io.github.serpro69.kfaker.FakerService.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package io.github.serpro69.kfaker
import com.mifmif.common.regex.Generex
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.Category
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.Dictionary
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.RawExpression
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategory
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategory.CELL_PHONE
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategory.COUNTRY_CODE
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategory.CURRENCY_SYMBOL
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategory.PHONE_NUMBER
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategory.SEPARATOR
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.YamlCategoryData
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.dictionary.lowercase
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.Address
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.Degree
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.Educator
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.FakeDataProvider
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.Name
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.Tertiary
import io.github.serpro69.kfaker.provider.YamlFakeDataProvider
import org.w3c.dom.ranges.RangeException
import java.util.*
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import kotlin.collections.LinkedHashMap
import kotlin.collections.component1
import kotlin.collections.component2
import kotlin.collections.set
import kotlin.reflect.KFunction
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberFunctions
import kotlin.reflect.full.declaredMemberProperties
* Internal class used for resolving yaml expressions into values.
* @constructor creates an instance of this [FakerService] with the default 'en' locale if is not specified.
internal class FakerService {
private val curlyBraceRegex = Regex("""#\{(?!\d)(\p{L}+\.)?(.*?)\}""")
private val locale: String
internal val faker: Faker
internal val randomService: RandomService
internal val dictionary: Dictionary = EnumMap(
internal constructor(faker: Faker) {
this.faker = faker
this.locale = faker.config.locale.replace("_", "-")
randomService = RandomService(faker.config)
* @constructor creates an instance of this [FakerService] with the given [locale]
internal constructor(faker: Faker, locale: Locale) {
this.faker = faker
this.locale = locale.toLanguageTag()
randomService = RandomService(faker.config)
private fun getCategoryFileStream(
locale: String,
category: YamlCategory,
secondaryCategory: Category?
): InputStream {
return secondaryCategory?.let {
} ?: requireNotNull(javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("locales/$locale/${category.lowercase()}.json"))
private fun getCategoryFileStreamOrNull(
locale: String,
category: YamlCategory,
secondaryCategory: Category?
): InputStream? {
return secondaryCategory?.let {
} ?: javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("locales/$locale/${category.lowercase()}.json")
private fun getLocaleFileStream(locale: String): InputStream? {
return javaClass.classLoader.getResourceAsStream("locales/$locale.json")
* Merges [default] and [localized] categories (providers) and values, using localized value if present.
* Will also handle partially-localized categories, including partially-localized functions with secondary_keys,
* for example:
* IF (en.category.function.secondary_key1 AND en.category.function.secondary_key2) IS PRESENT
* AND .category.function.secondary_key1 IS PRESENT
* AND en.category.function.another_secondary_key2 IS ABSENT
* THEN RETURN .category.function.secondary_key1 AND en.category.function.secondary_key2
* Currently, does not handle missing .category.function.secondary_key.third_key scenarios.
// TODO make internal and add tests
private fun merge(
default: HashMap>,
localized: Map>
): Map> {
localized.forEach { (key, localizedMap) ->
default[key]?.let { enMap ->
* This is a provider level access for default providers (enMap) and localized providers (localizedMap),
* WHERE mapKey IS provider_name: [address, name, games, etc]
* AND map[mapKey] (i.e. map["name") IS provider_functions: [name.first_name, name.last_name, etc]
* For example:
* enMap.key == // 'games' provider for 'en' locale
* localizedMap.key == // 'games' provider for 'de' locale
* enMap["games"] == { {...}, {...}, pokemon={names=[...],locations=[...],moves=[...]} }
* localizedMap["games"] == { pokemon={names=[...]} }
default[key] = localizedMap.mapValuesTo(linkedMapOf()) { (k, v) ->
* This is provider_functions level access for default providers (enMap).
* The goal here is to find-and-replace any matching functions (v) for each provider (k).
* But since some functions may contain secondary_key the following is needed.
