end Max
final case class Min(a: Schedule, b: Schedule) extends Schedule:
def next = match
case Absent =>
case n @ Present((d1, s1)) => match
case Absent => n
case Present((d2, s2)) =>
Maybe((d1.min(d2), s1.min(s2)))
def show = s"(${}).min(${})"
end Min
final case class Take(schedule: Schedule, remaining: Int) extends Schedule:
def next =, s) => (d, s.take(remaining - 1)))
def show = s"(${}).take($remaining)"
end Take
final case class AndThen(a: Schedule, b: Schedule) extends Schedule:
def next =, s) => (d, s.andThen(b))).orElse(
def show = s"(${}).andThen(${})"
end AndThen
final case class MaxDuration(schedule: Schedule, duration: Duration) extends Schedule:
def next = { (d, s) =>
if d > duration then Maybe.empty
else Maybe((d, s.maxDuration(duration - d)))
def show = s"(${}).maxDuration(${})"
end MaxDuration
final case class Repeat(schedule: Schedule, remaining: Int) extends Schedule:
def next =, s) => (d, s.andThen(schedule.repeat(remaining - 1))))
def show = s"(${}).repeat($remaining)"
end Repeat
final case class Forever(schedule: Schedule) extends Schedule:
def next =, s) => (d, s.andThen(this)))
def show = s"(${}).forever"
end Forever
final case class Delay(schedule: Schedule, duration: Duration) extends Schedule:
def next =, s) => (duration + d, s.delay(duration)))
def show = s"(${}).delay(${})"
end Delay
private def formatDouble(d: Double): String =
if d == d.toLong then f"$d%.1f" else d.toString
end internal
end Schedule