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* Copyright (c) 2023-2024 by Takahiko Tominaga
* This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
* For more information see LICENSE or
package ldbc.schema
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.language.dynamics
import scala.deriving.Mirror
import ldbc.query.builder.{ Table, Column }
import ldbc.schema.interpreter.*
private[ldbc] case class TableImpl[P <: Product, ElemLabels0 <: Tuple, ElemTypes0 <: Tuple](
_name: String,
_alias: Option[String],
columns: Tuple.Map[ElemTypes0, Column],
columnNames: List[String],
keyDefinitions: List[Key],
options: List[TableOption | Character | Collate[String]]
) extends Table[P]:
override type ElemLabels = ElemLabels0
override type ElemTypes = ElemTypes0
override def * : Tuple.Map[ElemTypes, Column] = columns
override def as(name: String): Table[P] = this.copy(_alias = Some(name))
override def setName(name: String): Table[P] = this.copy(_name = name)
* Methods for setting key information for tables.
* @param func
* Function to construct an expression using the columns that Table has.
def keySet(func: TableImpl[P, ElemLabels0, ElemTypes0] => Key): TableImpl[P, ElemLabels0, ElemTypes0] =
this.copy(keyDefinitions = List(func(this)))
* Methods for setting multiple key information for a table.
* @param func
* Function to construct an expression using the columns that Table has.
def keySets(func: TableImpl[P, ElemLabels0, ElemTypes0] => List[Key]): TableImpl[P, ElemLabels0, ElemTypes0] =
this.copy(keyDefinitions = func(this))
* Methods for setting additional information for the table.
* @param option
* Additional information to be given to the table.
def setOption(option: TableOption | Character | Collate[String]): TableImpl[P, ElemLabels0, ElemTypes0] =
this.copy(options = options :+ option)
* Methods for setting multiple additional information for a table.
* @param options
* Additional information to be given to the table.
def setOptions(options: List[TableOption]): TableImpl[P, ElemLabels0, ElemTypes0] =
this.copy(options = this.options ++ options)
object Table:
* Methods for static Table construction using Dynamic.
* @param nameApply
* The apply method
* @param mirror
* product isomorphism map
* @param converter
* An object that converts a Column's Tuple to a Tuple Map
* @param name
* Table name
* @param columns
* Tuple of columns matching the Product's Elem type
* @tparam P
* A class that implements a [[Product]] that is one-to-one with the table definition.
def apply[P <: Product](using
mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[P],
converter: ColumnTupleConverter[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Column]
)(name: String)(
columns: ColumnTuples[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Column]
): TableImpl[P, mirror.MirroredElemLabels, mirror.MirroredElemTypes] =
fromTupleMap[P](name, ColumnTupleConverter.convert(columns))
* Methods for generating a Table from a Column's Tuple Map.
* @param mirror
* product isomorphism map
* @param name
* Table name
* @param columns
* Tuple of columns matching the Product's Elem type
* @tparam P
* A class that implements a [[Product]] that is one-to-one with the table definition.
private def fromTupleMap[P <: Product](using
mirror: Mirror.ProductOf[P]
name: String,
columns: Tuple.Map[mirror.MirroredElemTypes, Column]
): TableImpl[P, mirror.MirroredElemLabels, mirror.MirroredElemTypes] =
TableImpl[P, mirror.MirroredElemLabels, mirror.MirroredElemTypes](
_name = name,
_alias = None,
columns = columns,
columnNames = {
case column: Column[?] =>
keyDefinitions = List.empty,
options = List.empty