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package io.joern.csharpsrc2cpg.datastructures
import io.joern.csharpsrc2cpg.Constants
import io.joern.x2cpg.datastructures.{FieldLike, MethodLike, OverloadableMethod, ProgramSummary, TypeLike}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import upickle.core.LinkedHashMap
import upickle.default.*
import{ByteArrayInputStream, InputStream}
import scala.annotation.targetName
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.Using
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
type NamespaceToTypeMap = mutable.Map[String, mutable.Set[CSharpType]]
/** A mapping of type stubs of known types within the scope of the analysis.
* @param namespaceToType
* mappings to create the scope from
* @see
* [[CSharpProgramSummary.jsonToInitialMapping]] for generating initial mappings.
case class CSharpProgramSummary(namespaceToType: NamespaceToTypeMap, imports: Set[String])
extends ProgramSummary[CSharpType, CSharpMethod, CSharpField] {
def findGlobalTypes: Set[CSharpType] = namespaceToType.getOrElse(Constants.Global, Set.empty).toSet
def ++=(other: CSharpProgramSummary): CSharpProgramSummary = {
new CSharpProgramSummary(ProgramSummary.merge(namespaceToType, other.namespaceToType), imports ++ other.imports)
object CSharpProgramSummary {
// Although System is not included by default
// the types and their methods are exposed through autoboxing of primitives
def initialImports: Set[String] = Set("", "System")
def apply(
namespaceToType: NamespaceToTypeMap = mutable.Map.empty,
imports: Set[String] = Set.empty
): CSharpProgramSummary =
new CSharpProgramSummary(namespaceToType, imports)
def apply(summaries: Iterable[CSharpProgramSummary]): CSharpProgramSummary =
summaries.foldLeft(CSharpProgramSummary())(_ ++= _)
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
/** @return
* a mapping of the `System` package types.
def BuiltinTypes: NamespaceToTypeMap = {
jsonToInitialMapping(mergeBuiltInTypesJson) match {
case Failure(exception) =>
logger.warn("Unable to parse JSON type entry from builtin types", exception); mutable.Map.empty
case Success(mapping) => mapping
/** Converts a JSON type mapping to a NamespaceToTypeMap entry.
* @param jsonInputStream
* a JSON file as an input stream.
* @return
* the resulting type map in a Try
def jsonToInitialMapping(jsonInputStream: InputStream): Try[NamespaceToTypeMap] =
private def mergeBuiltInTypesJson: InputStream = {
val classLoader = getClass.getClassLoader
val builtinDirectory = "builtin_types"
Doing this because java actually cannot read directories from the classPath.
We're assuming there's no further nesting in the builtin_types directory structure.
TODO: Once MessagePack types and compression is implemented for CSharp, the `resourcePaths` building can
be moved into `ProgramSummary` since all subclasses of it will need to do this to find builtin types
val resourcePaths: List[String] = Option(getClass.getClassLoader.getResource(builtinDirectory)) match {
case Some(url) if url.getProtocol == "jar" =>
val connection = url.openConnection.asInstanceOf[JarURLConnection]
Using.resource(connection.getJarFile) { jarFile =>
case _ =>
.flatMap(u => {
val basePath = s"$builtinDirectory/$u"
.map(p => {
if (resourcePaths.isEmpty) {
logger.warn("No JSON files found.")
} else {
val mergedJsonObjects = ListBuffer[LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value]]()
for (resourcePath <- resourcePaths) {
val inputStream = classLoader.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath)
val jsonString = Source.fromInputStream(inputStream).mkString
val jsonObject =
val mergedJson: LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value] =
.reduceOption((prev, curr) => {
curr.keys.foreach(key => {
prev.updateWith(key) {
case Some(x) =>
case None =>
.getOrElse(LinkedHashMap[String, ujson.Value]())
new ByteArrayInputStream(writeToByteArray(
case class CSharpField(name: String, typeName: String) extends FieldLike derives ReadWriter
case class CSharpMethod(name: String, returnType: String, parameterTypes: List[(String, String)], isStatic: Boolean)
extends MethodLike
with OverloadableMethod derives ReadWriter
case class CSharpType(name: String, methods: List[CSharpMethod], fields: List[CSharpField])
extends TypeLike[CSharpMethod, CSharpField] derives ReadWriter {
override def +(o: TypeLike[CSharpMethod, CSharpField]): TypeLike[CSharpMethod, CSharpField] = {
this.copy(methods = mergeMethods(o), fields = mergeFields(o))