
gitbucket.core.controller.ControllerBase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package gitbucket.core.controller
import java.io.{File, FileInputStream, FileOutputStream}
import gitbucket.core.api.{ApiError, JsonFormat}
import gitbucket.core.model.Account
import gitbucket.core.service.{AccountService, RepositoryService, SystemSettingsService}
import gitbucket.core.util.SyntaxSugars._
import gitbucket.core.util.Directory._
import gitbucket.core.util.Implicits._
import gitbucket.core.util._
import org.json4s._
import org.scalatra._
import org.scalatra.i18n._
import org.scalatra.json._
import org.scalatra.forms._
import javax.servlet.http.{HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse}
import javax.servlet.{FilterChain, ServletRequest, ServletResponse}
import is.tagomor.woothee.Classifier
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.Using
import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk._
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.json4s.Formats
import org.json4s.jackson.Serialization
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
* Provides generic features for controller implementations.
abstract class ControllerBase
extends ScalatraFilter
with ValidationSupport
with JacksonJsonSupport
with I18nSupport
with FlashMapSupport
with Validations
with SystemSettingsService {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
implicit val jsonFormats: Formats = gitbucket.core.api.JsonFormat.jsonFormats
before("/api/v3/*") {
contentType = formats("json")
request.setAttribute(Keys.Request.APIv3, true)
override def requestPath(uri: String, idx: Int): String = {
val path = super.requestPath(uri, idx)
if (path != "/" && path.endsWith("/")) {
path.substring(0, path.length - 1)
} else {
override def doFilter(request: ServletRequest, response: ServletResponse, chain: FilterChain): Unit =
try {
val httpRequest = request.asInstanceOf[HttpServletRequest]
val context = request.getServletContext.getContextPath
val path = httpRequest.getRequestURI.substring(context.length)
if (path.startsWith("/git/") || path.startsWith("/git-lfs/")) {
// Git repository
chain.doFilter(request, response)
} else {
// Scalatra actions
super.doFilter(request, response, chain)
} finally {
private val contextCache = new java.lang.ThreadLocal[Context]()
* Returns the context object for the request.
implicit def context: Context = {
contextCache.get match {
case null => {
val context = Context(loadSystemSettings(), LoginAccount, request)
case context => context
private def LoginAccount: Option[Account] = {
.orElse {
if (isDevFeatureEnabled(DevFeatures.KeepSession)) {
} else None
def ajaxGet(path: String)(action: => Any): Route =
super.get(path) {
request.setAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax, "true")
override def ajaxGet[T](path: String, form: ValueType[T])(action: T => Any): Route =
super.ajaxGet(path, form) { form =>
request.setAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax, "true")
def ajaxPost(path: String)(action: => Any): Route =
super.post(path) {
request.setAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax, "true")
override def ajaxPost[T](path: String, form: ValueType[T])(action: T => Any): Route =
super.ajaxPost(path, form) { form =>
request.setAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax, "true")
protected def NotFound() =
if (request.hasAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax)) {
} else if (request.hasAttribute(Keys.Request.APIv3)) {
contentType = formats("json")
org.scalatra.NotFound(JsonFormat(ApiError("Not Found")))
} else {
org.scalatra.NotFound(gitbucket.core.html.error("Not Found"))
private def isBrowser(userAgent: String): Boolean = {
if (userAgent == null || userAgent.isEmpty) {
} else {
val data = Classifier.parse(userAgent)
val category = data.get("category")
category == "pc" || category == "smartphone" || category == "mobilephone"
protected def Unauthorized()(implicit context: Context) =
if (request.hasAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax)) {
} else if (request.hasAttribute(Keys.Request.APIv3)) {
contentType = formats("json")
org.scalatra.Unauthorized(JsonFormat(ApiError("Requires authentication")))
} else if (!isBrowser(request.getHeader("USER-AGENT"))) {
} else {
if (context.loginAccount.isDefined) {
} else {
if (request.getMethod.toUpperCase == "POST") {
} else {
"/signin?redirect=" + StringUtil.urlEncode(
.substring(request.getContextPath.length) + Option(request.getQueryString).map("?" + _).getOrElse("")
error {
case e => {
logger.error(s"Catch unhandled error in request: ${request}", e)
if (request.hasAttribute(Keys.Request.Ajax)) {
} else if (request.hasAttribute(Keys.Request.APIv3)) {
contentType = formats("json")
org.scalatra.InternalServerError(JsonFormat(ApiError("Internal Server Error")))
} else {
org.scalatra.InternalServerError(gitbucket.core.html.error("Internal Server Error", Some(e)))
override def url(
path: String,
params: Iterable[(String, Any)] = Iterable.empty,
includeContextPath: Boolean = true,
includeServletPath: Boolean = true,
absolutize: Boolean = true,
withSessionId: Boolean = true
)(implicit request: HttpServletRequest, response: HttpServletResponse): String =
if (path.startsWith("http")) path
else baseUrl + super.url(path, params, false, false, false)
* Extends scalatra-form's trim rule to eliminate CR and LF.
