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package kyo
import Text.internal.*
import scala.annotation.tailrec
opaque type Text >: String = String | Op
object Text:
/** Creates a Tag instance for Text type */
given Tag[Text] = Tag.fromRaw("kyo.Text")
/** Creates a new Text from a String
* @param s
* the string to convert to Text
* @return
* a new Text instance
def apply(s: String): Text = s
/** Returns an empty Text instance */
def empty: Text = ""
/** Abstract class for character predicates used in Text operations */
abstract class Predicate:
/** Tests if a character matches the predicate
* @param char
* the character to test
* @return
* true if the character matches the predicate
def apply(char: Char): Boolean
end Predicate
extension (self: Text)
/** Tests if this Text is empty
* @return
* true if the Text contains no characters
def isEmpty: Boolean =
self match
case s: String => s.isEmpty
case op: Op => op.isEmpty
/** Returns the length of this Text
* @return
* the number of characters in this Text
def length: Int =
self match
case s: String => s.length
case op: Op => op.length
/** Alias for length
* @return
* the number of characters in this Text
def size: Int = length
/** Returns the character at the specified index
* @param index
* the index of the character to return
* @return
* the character at the specified index
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if index is negative or >= length
def charAt(index: Int): Char =
self match
case s: String => s.charAt(index)
case op: Op => op.charAt(index)
/** Creates a new Text containing the characters from the specified range
* @param from
* the start index, inclusive
* @param until
* the end index, exclusive
* @return
* a new Text containing the specified range of characters
* @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
* if indices are out of bounds
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if from > until
def substring(from: Int, until: Int): Text =
self match
case s: String => Cut(s, from, until)
case op: Op => op.substring(from, until)
/** Concatenates this Text with another
* @param other
* the Text to append
* @return
* a new Text containing this Text followed by other
infix def +(other: Text): Text =
if self.isEmpty then other
else if other.isEmpty then self
else Concat(self, other)
/** Removes leading and trailing whitespace
* @return
* a new Text with whitespace removed from both ends
def trim: Text =
val len = self.length
val start = self.indexWhere(!_.isWhitespace)
if start == -1 then Text.empty
val end = self.lastIndexWhere(!_.isWhitespace) + 1
if start == 0 && end == len then self
else self.substring(start, end)
end if
end trim
/** Tests if this Text contains a substring
* @param substr
* the substring to search for
* @return
* true if this Text contains substr
def contains(substr: Text): Boolean = indexOf(substr) >= 0
/** Tests if this Text starts with a prefix
* @param prefix
* the prefix to test
* @return
* true if this Text starts with prefix
def startsWith(prefix: Text): Boolean =
val prefixLen = prefix.length
val selfLen = self.length
@tailrec def loop(i: Int): Boolean =
if i >= prefixLen then true
else if charAt(i) != prefix.charAt(i) then false
else loop(i + 1)
if prefixLen > selfLen then false
else loop(0)
end startsWith
/** Tests if this Text ends with a suffix
* @param suffix
* the suffix to test
* @return
* true if this Text ends with suffix
def endsWith(suffix: Text): Boolean =
val suffixLen = suffix.length
val selfLen = self.length
@tailrec def loop(i: Int): Boolean =
if i >= suffixLen then true
else if charAt(selfLen - suffixLen + i) != suffix.charAt(i) then false
else loop(i + 1)
if suffixLen > selfLen then false
else loop(0)
end endsWith
/** Finds the first occurrence of a substring
* @param substr
* the substring to find
* @return
* the index of the first occurrence, or -1 if not found
def indexOf(substr: Text): Int =
val substrLen = substr.length
val selfLen = self.length
@tailrec def loop(i: Int): Int =
if i > selfLen - substrLen then -1
else if startsWith(substr, i) then i
else loop(i + 1)
@tailrec def startsWith(prefix: Text, offset: Int, prefixIndex: Int = 0): Boolean =
if prefixIndex >= prefix.length then true
else if charAt(offset + prefixIndex) != prefix.charAt(prefixIndex) then false
else startsWith(prefix, offset, prefixIndex + 1)
if substr.isEmpty then 0
else if substrLen > selfLen then -1
else loop(0)
end indexOf
/** Finds the last occurrence of a substring
* @param substr
* the substring to find
* @return
* the index of the last occurrence, or -1 if not found
def lastIndexOf(substr: Text): Int =
val substrLen = substr.length
val selfLen = self.length
@tailrec def loop(i: Int): Int =
if i < 0 then -1
else if startsWith(substr, i) then i
else loop(i - 1)
@tailrec def startsWith(prefix: Text, offset: Int, prefixIndex: Int = 0): Boolean =
if prefixIndex >= prefix.length then true
else if charAt(offset + prefixIndex) != prefix.charAt(prefixIndex) then false
