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package io.getunleash
import io.getunleash.cache.InMemoryToggleCache
import io.getunleash.cache.ToggleCache
import io.getunleash.metrics.HttpMetricsReporter
import io.getunleash.metrics.MetricsReporter
import io.getunleash.metrics.NonReporter
import io.getunleash.polling.*
import okhttp3.Cache
import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java9.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import kotlin.concurrent.timer
* A client for interacting with the Unleash Proxy.
* Enables checking whether a feature toggle is enabled or not, and working with variants.
* Evaluation happens in the proxy, so part of the setup is to configure how you'd like to
* poll/update your local copy of the evaluated feature toggles. This can be configured in [io.getunleash.UnleashConfig.pollingMode]
* @param unleashConfig
* @param unleashContext
* @param httpClient - You should not need to set this, the default is a client with a [io.getunleash.UnleashConfig.httpClientCacheSize] cache, readTimeout set to [io.getunleash.UnleashConfig.httpClientReadTimeout] and connection timeout set to [io.getunleash.UnleashConfig.httpClientConnectionTimeout]
* @param cache - In addition to the http cache for our httpclient, we also have toggles stored in a cache, the default is an [io.getunleash.cache.InMemoryToggleCache] which utilizes a ConcurrentHashMap as the backing store
* */
class UnleashClient(
val unleashConfig: UnleashConfig,
var unleashContext: UnleashContext = UnleashContext(),
val httpClient: OkHttpClient = OkHttpClient.Builder()
.readTimeout(unleashConfig.httpClientReadTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.connectTimeout(unleashConfig.httpClientConnectionTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
directory = CacheDirectoryProvider().getCacheDirectory(),
maxSize = unleashConfig.httpClientCacheSize
val cache: ToggleCache = InMemoryToggleCache(),
val metricsReporter: MetricsReporter = unleashConfig.reportMetrics?.let { HttpMetricsReporter(unleashConfig) } ?: NonReporter()
) : UnleashClientSpec {
private val fetcher: UnleashFetcher = UnleashFetcher(unleashConfig = unleashConfig, httpClient = httpClient)
private val refreshPolicy: RefreshPolicy = when (unleashConfig.pollingMode) {
is AutoPollingMode -> AutoPollingPolicy(
unleashFetcher = fetcher,
cache = cache,
config = unleashConfig,
context = unleashContext,
is FilePollingMode -> FilePollingPolicy(
unleashFetcher = fetcher,
cache = cache,
config = unleashConfig,
context = unleashContext,
else -> throw InvalidParameterException("The polling mode parameter is invalid")
init {
if (unleashConfig.reportMetrics != null) {
name = "unleash_report_metrics",
daemon = true,
initialDelay = unleashConfig.reportMetrics.metricsInterval,
period = unleashConfig.reportMetrics.metricsInterval
) {
companion object {
* Get a builder for setting up a client
fun newBuilder(): Builder = Builder()
val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
override fun isEnabled(toggleName: String): Boolean {
val enabled = refreshPolicy.readToggleCache()[toggleName]?.enabled
return metricsReporter.log(toggleName, enabled ?: false)
override fun getVariant(toggleName: String): Variant {
val variant = refreshPolicy.readToggleCache()[toggleName]?.variant ?: disabledVariant
return metricsReporter.logVariant(toggleName, variant)
override fun updateContext(context: UnleashContext): CompletableFuture {
refreshPolicy.context = context
return refreshPolicy.refreshAsync()
override fun getContext(): UnleashContext {
return unleashContext
override fun close() {
data class Builder(
var httpClient: OkHttpClient? = null,
var unleashConfig: UnleashConfig? = null,
var unleashContext: UnleashContext? = null,
var cache: ToggleCache? = null,
) {
fun httpClient(okHttpClient: OkHttpClient) = apply { this.httpClient = okHttpClient }
fun unleashConfig(unleashConfig: UnleashConfig) = apply { this.unleashConfig = unleashConfig }
fun unleashContext(unleashContext: UnleashContext) = apply { this.unleashContext = unleashContext }
fun cache(cache: ToggleCache) = apply { this.cache = cache }
fun build(): UnleashClient = UnleashClient(
unleashConfig = this.unleashConfig
?: throw IllegalStateException("You must set an UnleashConfig for your UnleashClient"),
unleashContext = this.unleashContext ?: UnleashContext(),
httpClient = this.httpClient ?: OkHttpClient.Builder()
.readTimeout(unleashConfig!!.httpClientReadTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.connectTimeout(unleashConfig!!.httpClientConnectionTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
directory = CacheDirectoryProvider().getCacheDirectory(),
maxSize = unleashConfig!!.httpClientCacheSize
cache = this.cache ?: InMemoryToggleCache(),
* Adds a TogglesUpdatedListener to our [io.getunleash.polling.RefreshPolicy]
* @param listener The listener to add
* @since 0.2
override fun addTogglesUpdatedListener(listener: TogglesUpdatedListener) {
* Adds a TogglesErroredListener to our [io.getunleash.polling.RefreshPolicy]
* @param listener the listener to add
* @since 0.2
override fun addTogglesErroredListener(listener: TogglesErroredListener) {