io.infinitic.pulsar.consumers.ConsumerConfig.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* "Commons Clause" License Condition v1.0
* The Software is provided to you by the Licensor under the License, as defined below, subject to
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* Software: Infinitic
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package io.infinitic.pulsar.consumers
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.ConsumerCryptoFailureAction
data class ConsumerConfig @JvmOverloads constructor(
val loadConf: Map? = null,
val subscriptionProperties: Map? = null,
val ackTimeoutSeconds: Double? = null,
val isAckReceiptEnabled: Boolean? = null,
val ackTimeoutTickTimeSeconds: Double? = null,
val negativeAckRedeliveryDelaySeconds: Double? = null,
val defaultCryptoKeyReader: String? = null,
val cryptoFailureAction: ConsumerCryptoFailureAction? = null,
val receiverQueueSize: Int? = null,
val acknowledgmentGroupTimeSeconds: Double? = null,
val replicateSubscriptionState: Boolean? = null,
val maxTotalReceiverQueueSizeAcrossPartitions: Int? = null,
val priorityLevel: Int? = null,
val properties: Map? = null,
val autoUpdatePartitions: Boolean? = null,
val autoUpdatePartitionsIntervalSeconds: Double? = null,
val enableBatchIndexAcknowledgment: Boolean? = null,
val maxPendingChunkedMessage: Int? = null,
val autoAckOldestChunkedMessageOnQueueFull: Boolean? = null,
val expireTimeOfIncompleteChunkedMessageSeconds: Double? = null,
val startPaused: Boolean? = null,
val maxRedeliverCount: Int? = null
) {
companion object {
fun getMaxRedeliverCount() = maxRedeliverCount ?: DEFAULT_MAX_REDELIVER_COUNT