else startsWith(prefix, offset, prefixIndex + 1)
if substr.isEmpty then selfLen
else if substrLen > selfLen then -1
else loop(selfLen - substrLen)
end lastIndexOf
/** Splits this Text around a separator character
* @param separator
* the character to split on
* @return
* a Chunk containing the parts between separators
def split(separator: Char): Chunk[Text] =
val selfLen = self.length
@tailrec def loop(start: Int, current: Int, acc: Chunk[Text]): Chunk[Text] =
if current >= selfLen then
if start < selfLen then acc.append(substring(start, selfLen))
else acc
else if charAt(current) == separator then
if current > start then
loop(current + 1, current + 1, acc.append(substring(start, current)))
loop(current + 1, current + 1, acc)
loop(start, current + 1, acc)
loop(0, 0, Chunk.empty)
end split
/** Takes the first n characters
* @param n
* number of characters to take
* @return
* a new Text containing at most n characters from the start
def take(n: Int): Text =
if n <= 0 then Text.empty
else substring(0, n.min(length))
/** Drops the first n characters
* @param n
* number of characters to drop
* @return
* a new Text without the first n characters
def drop(n: Int): Text =
if n <= 0 then self
else substring(n.min(length), length)
/** Takes the last n characters
* @param n
* number of characters to take from the end
* @return
* a new Text containing at most n characters from the end
def takeRight(n: Int): Text =
val selfLen = self.length
if n <= 0 then Text.empty
else substring((selfLen - n).max(0), selfLen)
end takeRight
/** Drops the last n characters
* @param n
* number of characters to drop from the end
* @return
* a new Text without the last n characters
def dropRight(n: Int): Text =
val selfLen = self.length
if n <= 0 then self
else substring(0, (selfLen - n).max(0))
end dropRight
/** Removes a prefix if it exists
* @param prefix
* the prefix to remove
* @return
* a new Text with the prefix removed if it existed, otherwise this Text
def stripPrefix(prefix: Text): Text =
if startsWith(prefix) then drop(prefix.length) else self
/** Removes a suffix if it exists
* @param suffix
* the suffix to remove
* @return
* a new Text with the suffix removed if it existed, otherwise this Text
def stripSuffix(suffix: Text): Text =
if endsWith(suffix) then dropRight(suffix.length) else self
/** Compares two Texts ignoring case
* @param other
* the Text to compare to
* @return
* negative if this < other, 0 if equal, positive if this > other
def compareToIgnoreCase(other: Text): Int =
val selfLen = self.length
val otherLen = other.length
def loop(i: Int): Int =
if i >= selfLen && i >= otherLen then 0
else if i >= selfLen then -1
else if i >= otherLen then 1
val c1 = Character.toLowerCase(charAt(i))
val c2 = Character.toLowerCase(other.charAt(i))
if c1 != c2 then c1 - c2
else loop(i + 1)
end compareToIgnoreCase
/** Returns the first character if present
* @return
* Maybe containing the first character, or Absent if empty
def head: Maybe[Char] =
if self.isEmpty then Absent else Present(self.charAt(0))
/** Returns all characters except the first
* @return
* a new Text without the first character
def tail: Text = self.drop(1)
/** Splits this Text into two parts based on a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* a tuple of (matching prefix, remaining text)
def span(p: Predicate): (Text, Text) =
val idx = self.indexWhere(!p(_))
if idx == -1 then (self, Text.empty)
else (self.take(idx), self.drop(idx))
end span
/** Drops characters while they match a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* remaining text after dropping matching characters
def dropWhile(p: Predicate): Text =
val idx = self.indexWhere(!p(_))
if idx == -1 then Text.empty else self.drop(idx)
/** Finds index of first character matching a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* index of first match, or -1 if none found
def indexWhere(p: Predicate): Int =
val selfLen = self.length
def loop(i: Int): Int =
if i >= selfLen then -1
else if p(self.charAt(i)) then i
else loop(i + 1)
end indexWhere
/** Finds index of last character matching a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* index of last match, or -1 if none found
def lastIndexWhere(p: Predicate): Int =
def loop(i: Int): Int =
if i < 0 then -1
else if p(self.charAt(i)) then i
else loop(i - 1)
loop(self.length - 1)
end lastIndexWhere
/** Creates new Text excluding characters matching a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* new Text with matching characters removed
def filterNot(p: Predicate): Text =
@tailrec def loop(i: Int, acc: StringBuilder): Text =
if i >= self.length then Text(acc.toString)
val c = self.charAt(i)
if !p(c) then acc.append(c)
loop(i + 1, acc)
loop(0, new StringBuilder)
end filterNot
/** Counts characters matching a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* number of characters matching the predicate
def count(p: Predicate): Int =
@tailrec def loop(i: Int, acc: Int): Int =