if (v is Map<*, *> && enMap.containsKey(k)) {
// check if function has a secondary_key that is used to resolve the values
// if true we assume that u[k] should also be a Map because the structure of dict files should match
// v IS (i.e pokemon)
(enMap[k] as Map<*, *>).plus(v)
} else if (enMap.containsKey(k)) {
// check if the primary_key (function_name) matches with localized provider
// if v is not a map, but localized key matches, then use the values for that key
} else {
// else just return the original value
return default
internal fun unload(category: YamlCategory, vararg secondaryCategory: Category): Dictionary {
if (secondaryCategory.isNotEmpty()) {
secondaryCategory.forEach { dictionary[category]?.remove(it.lowercase()) }
} else dictionary.remove(category)
return dictionary
internal fun unloadAll(): Dictionary {
YamlCategory.values().forEach { unload(it) }
return dictionary
private fun computePhoneNumber(category: YamlCategory): Any {
return computePhoneNumber(category, "en") as Any
private fun computePhoneNumber(category: YamlCategory, locale: String): Any? {
val instr = when (locale) {
"en", "ja", "fr" -> getCategoryFileStream(locale, PHONE_NUMBER, null)
else -> getLocaleFileStream(locale)
return instr?.use {
when (category) {
PHONE_NUMBER, CELL_PHONE -> readCategoryOrNull(it, locale, category)
val localeData = Mapper.readValue(it,[locale] as Map<*, *>
val fakerData = localeData["faker"] as Map<*, *>
else -> null
private fun computeSymbol(category: YamlCategory) = computeSymbol(category, "en") as Any
private fun computeSymbol(category: YamlCategory, locale: String): Any? {
val localeData = getLocaleFileStream(locale)?.use {
Mapper.readValue(it,[locale] as Map<*, *>
} ?: requireNotNull(getLocaleFileStream("en")).use {
Mapper.readValue(it,["en"] as Map<*, *>
val fakerData = localeData["faker"] as Map<*, *>
return fakerData[category.lowercase()]
* Reads values of the default 'en' locale files into this [dictionary].
* Additionally, `if (locale != null && locale.isValid)`, reads the contents of the specified locale file
* into this [dictionary] (Will overwrite all matching keys with values from specified locale file.)
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the [locale] is invalid or locale dictionary file is not present on the classpath.
internal fun load(category: YamlCategory, secondaryCategory: Category? = null): Dictionary {
val defaultValues: LinkedHashMap = linkedMapOf()
dictionary.compute(category) { _, categoryData -> // i.e. compute data for 'address' category
// TODO can this be improved by doing smth along the lines of categoryData.computeIfAbsent()
when (category) {
computePhoneNumber(category, locale)?.let { defaultValues.putAll(it as Map) }
?: defaultValues.putAll(computePhoneNumber(category) as Map)
computePhoneNumber(category, locale)?.let { defaultValues[category.lowercase()] = it }
?: run { defaultValues[category.lowercase()] = computePhoneNumber(category) }
computeSymbol(category, locale)?.let {
defaultValues[category.lowercase()] = it
} ?: run { defaultValues[category.lowercase()] = computeSymbol(category) }
else -> {
// get 'en' values first
getCategoryFileStream("en", category, secondaryCategory).use { instr ->
defaultValues.putAll(readCategory(instr, "en", category))
// merge localized values
val input = when (locale) {
// these have multiple files per directory, as opposed to other localizations
"fr", "ja" -> getCategoryFileStreamOrNull(locale, category, secondaryCategory)
else -> if (locale != "en") /*'en' is already processed at this point*/ {
?: getLocaleFileStream(locale.substringBefore("-"))
?: throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Dictionary file not found for locale values: '$locale' or '${
} else null
input?.use { instr ->
readCategoryOrNull(instr, locale, category)?.let {
val localized = with(category.lowercase()) {
val merged = merge(
hashMapOf(this to defaultValues),
hashMapOf(this to it)
localized?.forEach { m -> defaultValues.merge(m.key, m.value as Any) { orig, loc -> loc } }
categoryData?.let {
defaultValues.forEach { (k, v) -> it.merge(k, v) { _, b -> b } }
} ?: defaultValues
return dictionary
* Reads values from the [inputStream] for the given [locale] and returns as [YamlCategoryData]
* where each `key` represents a function in the data category, i.e. ``,
* and `value` represents values (of unknown type) from this function.
* Given the following yaml data:
* ```
* uk: # locale
* faker: # dictionary -> Dictionary -> EnumMap
* address: # category -> YamlCategoryData -> Map
* country: [Австралія, Австрія, Азербайджан] # data function
* building_number: ['#', '##', '1##']
* ```
* The returned YamlCategoryData instance would equal to the following Map:
* ```
* {country=[Австралія, Австрія, Азербайджан], building_number: ['#', '##', '1##']}
* ```
@Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST", "SameParameterValue")
private fun readCategory(inputStream: InputStream, locale: String, category: YamlCategory): YamlCategoryData {
val localeData = Mapper.readValue(inputStream,[locale] as Map<*, *>
val fakerData = localeData["faker"] as LinkedHashMap>
return fakerData[category.lowercase()] as LinkedHashMap
private fun readCategoryOrNull(
inputStream: InputStream,
locale: String,
category: YamlCategory
): Map? {
val localeData = Mapper.readValue(inputStream,[locale] as Map<*, *>
val fakerData = localeData["faker"] as LinkedHashMap>
return fakerData[category.lowercase()] as Map?
