nl.uu.cs.ape.solver.minisat.SATSynthesisEngine Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package nl.uu.cs.ape.solver.minisat;
import org.sat4j.core.VecInt;
import org.sat4j.minisat.SolverFactory;
import org.sat4j.reader.DimacsReader;
import org.sat4j.reader.ParseFormatException;
import org.sat4j.reader.Reader;
import org.sat4j.specs.*;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.automaton.ModuleAutomaton;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.automaton.TypeAutomaton;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.configuration.APERunConfig;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.domain.APEDomainSetup;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.utils.APEFiles;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.utils.APEUtils;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.Pair;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.SATAtomMappings;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.Type;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.logic.constructs.PredicateLabel;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.logic.constructs.TaxonomyPredicate;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.sltlxStruc.SLTLxFormula;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.models.sltlxStruc.SLTLxVariableOccurrenceCollection;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.solver.SynthesisEngine;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.solver.solutionStructure.SolutionWorkflow;
import nl.uu.cs.ape.solver.solutionStructure.SolutionsList;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
* The {@code SATSynthesisEngine} class represents a synthesis instance,
* i.e. it is represented with the set of inputs (tools, types, constraints and
* workflow length that is being explored).
* It is used to execute synthesis algorithm over the given input, implemented
* using MiniSAT solver. The class implements general synthesis interface
* {@link SynthesisEngine}.
* @author Vedran Kasalica
public class SATSynthesisEngine implements SynthesisEngine {
* Object that contains all the domain information.
private final APEDomainSetup domainSetup;
* APE library configuration object.
private final APERunConfig runConfig;
* Mapping of all the predicates to integers.
private final SATAtomMappings mappings;
* Set of all the solutions found by the library.
private final SolutionsList allSolutions;
* CNF encoding of the problem.
private File cnfEncoding;
* File used as an input for the SAT solver.
private File satInputFile;
* Representation of the tool part of the automaton used to encode the structure
* of the solution.
private ModuleAutomaton moduleAutomaton;
* Representation of the type part of the automaton used to encode the structure
* of the solution.
private TypeAutomaton typeAutomaton;
* Mapping of all the variables that are utilised in the encoding to the
* predicates use them.
private SLTLxVariableOccurrenceCollection varUsage;
* Variable used to count the encoding time of the APE instance run,
* strictly used to display the APE CLI run stats.
private static AtomicLong totalEncodingTime = new AtomicLong(0);
* Static variable used to count the SAT solving time of the APE instance run,
* strictly used to display the APE CLI run stats.
private static AtomicLong totalSolvingTime = new AtomicLong(0);
* Setup of an instance of the SAT synthesis engine.
* @param domainSetup Domain information, including all the existing tools
* and types.
* @param allSolutions Set of {@link SolutionWorkflow}.
* @param runConfig Setup configuration for the synthesis.
* @param workflowLength Workflow length
* @throws IOException - Error if the temp file cannot be created
public SATSynthesisEngine(APEDomainSetup domainSetup, SolutionsList allSolutions,
APERunConfig runConfig, int workflowLength) throws IOException {
this.domainSetup = domainSetup;
this.allSolutions = allSolutions;
this.runConfig = runConfig;
this.mappings = allSolutions.getMappings();
this.varUsage = new SLTLxVariableOccurrenceCollection();
this.satInputFile = null;
this.cnfEncoding = File.createTempFile("satCNF" + workflowLength, null);
int maxNoToolInputs = Math.max(domainSetup.getMaxNoToolInputs(), runConfig.getProgramOutputs().size());
int maxNoToolOutputs = Math.max(domainSetup.getMaxNoToolOutputs(), runConfig.getProgramInputs().size());
moduleAutomaton = new ModuleAutomaton(workflowLength, maxNoToolInputs, maxNoToolOutputs);
typeAutomaton = new TypeAutomaton(workflowLength, maxNoToolInputs, maxNoToolOutputs);
* Generate the SAT encoding of the workflow synthesis and return it as a
* string.
* @return true if the encoding was performed successfully, false otherwise.
