io.github.andreabrighi.gradle.gitsemver.conventionalcommit.ConventionalCommit.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.andreabrighi.gradle.gitsemver.conventionalcommit
import org.danilopianini.gradle.gitsemver.SemanticVersion
import org.danilopianini.gradle.gitsemver.UpdateType
* An object that analyzes commit messages using the [Conventional Commit specification]( and assigns a [SemanticVersion] to them.
object ConventionalCommit {
private const val PATCH_COMMIT_REGEX = """^fix(\([^)]+\))?: .+$"""
private const val MINOR_COMMIT_REGEX = """^(feat|perf)(\([^)]+\))?: .+$"""
private const val MAJOR_COMMIT_REGEX =
"""(^[a-z]+(\([^)]+\))?!: .+$)|(^[a-z]+(\([^)]+\))?!?: .+BREAKING CHANGE: .*$)"""
private fun isPatchCommit(message: String): Boolean = message.matches(PATCH_COMMIT_REGEX.toRegex())
private fun isMinorCommit(message: String): Boolean = message.matches(MINOR_COMMIT_REGEX.toRegex())
private fun isMajorCommit(message: String): Boolean = message.matches(MAJOR_COMMIT_REGEX.toRegex())
* Computes the [UpdateType] of a list of commits according to the [Conventional Commit specification](
* @param commits the list of commits to analyze
* @return the [UpdateType] of the commits
fun semanticVersionUpdate(commits: List): UpdateType =
commits.maxOfOrNull { commit ->
when {
isMajorCommit(commit) -> UpdateType.MAJOR
isMinorCommit(commit) -> UpdateType.MINOR
isPatchCommit(commit) -> UpdateType.PATCH
else -> UpdateType.NONE
} ?: UpdateType.NONE