* Returns raw value as [RawExpression] from a given [category] fetched by its [key]
fun getRawValue(category: YamlCategory, key: String): RawExpression {
val parameterValue = dictionary[category]?.get(key)
?: throw NoSuchElementException("Parameter '$key' not found in '$category' category")
return when (parameterValue) {
is List<*> -> {
if (parameterValue.isEmpty()) RawExpression("") else when (val value = randomService.randomValue(parameterValue)) {
is List<*> -> {
if (value.isEmpty()) RawExpression("") else RawExpression(randomService.randomValue(value) as String)
is String -> RawExpression(value)
is Int -> RawExpression(value.toString())
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
is String -> RawExpression(parameterValue)
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
* Returns raw value as [RawExpression] from a given [category] fetched by its [key] and [secondaryKey]
fun getRawValue(category: YamlCategory, key: String, secondaryKey: String): RawExpression {
val parameterValue = dictionary[category]?.get(key)
?: throw NoSuchElementException("Parameter '$key' not found in '$category' category")
return when (parameterValue) {
is Map<*, *> -> {
if (secondaryKey == "") {
val mapValues = parameterValue.values.toList()
when (val secondaryValue = randomService.randomValue(mapValues)) {
is List<*> -> RawExpression(randomService.randomValue(secondaryValue) as String)
is String -> RawExpression(secondaryValue)
is Map<*, *> -> RawExpression(secondaryValue.toString())
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
} else {
parameterValue[secondaryKey]?.let { secondaryValue ->
when (secondaryValue) {
is List<*> -> RawExpression(randomService.randomValue(secondaryValue) as String)
is String -> RawExpression(secondaryValue)
is Map<*, *> -> RawExpression(secondaryValue.toString())
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
} ?: throw NoSuchElementException("Secondary key '$secondaryKey' not found.")
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
* Returns raw value as [RawExpression] for a given [category] fetched from the [dictionary] by its [key], [secondaryKey], and [thirdKey].
fun getRawValue(
category: YamlCategory,
key: String,
secondaryKey: String,
thirdKey: String,
): RawExpression {
val parameterValue = dictionary[category]?.get(key)
?: throw NoSuchElementException("Parameter '$key' not found in '$category' category")
return when (parameterValue) {
is Map<*, *> -> {
if (secondaryKey != "") {
parameterValue[secondaryKey]?.let { secondaryValue ->
when (secondaryValue) {
is Map<*, *> -> {
if (thirdKey == "") {
val mapValues = secondaryValue.values.toList()
when (val thirdValue = randomService.randomValue(mapValues)) {
is List<*> -> RawExpression(randomService.randomValue(thirdValue) as String)
is String -> RawExpression(thirdValue)
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
} else {
secondaryValue[thirdKey]?.let { thirdValue ->
when (thirdValue) {
is List<*> -> RawExpression(randomService.randomValue(thirdValue) as String)
is String -> RawExpression(thirdValue)
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
} ?: throw NoSuchElementException("Third key '$thirdKey' not found.")
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
} ?: throw NoSuchElementException("Secondary key '$secondaryKey' not found.")
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Secondary key can not be empty string.")
else -> throw UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported type of raw value: ${parameterValue::class.simpleName}")
* Resolves [RawExpression] value of the [key] in this [category].
fun resolve(category: YamlCategory, key: String): String {
val rawExpression = getRawValue(category, key)
return resolveExpression(category, rawExpression)
* Resolves [RawExpression] value of the [key] and [secondaryKey] in this [category].
fun resolve(category: YamlCategory, key: String, secondaryKey: String): String {
val rawExpression = getRawValue(category, key, secondaryKey)
return resolveExpression(category, rawExpression)
* Resolves [RawExpression] value of the [key], [secondaryKey], and [thirdKey] in this [category].
fun resolve(category: YamlCategory, key: String, secondaryKey: String, thirdKey: String): String {
val rawExpression = getRawValue(category, key, secondaryKey, thirdKey)
return resolveExpression(category, rawExpression)
* Resolves the [rawExpression] for this [category] and returns as [String].
* For yaml expressions:
* - `#{city_prefix}` from `en: faker: address` would be resolved to getting value from `address: city_prefix`
* - `#{Name.first_name} from `en: faker: address` would be resolved to calling [] function.
* - `#{}` from `en: faker: educator: degree` would be resolved to calling [Degree.type] function.
* In this case the chained call needs to be implemented as a "class->property" hierarchy,
* i.e. [Educator] class must declare a `tertiary` property of [Tertiary] type,
* which in turn must declare a `degree` property of [Degree] type, and so on.
* Recursive expressions are also supported:
* - `#{}` from `en: faker: book: author` that could be resolved to `#{first_name} #{last_name}` from `en: faker: name: name`
* will be resolved to concatenating values from `en: faker: name: first_name` and `en: faker: name: last_name` and so on until
* the expression is exhausted to the actual value.