* @throws IOException Error if taxonomies have not been setup properly.
public boolean synthesisEncoding() throws IOException {
long problemSetupStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
TaxonomyPredicate rootModule = domainSetup.getAllModules().getRootModule();
if (rootModule == null) {
log.error("Taxonomies have not been setup properly.");
return false;
/* Generate the automaton */
String currLengthTimer = "length" + this.getSolutionSize();
APEUtils.timerStart(currLengthTimer, runConfig.getDebugMode());
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Automaton encoding");
* Create constraints from the tool_annotations.json file regarding the
* Inputs/Outputs, preserving the structure of input and output fields.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceModuleRelatedRules.moduleAnnotations(this));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Tool I/O constraints");
* The constraints preserve the memory structure, i.e. preserve the data
* available in memory and the
* logic of referencing data from memory in case of tool inputs.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceModuleRelatedRules.memoryStructure(this));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Memory structure encoding");
* Create the constraints enforcing:
* 1. Mutual exclusion of the tools
* 2. Mandatory usage of the tools - from taxonomy.
* 3. Adding the constraints enforcing the taxonomy structure.
for (Pair pair : domainSetup.getAllModules().getSimplePairs()) {
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this,
EnforceModuleRelatedRules.moduleMutualExclusion(pair, moduleAutomaton));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Tool exclusions encoding");
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this,
EnforceModuleRelatedRules.moduleMandatoryUsage(domainSetup.getAllModules(), moduleAutomaton));
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceModuleRelatedRules
.moduleTaxonomyStructure(domainSetup.getAllModules(), rootModule, moduleAutomaton));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Tool usage encoding");
* Create the constraints enforcing:
* 1. Mutual exclusion of the types/formats (according to the search model)
* 2. Mandatory usage of the types in the transition nodes (note: "empty type"
* is considered a type)
* 3. Adding the constraints enforcing the taxonomy structure.
for (Pair pair : domainSetup.getAllTypes().getTypePairsForEachSubTaxonomy()) {
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this,
EnforceTypeRelatedRules.memoryTypesMutualExclusion(pair, typeAutomaton));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Type exclusions encoding");
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this,
EnforceTypeRelatedRules.typeMandatoryUsage(domainSetup, typeAutomaton));
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this,
EnforceTypeRelatedRules.typeEnforceTaxonomyStructure(domainSetup.getAllTypes(), typeAutomaton));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Type usage encoding");
* Encode data ancestor relation (R) constraints.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceModuleRelatedRules.ancestorRelationsDependency(this));
* Encode data equivalence/identity relation (IS) constraints.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this,
* Setup encoding of 'true' and 'false' atoms to ensure proper SLTLx
* interpretation.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceSLTLxRelatedRules.setTrueFalse());
* Workflow I/O are encoded the last in order to
* reuse the mappings for states, instead of introducing new ones, using the I/O
* types of NodeType.UNKNOWN.
* Encode the workflow input.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceTypeRelatedRules
.workflowInputs(domainSetup.getAllTypes(), runConfig.getProgramInputs(), typeAutomaton));
* Encode the workflow output
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceTypeRelatedRules
.workdlowOutputs(domainSetup.getAllTypes(), runConfig.getProgramOutputs(), typeAutomaton));
* Encode rule that the given inputs should not be used as workflow outputs
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceTypeRelatedRules
* Encode the constraints from the file based on the templates (manual
* templates)
if (!domainSetup.getUnformattedConstr().isEmpty() || !domainSetup.getSLTLxConstraints().isEmpty()) {
SatEncodingUtils.encodeAPEConstraints(this, domainSetup, mappings, moduleAutomaton, typeAutomaton));
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "SLTLx constraints");
* Setup the constraints ensuring that the auxiliary predicates are properly
* used and linked to the underlying taxonomy predicates.
SLTLxFormula.appendCNFToFile(cnfEncoding, this, EnforceSLTLxRelatedRules
.preserveAuxiliaryPredicateRules(moduleAutomaton, typeAutomaton, domainSetup.getHelperPredicates()));
* Counting the number of variables and clauses that will be given to the SAT
* solver. As an improvement, the number of lines could be stored, not to be
* counted again.
int variables = mappings.getSize();
int clauses = APEUtils.countLines(cnfEncoding);
String satInputHeader = "p cnf " + variables + " " + clauses + "\n";
APEUtils.timerRestartAndPrint(currLengthTimer, "Reading rows");
satInputFile = APEFiles.prependToFile(satInputHeader, cnfEncoding);
/* add the cnf encoding file to Desktop */
// Files.copy(satInputFile, new File("~/Desktop/tmp"+ problemSetupStartTime));
* Add human readable version of the cnf encoding file to Desktop. Used when
* needed.
