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package nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.utils;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.AbstractModule;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.AllModules;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.AllTypes;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.Type;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.sat.models.enums.NodeType;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasoner;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.OWLReasonerFactory;
import org.semanticweb.owlapi.reasoner.structural.StructuralReasonerFactory;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* The {@code OWLReader} class is used to extract the classification information
* regarding the modules and data types from the OWL ontology.
* @author Vedran Kasalica
public class OWLReader {
private final File ontologyFile;
private final AllModules allModules;
private final AllTypes allTypes;
private Map> typeDimensions = new HashMap>();
private OWLOntology ontology;
private OWLDataFactory factory;
private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("OWLReader.class");
* Setting up the reader that will populate the provided module and type sets
* with objects from the ontology.
* @param domain Domain information, including all the existing tools and types.
* @param ontologyFile Path to the OWL file.
public OWLReader(APEDomainSetup domain, File ontologyFile) {
this.ontologyFile = ontologyFile;
this.allModules = domain.getAllModules();
this.allTypes = domain.getAllTypes();
this.factory = OWLManager.getOWLDataFactory();
* Method used to read separately ModulesTaxonomy and
* TypesTaxonomy part of the ontology.
* @return true is the ontology was read correctly, false otherwise.
* @throws AtomMappingsException Exception if Type dimensions have common
* classes.
* @throws OWLOntologyCreationException Error in reading the OWL file.
public boolean readOntology() throws APEDimensionsException, OWLOntologyCreationException {
final OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
if (ontologyFile.exists()) {
ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(ontologyFile);
} else {
logger.warning("Provided ontology does not exist.");
return false;
OWLReasonerFactory reasonerFactory = new StructuralReasonerFactory();
OWLReasoner reasoner = reasonerFactory.createNonBufferingReasoner(ontology);
/* Get a root of the operations taxonomy. */
String moduleRootIRI = allModules.getRootsIDs().get(0);
OWLClass moduleRootClass = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(IRI.create(moduleRootIRI));
if (!ontology.containsClassInSignature(IRI.create(moduleRootIRI))) {
/* Handle scenario when the tool taxonomy root was not defined properly. */
logger.warning("Provided ontology does not contain the " + moduleRootIRI
+ " class, intended as a root for operation taxonomy.");
return false;
/* Get roots for each of the data dimensions. */
List dimensionRootClasses = new ArrayList();
for (String dimensionID : allTypes.getRootsIDs()) {
OWLClass dimensionClass = manager.getOWLDataFactory().getOWLClass(IRI.create(dimensionID));
if (!ontology.containsClassInSignature(IRI.create(dimensionID))) {
/* Handle scenario when the type taxonomy root was not defined properly. */
logger.warning("Provided ontology does not contain the " + dimensionID
+ " class, intended as a root for a data dimension.");
return false;
} else {
exploreModuleOntologyRec(reasoner, moduleRootClass, null, null);
dimensionRootClasses.forEach(typeClass -> typeDimensions.put(getIRI(typeClass), new HashSet()));
dimensionRootClasses.forEach(typeClass -> exploreTypeOntologyRec(reasoner, typeClass, null, null));
String ovesrlap;
if ((ovesrlap = dimensionsDisjoint(dimensionRootClasses)) != null) {
throw APEDimensionsException.dimensionsOverlap("The dimensions '" + ovesrlap + "' have common classes.");
return true;
* Calculate whether the type dimensions are disjoint or have overlaps.
* @return {code true} if the dimensions are disjoint, false otherwise.
private String dimensionsDisjoint(List typeClasses) {
if (typeClasses.size() < 2) {
return null;
for (OWLClass class1 : typeClasses) {
for (OWLClass class2 : typeClasses) {
String classID1 = getIRI(class1);
String classID2 = getIRI(class2);
if (!classID1.equals(classID2)) {
if (!Collections.disjoint(typeDimensions.get(classID1), typeDimensions.get(classID2))) {
return classID1 + " & " + classID2;
return null;
* Recursively exploring the hierarchy of the ontology and defining objects
* ({@link AbstractModule}) on each step of the way.