protected def trim2[T](valueType: SingleValueType[T]): SingleValueType[T] = new SingleValueType[T]() {
def convert(value: String, messages: Messages): T = valueType.convert(trim(value), messages)
override def validate(
name: String,
value: String,
params: Map[String, Seq[String]],
messages: Messages
): Seq[(String, String)] =
valueType.validate(name, trim(value), params, messages)
private def trim(value: String): String = if (value == null) null else value.replace("\r\n", "").trim
* Use this method to response the raw data against XSS.
protected def RawData[T](contentType: String, rawData: T): T = {
if (contentType.split(";").head.trim.toLowerCase.startsWith("text/html")) {
this.contentType = "text/plain"
} else {
this.contentType = contentType
response.addHeader("X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff")
// jenkins send message as 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' but scalatra already parsed as multi-part-request.
def extractFromJsonBody[A](implicit request: HttpServletRequest, mf: Manifest[A]): Option[A] = {
(request.contentType.map(_.split(";").head.toLowerCase) match {
case Some("application/x-www-form-urlencoded") => multiParams.keys.headOption.map(parse(_))
case Some("application/json") => Some(parsedBody)
case _ => Some(parse(request.body))
}).filterNot(_ == JNothing).flatMap(j => Try(j.extract[A]).toOption)
protected def getPathObjectId(git: Git, path: String, revCommit: RevCommit): Option[ObjectId] = {
def _getPathObjectId(path: String, walk: TreeWalk): Option[ObjectId] = walk.next match {
case true if (walk.getPathString == path) => Some(walk.getObjectId(0))
case true => _getPathObjectId(path, walk)
case false => None
Using.resource(new TreeWalk(git.getRepository)) { treeWalk =>
_getPathObjectId(path, treeWalk)
protected def responseRawFile(
git: Git,
objectId: ObjectId,
path: String,
repository: RepositoryService.RepositoryInfo
): Unit = {
JGitUtil.getObjectLoaderFromId(git, objectId) { loader =>
contentType = FileUtil.getSafeMimeType(path, repository.repository.options.safeMode)
if (loader.isLarge) {
} else {
val bytes = loader.getCachedBytes
val text = new String(bytes, "UTF-8")
val attrs = JGitUtil.getLfsObjects(text)
if (attrs.nonEmpty) {
val oid = attrs("oid").split(":")(1)
Using.resource(new FileInputStream(FileUtil.getLfsFilePath(repository.owner, repository.name, oid))) { in =>
IOUtils.copy(in, response.getOutputStream)
} else {
protected object DevFeatures {
val KeepSession = "keep-session"
private val loginAccountFile = new File(".tmp/login_account.json")
protected def isDevFeatureEnabled(feature: String): Boolean = {
protected def getLoginAccountFromLocalFile(): Option[Account] = {
if (isDevFeatureEnabled(DevFeatures.KeepSession)) {
if (loginAccountFile.exists()) {
Using.resource(new FileInputStream(loginAccountFile)) { in =>
val json = IOUtils.toString(in, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
val account = parse(json).extract[Account]
session.setAttribute(Keys.Session.LoginAccount, account)
} else None
} else None
protected def saveLoginAccountToLocalFile(account: Account): Unit = {
if (isDevFeatureEnabled(DevFeatures.KeepSession)) {
if (!loginAccountFile.getParentFile.exists()) {
Using.resource(new FileOutputStream(loginAccountFile)) { in =>
protected def deleteLoginAccountFromLocalFile(): Unit = {
if (isDevFeatureEnabled(DevFeatures.KeepSession)) {
* Context object for the current request.
