Download java-random-generator JAR file with all dependencies
java-random-generator from group io.github.oubaydos (version 1.1)
This project aims to provide a random instances generator for any class in java, it iterates through setters of an empty object and sets the fields values (using Java reflection api) randomly
Artifact java-random-generator
Group io.github.oubaydos
Version 1.1
Last update 26. October 2023
Tags: through using aims sets reflection instances iterates values this project generator setters empty random java provide fields randomly class object
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies commons-lang3, lombok, jakarta.validation-api, logback-classic, guava, generex,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
Group io.github.oubaydos
Version 1.1
Last update 26. October 2023
Tags: through using aims sets reflection instances iterates values this project generator setters empty random java provide fields randomly class object
Organization not specified
License The MIT License
Dependencies amount 6
Dependencies commons-lang3, lombok, jakarta.validation-api, logback-classic, guava, generex,
There are maybe transitive dependencies!
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