if i >= self.length then acc
else if p(self.charAt(i)) then loop(i + 1, acc + 1)
else loop(i + 1, acc)
loop(0, 0)
end count
/** Converts this Text to a String representation
* @return
* string representation of this Text
def show: String = self.toString()
/** Creates a compact representation of this Text
* @return
* new Text with internal operations collapsed
def compact: Text = self.toString()
/** Tests if this Text equals another Text
* @param other
* the Text to compare to
* @return
* true if the Texts contain the same characters
def is(other: Text): Boolean =
if self.length != other.length then false
def loop(i: Int): Boolean =
if i >= self.length then true
else if self.charAt(i) != other.charAt(i) then false
else loop(i + 1)
end is
/** Takes characters while they match a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* prefix of characters matching the predicate
def takeWhile(p: Predicate): Text =
val idx = self.indexWhere(!p(_))
if idx == -1 then self else self.take(idx)
end takeWhile
/** Creates new Text including only characters matching a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* new Text with only matching characters
def filter(p: Predicate): Text =
@tailrec def loop(i: Int, acc: StringBuilder): Text =
if i >= self.length then Text(acc.toString)
val c = self.charAt(i)
if p(c) then acc.append(c)
loop(i + 1, acc)
loop(0, new StringBuilder)
end filter
/** Tests if any character matches a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* true if any character matches
def exists(p: Predicate): Boolean =
indexWhere(p) >= 0
/** Tests if all characters match a predicate
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* true if all characters match
def forall(p: Predicate): Boolean =
/** Creates a new Text with characters in reverse order
* @return
* new Text with reversed characters
def reverse: Text = Reverse(self)
/** Takes characters until finding one that doesn't match the predicate, including that character
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* prefix of Text up to and including first non-matching character
def takeUntilNext(p: Predicate): Text =
val idx = self.indexWhere(!p(_))
if idx == -1 then self else self.take(idx)
/** Drops characters until finding one that doesn't match the predicate, starting from that character
* @param p
* the predicate to test characters against
* @return
* suffix of Text starting from first non-matching character
def dropUntilNext(p: Predicate): Text =
val idx = self.indexWhere(!p(_))
if idx == -1 then Text.empty else self.drop(idx + 1)
end extension
private[kyo] object internal:
sealed trait Op:
def isEmpty: Boolean
def length: Int
def charAt(index: Int): Char
def substring(from: Int, until: Int): Text
end Op
final class Cut(payload: String, start: Int, end: Int) extends Op:
val length: Int = end - start
def isEmpty: Boolean = length == 0
def charAt(index: Int): Char = payload.charAt(start + index)
def substring(from: Int, until: Int): Text =
val newStart = start + from
val newEnd = Math.min(start + until, end)
if newStart >= newEnd then Text.empty
else if newStart == start && newEnd == end then this
else Cut(payload, newStart, newEnd)
end substring
override def toString: String = payload.substring(start, end)
end Cut
object Cut:
def apply(payload: String, start: Int, end: Int): Cut =
if start < 0 then throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Start index out of range: $start")
else if end > payload.length then throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException(s"End index out of range: $end")
else if start > end then throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Start index ($start) is greater than end index ($end)")
else new Cut(payload, start, end)
end Cut
final case class Concat(left: Text, right: Text) extends Op:
def isEmpty: Boolean = left.isEmpty && right.isEmpty
def length: Int = left.length + right.length
def charAt(index: Int): Char =
val leftLength = left.length
if index < leftLength then left.charAt(index)
else right.charAt(index - leftLength)
end charAt
def substring(from: Int, until: Int): Text =
val leftLength = left.length
if until <= leftLength then
left.substring(from, until)
else if from >= leftLength then
right.substring(from - leftLength, until - leftLength)
Concat(left.substring(from, leftLength), right.substring(0, until - leftLength))
end if
end substring
override def toString: String = left.toString + right.toString
end Concat
case class Reverse(payload: Text) extends Op:
def isEmpty: Boolean = payload.isEmpty
def length: Int = payload.length
def charAt(index: Int): Char = payload.charAt(length - 1 - index)
def substring(from: Int, until: Int): Text =
if from >= until then Text.empty
else if from == 0 && until == length then this
else Reverse(payload.substring(length - until, length - from))
override def toString: String =
val sb = new StringBuilder(length)
var i = length - 1
while i >= 0 do
i -= 1
end toString
end Reverse
end internal
end Text