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package io.joern.gosrc2cpg.astcreation
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.datastructures.MethodCacheMetaData
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.parser.ParserAst.*
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.parser.{ParserKeys, ParserNodeInfo}
import io.joern.x2cpg.{Ast, ValidationMode}
import ujson.Value
import scala.util.Try
trait CommonCacheBuilder(implicit withSchemaValidation: ValidationMode) { this: AstCreator =>
protected def identifyAndRecordPackagesWithDifferentName(): Unit = {
// record the package to full namespace mapping only when declared package name is not matching with containing folder name
if (declaredPackageName != fullyQualifiedPackage.split("/").last)
goGlobal.recordAliasToNamespaceMapping(declaredPackageName, fullyQualifiedPackage)
protected def processPackageLevelGlobalVariablesAndConstants(json: Value): Unit = {
.foreach(decl => {
decl.node match
case GenDecl =>
.foreach(spec => {
spec.node match
case ValueSpec => astForValueSpec(spec, true)
case _ =>
// Only process ValueSpec
case _ =>
// Only process GenDecl
protected def processFuncLiteral(funcLit: Value): Unit = {
val LambdaFunctionMetaData(signature, _, _, _, _) = generateLambdaSignature(
protected def processTypeSepc(typeSepc: ParserNodeInfo): (String, String, Seq[Ast]) = {
val name = typeSepc.json(ParserKeys.Name)(ParserKeys.Name).str
if (goGlobal.checkForDependencyFlags(name)) {
// Ignoring recording the Type details when we are processing dependencies code with Type name starting with lower case letter
// As the Types starting with lower case letters will only be accessible within that package. Which means
// these Types are not going to get referred from main source code.
val fullName = fullyQualifiedPackage + + name
val typeNode = createParserNodeInfo(typeSepc.json(ParserKeys.Type))
val ast = typeNode.node match {
// As of don't see any use case where InterfaceType needs to be handled.
case InterfaceType => Seq.empty
// astForStructType() function will record the member types
case StructType => astForStructType(typeNode, fullName)
// Process lambda function types to record lambda function signature mapped to TypeFullName
case FuncType => processFuncType(typeNode, fullName)
case _ => Seq.empty
(name, fullName, ast)
} else
("", "", Seq.empty)
protected def processFuncDecl(funcDeclVal: Value): MethodMetadata = {
val name = funcDeclVal(ParserKeys.Name).obj(ParserKeys.Name).str
if (goGlobal.checkForDependencyFlags(name)) {
// Ignoring recording the method details when we are processing dependencies code with functions name starting with lower case letter
// As the functions starting with lower case letters will only be accessible within that package. Which means
// these methods / functions are not going to get referred from main source code.
val receiverInfo = getReceiverInfo(Try(funcDeclVal(ParserKeys.Recv)))
val (methodFullname, recordNamespace) = receiverInfo match
case Some(_, typeFullName, _, _) =>
(s"$typeFullName.$name", typeFullName)
case _ =>
(s"$fullyQualifiedPackage.$name", fullyQualifiedPackage)
// TODO: handle multiple return type or tuple (int, int)
val genericTypeMethodMap = processTypeParams(funcDeclVal(ParserKeys.Type))
val (returnTypeStr, _) =
getReturnType(funcDeclVal(ParserKeys.Type), genericTypeMethodMap).headOption
.getOrElse((Defines.voidTypeName, null))
val params = funcDeclVal(ParserKeys.Type)(ParserKeys.Params)(ParserKeys.List)
val signature =
s"$methodFullname(${parameterSignature(params, genericTypeMethodMap)})${
if returnTypeStr == Defines.voidTypeName then "" else returnTypeStr
goGlobal.recordMethodMetadata(recordNamespace, name, MethodCacheMetaData(returnTypeStr, signature))
MethodMetadata(name, methodFullname, signature, params, receiverInfo, genericTypeMethodMap)
} else
protected def processImports(importDecl: Value): (String, String) = {
val importedEntity = importDecl(ParserKeys.Path).obj(ParserKeys.Value).str.replaceAll("\"", "")
val importedAsOption =
importedAsOption match {
case Some(importedAs) =>
// As these alias could be different for each file. Hence we maintain the cache at file level.
aliasToNameSpaceMapping.put(importedAs, importedEntity)
(importedEntity, importedAs)
case _ =>
val derivedImportedAs = importedEntity.split("/").last
aliasToNameSpaceMapping.put(derivedImportedAs, importedEntity)
(importedEntity, derivedImportedAs)
case class MethodMetadata(
name: String = "",
methodFullname: String = "",
signature: String = "",
params: Value = Value("{}"),
receiverInfo: Option[(String, String, String, ParserNodeInfo)] = None,
genericTypeMethodMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map()