io.infinitic.inMemory.InMemoryInfiniticProducerAsync.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* "Commons Clause" License Condition v1.0
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package io.infinitic.inMemory
import io.github.oshai.kotlinlogging.KotlinLogging
import io.infinitic.common.messages.Message
import io.infinitic.common.transport.InfiniticProducerAsync
import io.infinitic.common.transport.Topic
import io.infinitic.common.transport.isDelayed
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture
class InMemoryInfiniticProducerAsync(
private val mainChannels: InMemoryChannels,
private val listenerChannels: InMemoryChannels
) : InfiniticProducerAsync {
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger {}
override var producerName = DEFAULT_NAME
private fun Topic.channelsForMessage(message: S): List> {
val entity = message.entity()
return listOf(
with(mainChannels) { channel(entity) },
with(listenerChannels) { channel(entity) },
private fun Topic.channelsForDelayedMessage(message: S): List>> {
val entity = message.entity()
return listOf(
with(mainChannels) { channelForDelayed(entity) },
with(listenerChannels) { channelForDelayed(entity) },
override suspend fun internalSendToAsync(
message: T,
topic: Topic,
after: MillisDuration
): CompletableFuture {
when (topic.isDelayed) {
true -> {
topic.channelsForDelayedMessage(message).forEach {
logger.trace { "Topic $topic(${}): sending $message" }
it.send(DelayedMessage(message, after))
logger.debug { "Topic $topic(${}): sent $message" }
false -> {
topic.channelsForMessage(message).forEach {
logger.trace { "Topic $topic(${}): sending $message" }
logger.debug { "Topic $topic(${}): sent $message" }
return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Unit)
companion object {
private const val DEFAULT_NAME = "inMemory"