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package kyo
import Chunk.Indexed
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
sealed abstract class Chunk[A] extends Seq[A] derives CanEqual:
self =>
import Chunk.internal.*
private inline given ClassTag[A] = ClassTag.Any.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]
// O(1) methods //
final override def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
override def take(n: Int): Chunk[A] =
dropLeftAndRight(0, size - Math.min(Math.max(0, n), size))
override def drop(n: Int): Seq[A] =
final def dropLeft(n: Int): Chunk[A] =
dropLeftAndRight(Math.min(size, Math.max(0, n)), 0)
override def dropRight(n: Int): Chunk[A] =
dropLeftAndRight(0, Math.min(size, Math.max(0, n)))
override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Chunk[A] =
dropLeftAndRight(Math.max(0, from), size - Math.min(size, until))
final def dropLeftAndRight(left: Int, right: Int): Chunk[A] =
@tailrec def loop(c: Chunk[A], left: Int, right: Int): Chunk[A] =
val size = c.size - left - right
if size <= 0 then Chunk.empty
c match
case Drop(chunk, dropLeft, dropRight, _) =>
Drop(chunk, left + dropLeft, right + dropRight, size)
case Append(chunk, value, size) if right > 0 =>
loop(chunk, left, right - 1)
case _ =>
Drop(c, left, right, size)
end if
end loop
loop(this, left, right)
end dropLeftAndRight
final def append(v: A): Chunk[A] =
Append(this, v, size + 1)
override def last: A =
@tailrec def loop(c: Chunk[A], index: Int): A =
c match
case c if index >= c.size || index < 0 =>
throw new NoSuchElementException
case c: Append[A] =>
if index == c.size - 1 then
loop(c.chunk, index)
case c: Drop[A] =>
loop(c.chunk, index + c.dropLeft)
case c: Indexed[A] =>
loop(this, this.size - 1)
end last
// O(n) methods //
def apply(index: Int): A =
def outOfBounds = throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Index out of range: $index")
def loop(chunk: Chunk[A], index: Int): A =
chunk match
case c: Indexed[A] =>
if index < 0 || index >= c.length then outOfBounds
case Drop(c, left, right, len) =>
if index < 0 || index >= len then outOfBounds
loop(c, index + left)
case Append(c, value, len) =>
if index < 0 || index >= len then outOfBounds
if index == len - 1 then value else loop(c, index)
if index < 0 then outOfBounds
else loop(this, index)
end apply
def iterator: Iterator[A] = toArray.iterator
final def concat(other: Chunk[A]): Chunk[A] =
if isEmpty then other
else if other.isEmpty then this
val s = size
val array = new Array[A](s + other.size)
this.copyTo(array, 0)
other.copyTo(array, s)
end if
end concat
final def changes(using CanEqual[A, A]): Chunk[A] =
final def changes(first: Maybe[A])(using CanEqual[A, A]): Chunk[A] =
if isEmpty then Chunk.empty
val size = this.size
val indexed = this.toIndexed
@tailrec def loop(idx: Int, prev: Maybe[A], acc: Chunk[A]): Chunk[A] =
if idx < size then
val v = indexed(idx)
if prev.contains(v) then
loop(idx + 1, prev, acc)
loop(idx + 1, Maybe(v), acc.append(v))
end if
loop(0, first, Chunk.empty)
end changes
final def toIndexed: Indexed[A] =
if isEmpty then cachedEmpty.asInstanceOf[Indexed[A]]
this match
case c: Indexed[A] => c
case _ => Compact(toArrayInternal)
final def flatten[B](using ev: A =:= Chunk[B]): Chunk[B] =
if isEmpty then Chunk.empty
val nested = this.toArrayInternal
@tailrec def totalSize(idx: Int = 0, acc: Int = 0): Int =
if idx < nested.length then
val chunk = nested(idx).asInstanceOf[Chunk[B]]
totalSize(idx + 1, acc + chunk.size)
val unnested = new Array[B](totalSize())(using ClassTag.Any.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[B]])
@tailrec def copy(idx: Int = 0, offset: Int = 0): Unit =