* *It is worth noting that `'#'` and `'?'` chars will not be numerified/letterified inside this function,
* and will be returned as is. To further numerify/letterify the resolved expression, one must do that explicitly
* where it is needed.*
* For example, if the resolved string `"???###"` needs to be further numerified/letterified to return `XYZ012`,
* where `XYZ` is a combination of pseudo-randomly generated English letters in upper-case,
* and `012` is a combination of pseudo-randomly generated digits, it could be done like so:
* ```
* val resolvedExpressionString: String = resolveExpression() // returns ???###
* with(fakerService) {
* resolvedExpressionString.numerify().letterify()
* }
* ```
* For recursive expressions, this must be used for function calls within the same [category],
* but can be omitted for calls to other [category]s.
* For example:
* `address.yml`:
* ```
* en:
* faker:
* address:
* street_number: ###
* street_name: ???
* street: "#{street_number} #{street_name} street"
* ```
* `Address.kt`:
* ```
* fun street_number() = with(fakerService) { resolveExpression().numerify() }
* fun street_name() = with(fakerService) { resolveExpression().letterify() }
* // Explicitly numerify and letterify returned value, even though we are doing that above as well
* // because the functions are in the same categry
* fun street() = with(fakerService) { resolveExpression().numerify().letterify()
* ```
private tailrec fun resolveExpression(category: YamlCategory, rawExpression: RawExpression): String {
val sb = StringBuffer()
val resolvedExpression = when {
curlyBraceRegex.containsMatchIn(rawExpression.value) -> {
findMatchesAndAppendTail(rawExpression.value, sb, curlyBraceRegex) {
val simpleClassName ='.')
val replacement = when (simpleClassName != null) {
true -> {
val (providerType, propertyName) = getProvider(simpleClassName).getFunctionName(
false -> getRawValue(category,
it.appendReplacement(sb, replacement)
else -> rawExpression.value
return if (!curlyBraceRegex.containsMatchIn(resolvedExpression)) {
} else resolveExpression(category, RawExpression(resolvedExpression))
* Replaces every `#` char for this [String] receiver with a random int from 0 to 9 inclusive
* and returns the modified [String].
val String.numerify: () -> String
get() = {
map { if (it == '#') randomService.nextInt(10).toString() else "$it" }
* Replaces every `?` char for this [String] receiver with a random letter from the English alphabet
* and returns the modified [String].
* @param upper set to `true` or `false` to control the case of generated letters
val String.letterify: (upper: Boolean?) -> String
get() = { upper ->
map {
if (it == '?') {
randomService.nextLetter(upper = upper ?: randomService.nextBoolean()).toString()
} else "$it"
* Replaces every `?` char for this [String] receiver with a random upper-case letter from the English alphabet
* and returns the modified [String].
fun String.letterify() = letterify(true)
val String.generexify: () -> String
get() = { Generex(this, faker.config.random).random() }
* Calls the property of this [FakeDataProvider] receiver and returns the result as [String].
* @param T instance of [FakeDataProvider]
* @param kFunction the [KFunction] of [T]
private fun T.callFunction(kFunction: KFunction<*>): String {
return as String
* Gets the [KFunction] of this [FakeDataProvider] receiver from the [rawString].
* Examples:
* - Yaml expression in the form of `Name.first_name` would return the [Name.firstName] function.
* - Yaml expression in the form of `` would return the [] function.
* - Yaml expression in the form of `` would return the [] function.
* @param T instance of [FakeDataProvider]
private fun T.getFunctionName(rawString: String): Pair> {
val funcName = rawString.split("_").mapIndexed { i: Int, s: String ->
if (i == 0) s else s.substring(0, 1).uppercase() + s.substring(1)
return this::class.declaredMemberFunctions.firstOrNull { == funcName }
?.let { this to it }
?: run {
this::class.declaredMemberProperties.firstOrNull { == funcName.substringBefore(".") }?.let {
( as YamlFakeDataProvider<*>)
?: throw NoSuchElementException("Function $funcName not found in $this")
* Returns an instance of [FakeDataProvider] fetched by its [simpleClassName] (case-insensitive).
private fun getProvider(simpleClassName: String): FakeDataProvider {
val kProp = faker::class.declaredMemberProperties.first { == simpleClassName.lowercase()
return as FakeDataProvider
private fun findMatchesAndAppendTail(
string: String,
stringBuffer: StringBuffer,
regex: Regex,
invoke: (Matcher) -> Unit
): String {
val matcher = regex.toPattern().matcher(string)
while (matcher.find()) invoke(matcher)
return stringBuffer.toString()