// FileInputStream cnfStream = new FileInputStream(satInputFile);
// String encoding = APEUtils.convertCNF2humanReadable(cnfStream, mappings);
// cnfStream.close();
// APEFiles.write2file(encoding, new File("~/Desktop/tmp.txt"), false);
long problemSetupTimeElapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - problemSetupStartTime;"Total problem setup time: " + (problemSetupTimeElapsedMillis / 1000F) + " sec (" + clauses
+ " clauses).");
return true;
* Using the SAT input generated from SAT encoding and running MiniSAT solver to
* find the solutions.
* @return The list of new solutions.
* @throws IOException Error if the sat encoding file does not exist.
public List synthesisExecution() throws IOException {
InputStream tmpSatInput = new FileInputStream(satInputFile);
List currSolutions = runMiniSAT(tmpSatInput,
allSolutions.getNumberOfSolutions(), allSolutions.getMaxNumberOfSolutions());
/* Add current solutions to list of all solutions. */
return currSolutions;
* Gets cnf encoding.
* @return the cnf encoding
public String getCnfEncoding() {
return cnfEncoding.toString();
* Returns a set of {@link SATOutput SAT_solutions} by parsing the SAT
* output. In case of the UNSAT the list is empty.
* @param satInput CNF formula in dimacs form.
* @return List of {@link SATOutput SAT_solutions}. Possibly empty list.
private List runMiniSAT(InputStream satInput, int solutionsFound, int solutionsFoundMax) {
List solutions = new ArrayList<>();
ISolver solver = SolverFactory.newDefault();
long globalTimeoutMs = runConfig.getTimeoutMs();
long currTimeout = APEUtils.timerTimeLeft("globalTimer", globalTimeoutMs);
if (currTimeout <= 0) {
log.warn("Timeout. Total solving took longer than the timeout: " + globalTimeoutMs + " ms.");
return solutions;
// set timeout (in ms)
long realStartTime = 0;
long realTimeElapsedMillis;
Reader reader = new DimacsReader(solver);
try {
// loading CNF encoding of the problem
IProblem problem = reader.parseInstance(satInput);
realStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
while (solutionsFound < solutionsFoundMax && problem.isSatisfiable()) {
SolutionWorkflow satSolution = new SolutionWorkflow(problem.model(), this);
if (solutionsFound % 500 == 0) {
realTimeElapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - realStartTime;"Found in total " + solutionsFound + " solutions. Solving time: "
+ (realTimeElapsedMillis / 1000F) + " sec.");
* Adding the negation of the positive part of the solution as a constraint
* (default negation does not work)
IVecInt negSol = new VecInt(((SATOutput) satSolution.getNativeSolution())
} catch (ParseFormatException e) {
log.error("Error while parsing the cnf encoding of the problem by the MiniSAT solver.");
return solutions;
} catch (ContradictionException e) {
if (solutionsFound == 0) {
return solutions;
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
log.warn("Timeout. Total solving took longer than the timeout: " + globalTimeoutMs + " ms.");
} catch (IOException e) {
log.warn("Internal error while parsing the encoding.");
return solutions;
if (solutionsFound == 0 || solutionsFound % 500 != 0) {
realTimeElapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - realStartTime;"Found " + solutionsFound + " solutions. Solving time: "
+ (realTimeElapsedMillis / 1000F) + " sec.");
return solutions;
private void addEncodingTime(long time) {
public static long getTotalEncodingTime() {
return totalEncodingTime.get();
private void addSolvingTime(long time) {
public static long getTotalSolvingTime() {
return totalSolvingTime.get();
* Gets empty type.
* @return The {@link Type} object that represents the empty type, i.e. absence
* of types.
public Type getEmptyType() {
return domainSetup.getAllTypes().getEmptyType();
* Get size of the solution that is being synthesized.
* @return Length of the solution.
public int getSolutionSize() {
return moduleAutomaton.size();
* Get mapping of all the variables that are utilised in the encoding to the
* predicates use them.
* @return Variable usage class {@link SLTLxVariableOccurrenceCollection}.
public SLTLxVariableOccurrenceCollection getVariableUsage() {
return varUsage;
* Delete all temporary files created.
* @throws IOException - Failed to delete temp files.
public void deleteTempFiles() throws IOException {
try {
} catch (IOException ignored) {