* @param reasoner Reasoner used to provide subclasses.
* @param currClass The class (node) currently explored.
* @param superClass The superclass of the currClass.
private void exploreModuleOntologyRec(OWLReasoner reasoner, OWLClass currClass, OWLClass superClass,
OWLClass rootClass) {
// if(allModules.existsModule(getLabel(currClass))) {
// return;
// }
AbstractModule superModule = allModules.get(getIRI(superClass));
final OWLClass currRootClass;
* Defining the Node Type based on the node.
NodeType currNodeType = NodeType.ABSTRACT;
if (getIRI(currClass).equals(allModules.getRootsIDs().get(0))) {
currNodeType = NodeType.ROOT;
currRootClass = currClass;
} else {
currRootClass = rootClass;
/* Generate the AbstractModule that corresponds to the taxonomy class. */
AbstractModule currModule = null;
try {
currModule = allModules.addPredicate(
new AbstractModule(getLabel(currClass), getIRI(currClass), getIRI(currRootClass), currNodeType));
} catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) {
/* Add the current module as a sub-module of the super module. */
if (superModule != null && currModule != null) {
/* Add the super-type for the current type */
if (currNodeType != NodeType.ROOT) {
reasoner.getSubClasses(currClass, true).entities().filter(child -> reasoner.isSatisfiable(child))
.forEach(child -> exploreModuleOntologyRec(reasoner, child, currClass, currRootClass));
* Recursively exploring the hierarchy of the ontology and defining objects
* ({@link Type}) on each step of the way.
* @param reasoner Reasoner used to provide subclasses.
* @param currClass The class (node) currently explored.
* @param superClass The superclass of the currClass.
private void exploreTypeOntologyRec(OWLReasoner reasoner, OWLClass currClass, OWLClass superClass,
OWLClass rootClass) {
// if(allTypes.existsType(getLabel(currClass))) {
// return;
// }
final OWLClass currRoot;
Type superType, currType = null;
superType = allTypes.get(getIRI(superClass), getIRI(rootClass));
* Check whether the current node is a root or subRoot node.
NodeType currNodeType = NodeType.ABSTRACT;
if (allTypes.getDataTaxonomyDimensionIDs().contains(getIRI(currClass))) {
currNodeType = NodeType.ROOT;
currRoot = currClass;
} else {
currRoot = rootClass;
/* Generate the Type that corresponds to the taxonomy class. */
try {
currType = allTypes
.addPredicate(new Type(getLabel(currClass), getIRI(currClass), getIRI(currRoot), currNodeType));
} catch (ExceptionInInitializerError e) {
/* Add the current type as a sub-type of the super type. */
if (superType != null && currType != null) {
/* Add the super-type for the current type */
if (currNodeType != NodeType.ROOT) {
List subClasses = reasoner.getSubClasses(currClass, true).entities()
.filter(child -> reasoner.isSatisfiable(child)).collect(Collectors.toList());
subClasses.forEach(child -> exploreTypeOntologyRec(reasoner, child, currClass, currRoot));
if (subClasses.isEmpty()) {
* Returning the label of the provided OWL class.
* @param currClass Provided OWL class.
* @return String representation of the class name.
private String getLabel(OWLClass currClass) {
if (currClass == null || currClass.isOWLNothing()) {
return "N/A";
String label, classID = currClass.toStringID();
Optional classLabel = EntitySearcher.getAnnotations(currClass, ontology, factory.getRDFSLabel())
if (classLabel.isPresent()) {
OWLAnnotationValue val = classLabel.get().getValue();
if (val instanceof OWLLiteral)
return ((OWLLiteral) val).getLiteral();
} else if (classID.contains("#")) {
label = classID.substring(classID.indexOf('#') + 1);
// label = label.replace(" ", "_");
return label;
logger.fine("Class '" + classID + "' has no label.");
return classID;
* Returning the IRI of the provided OWL class.
* @param currClass Provided OWL class.
* @return String representation of the class name.
private String getIRI(OWLClass currClass) {
if (currClass == null) {
return null;
return currClass.toStringID();