case class Context(
settings: SystemSettingsService.SystemSettings,
loginAccount: Option[Account],
request: HttpServletRequest
) {
val path = settings.baseUrl.getOrElse(request.getContextPath)
val currentPath = request.getRequestURI.substring(request.getContextPath.length)
val baseUrl = settings.baseUrl(request)
val host = new java.net.URL(baseUrl).getHost
val platform = request.getHeader("User-Agent") match {
case null => null
case agent if agent.contains("Mac") => "mac"
case agent if agent.contains("Linux") => "linux"
case agent if agent.contains("Win") => "windows"
case _ => null
val sidebarCollapse = request.getSession.getAttribute("sidebar-collapse") != null
def withLoginAccount(f: Account => Any): Any = {
loginAccount match {
case Some(loginAccount) => f(loginAccount)
case None => Unauthorized()
* Get object from cache.
* If object has not been cached with the specified key then retrieves by given action.
* Cached object are available during a request.
def cache[A](key: String)(action: => A): A = {
val cacheKey = Keys.Request.Cache(key)
Option(request.getAttribute(cacheKey).asInstanceOf[A]).getOrElse {
val newObject = action
request.setAttribute(cacheKey, newObject)
* Base trait for controllers which manages account information.
trait AccountManagementControllerBase extends ControllerBase {
self: AccountService =>
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
protected def updateImage(userName: String, fileId: Option[String], clearImage: Boolean): Unit =
if (clearImage) {
getAccountByUserName(userName).flatMap(_.image).foreach { image =>
new File(getUserUploadDir(userName), FileUtil.checkFilename(image)).delete()
updateAvatarImage(userName, None)
} else {
try {
fileId.foreach { fileId =>
val filename = "avatar." + FileUtil.getExtension(session.getAndRemove(Keys.Session.Upload(fileId)).get)
val uploadDir = getUserUploadDir(userName)
if (!uploadDir.exists) {
.of(new File(getTemporaryDir(session.getId), FileUtil.checkFilename(fileId)))
.size(324, 324)
.toFile(new File(uploadDir, FileUtil.checkFilename(filename)))
updateAvatarImage(userName, Some(filename))
} catch {
case e: Exception => logger.info("Error while updateImage" + e.getMessage)
protected def uniqueUserName: Constraint = new Constraint() {
override def validate(name: String, value: String, messages: Messages): Option[String] =
getAccountByUserNameIgnoreCase(value, true).map { _ =>
"User already exists."
protected def uniqueMailAddress(paramName: String = ""): Constraint = new Constraint() {
override def validate(
name: String,
value: String,
params: Map[String, Seq[String]],
messages: Messages
): Option[String] = {
val extraMailAddresses = params.view.filterKeys(k => k.startsWith("extraMailAddresses"))
if (
extraMailAddresses.exists { case (k, v) =>
) {
Some("These mail addresses are duplicated.")
} else {
getAccountByMailAddress(value, true)
.collect {
case x if paramName.isEmpty || Some(x.userName) != params.optionValue(paramName) =>
"Mail address is already registered."
protected def uniqueExtraMailAddress(paramName: String = ""): Constraint = new Constraint() {
override def validate(
name: String,
value: String,
params: Map[String, Seq[String]],
messages: Messages
): Option[String] = {
val extraMailAddresses = params.view.filterKeys(k => k.startsWith("extraMailAddresses"))
if (
Some(value) == params.optionValue("mailAddress") || extraMailAddresses.count { case (k, v) =>
} > 1
) {
Some("These mail addresses are duplicated.")
} else {
getAccountByMailAddress(value, true)
.collect {
case x if paramName.isEmpty || Some(x.userName) != params.optionValue(paramName) =>
"Mail address is already registered."
val allReservedNames = Set(
protected def reservedNames: Constraint = new Constraint() {
override def validate(name: String, value: String, messages: Messages): Option[String] =
if (allReservedNames.contains(value.toLowerCase)) {
Some(s"${value} is reserved")
} else {
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