if idx < nested.length then
val chunk = nested(idx).asInstanceOf[Chunk[B]]
chunk.copyTo(unnested, offset)
copy(idx + 1, offset + chunk.size)
end flatten
final def copyTo[B >: A](array: Array[B], start: Int): Unit =
copyTo(array, start, size)
final def copyTo[B >: A](array: Array[B], start: Int, elements: Int): Unit =
@tailrec def loop(c: Chunk[A], end: Int, dropLeft: Int, dropRight: Int): Unit =
c match
case c: Append[A] =>
if dropRight > 0 then
loop(c.chunk, end, dropLeft, dropRight - 1)
else if end > 0 then
array(start + end - 1) = c.value
loop(c.chunk, end - 1, dropLeft, dropRight)
case c: Drop[A] =>
loop(c.chunk, end, dropLeft + c.dropLeft, dropRight + c.dropRight)
case c: Tail[A] =>
loop(c.chunk, end, dropLeft + c.offset, dropRight)
case c: Compact[A] =>
val l = c.array.length
if l > 0 then
System.arraycopy(c.array, dropLeft, array, start, l - dropRight - dropLeft)
case c: FromSeq[A] =>
val seq = c.value
val size = Math.min(end, c.value.size - dropLeft - dropRight)
@tailrec def loop(index: Int): Unit =
if index < size then
array(start + index) = seq(index + dropLeft)
loop(index + 1)
if !isEmpty then
loop(this, elements, 0, 0)
end copyTo
override def toArray[B >: A: ClassTag]: Array[B] =
val array = new Array[B](size)
copyTo(array, 0)
end toArray
final private def toArrayInternal: Array[A] =
this match
case c if c.isEmpty =>
case c: Compact[A] =>
case c =>
end Chunk
object Chunk:
import internal.*
sealed abstract class Indexed[A] extends Chunk[A]:
// O(1) methods //
def apply(i: Int): A
final override def head: A =
if isEmpty then
throw new NoSuchElementException
final override def tail: Indexed[A] =
if size <= 1 then cachedEmpty.asInstanceOf[Indexed[A]]
this match
case Tail(chunk, offset, size) =>
Tail(chunk, offset + 1, size - 1)
case c =>
Tail(c, 1, size - 1)
end Indexed
def empty[A]: Chunk[A] =
def apply[A](values: A*): Chunk[A] =
def from[A](values: Seq[A]): Chunk.Indexed[A] =
if values.isEmpty then cachedEmpty.asInstanceOf[Chunk.Indexed[A]]
values match
case seq: Chunk.Indexed[A] @unchecked => seq
case seq: IndexedSeq[A] => FromSeq(seq)
case _ => Compact(values.toArray(using ClassTag.Any.asInstanceOf[ClassTag[A]]))
def fill[A](n: Int)(v: A): Chunk[A] =
if n <= 0 then empty
val array = (new Array[Any](n)).asInstanceOf[Array[A]]
@tailrec def loop(idx: Int = 0): Unit =
if idx < n then
array(idx) = v
loop(idx + 1)
end fill
private[kyo] object internal:
val cachedEmpty = Compact(new Array[Any](0))
final case class FromSeq[A](
value: IndexedSeq[A]
) extends Indexed[A]:
def length = value.size
override def apply(i: Int) =
if i >= size || i < 0 then
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Index out of range: $i")
override def toString = s"Chunk.Indexed(${value.mkString(", ")})"
end FromSeq
final case class Compact[A](
array: Array[A]
) extends Indexed[A]:
def length = array.length
override def apply(i: Int) =
if i >= size || i < 0 then
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(s"Index out of range: $i")
override def toString = s"Chunk.Indexed(${array.mkString(", ")})"
end Compact
final case class Tail[A](
chunk: Indexed[A],
offset: Int,
length: Int
) extends Indexed[A]:
override def apply(i: Int): A = chunk(i + offset)
override def toString = s"Chunk(${toSeq.mkString(", ")})"
end Tail
final case class Drop[A](
chunk: Chunk[A],
dropLeft: Int,
dropRight: Int,
length: Int
) extends Chunk[A]:
override def toString = s"Chunk(${toSeq.mkString(", ")})"
end Drop
final case class Append[A](
chunk: Chunk[A],
value: A,
length: Int
) extends Chunk[A]:
override def toString = s"Chunk(${toSeq.mkString(", ")})"
end Append
end internal
end Chunk