io.github.xfournet.jconfig.cli.command.MergeCommand Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.xfournet.jconfig.cli.command;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters;
import io.github.xfournet.jconfig.cli.Command;
import io.github.xfournet.jconfig.cli.CommandContext;
@Parameters(commandNames = "merge", commandDescription = "Merge a file or directory into target directory or to a specific file")
public class MergeCommand implements Command {
@Parameter(names = {"--path", "-p"}, description = "Directory or file to be merged", required = true)
private String m_sourceFile;
@Parameter(names = {"--file", "-f"}, description = "File to be updated")
private String m_file;
public void execute(CommandContext ctx) {
if (m_file != null) {
ctx.getJConfig().merge(Paths.get(m_file), Paths.get(m_sourceFile));
} else {