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package io.joern.gosrc2cpg.datastructures
import io.joern.x2cpg.Ast
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, ConcurrentSkipListSet}
class GoGlobal {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)
var mainModule: Option[String] = None
var processingDependencies = false
/** This map will only contain the mapping for those packages whose package name is different from the enclosing
* folder name
* e.g
* module namespace =
* folder path = /lib
* package name = fpkg
* In above sample as the package name `fpkg` is different from `lib` this one will be cached in the map
val aliasToNameSpaceMapping: ConcurrentHashMap[String, String] = new ConcurrentHashMap()
/** This map will record the Type FullName of Struct Type defined for Lambda Expression along with return type
* fullname against the lambda signature.
* This will help map the Lambda TypeFullName with the respective Struct Type as supper Type
val lambdaSignatureToLambdaTypeMap: ConcurrentHashMap[String, java.util.Set[LambdaTypeInfo]] = new ConcurrentHashMap()
val pkgLevelVarAndConstantAstMap: ConcurrentHashMap[String, Set[PackageMemberAst]] = new ConcurrentHashMap()
val nameSpaceMetaDataMap: ConcurrentHashMap[String, NameSpaceMetaData] = new ConcurrentHashMap()
def recordAliasToNamespaceMapping(alias: String, namespace: String): Unit = synchronized {
val existingVal = aliasToNameSpaceMapping.putIfAbsent(alias, namespace)
// NOTE: !namespace.startsWith(mainModule.get) this check will not add the mapping for main source code imports.
// This will make sure to add the entry in CacheBuilder, which in turn creates the required Package level TypeDecl AST structure as well.
if (existingVal == null) {
} else if (existingVal != namespace) {
// TODO: This might need better way of recording the information.
logger.warn(s"more than one namespaces are found for given alias `$alias` -> `$existingVal` and `$namespace`")
def recordForThisNamespaceThroughImports(namespace: String): Unit = {
if (mainModule == None || (mainModule != None && !namespace.startsWith(mainModule.get)))
def recordForThisNamespace(namespace: String): Boolean = {
val existing = nameSpaceMetaDataMap.putIfAbsent(namespace, NameSpaceMetaData())
existing == null
def getMethodMetadata(namespace: String, methodName: String): Option[MethodCacheMetaData] = {
Option(nameSpaceMetaDataMap.get(namespace)) match {
case Some(existingNamespace) =>
case _ =>
def recordMethodMetadata(namespace: String, methodName: String, methodMetaData: MethodCacheMetaData): Unit = {
Option(nameSpaceMetaDataMap.get(namespace)) match {
case Some(existingNamespace) =>
existingNamespace.methodMetaMap.put(methodName, methodMetaData)
case _ =>
// handling for types and lambda functions defined inside methods. Wrapping method becomes the part of their namespace.
val (wrappingNamespace, membertoken) = splitNamespaceFromMember(namespace)
// now check if this namespace is present in the map. If yes then make the new entry for this sub namespace
if (nameSpaceMetaDataMap.containsKey(wrappingNamespace) && checkForDependencyFlags(membertoken)) {
recordMethodMetadata(namespace, methodName, methodMetaData)
def getStructTypeMemberType(namespace: String, memberName: String): Option[String] = {
Option(nameSpaceMetaDataMap.get(namespace)) match {
case Some(existingNamespace) =>
case _ =>
def recordStructTypeMemberTypeInfo(namespace: String, memberName: String, memberType: String): Unit = {
Option(nameSpaceMetaDataMap.get(namespace)) match {
case Some(existingNamespace) =>
existingNamespace.structTypeMembers.put(memberName, memberType)
case _ =>
val (wrappingNamespace, membertoken) = splitNamespaceFromMember(namespace)
if (nameSpaceMetaDataMap.containsKey(wrappingNamespace) && checkForDependencyFlags(membertoken)) {
recordStructTypeMemberTypeInfo(namespace, memberName, memberType)
def recordPkgLevelVarAndConstantAst(pkg: String, memberAst: PackageMemberAst): Unit = synchronized {
Option(pkgLevelVarAndConstantAstMap.get(pkg)) match {
case Some(existingList) =>
pkgLevelVarAndConstantAstMap.put(pkg, existingList + memberAst)
case None => pkgLevelVarAndConstantAstMap.put(pkg, Set(memberAst))
def recordForThisLamdbdaSignature(signature: String): Unit = {
lambdaSignatureToLambdaTypeMap.putIfAbsent(signature, new ConcurrentSkipListSet())
def recordLambdaSigntureToLambdaType(signature: String, lambdaTypeInfo: LambdaTypeInfo): Unit = {
Option(lambdaSignatureToLambdaTypeMap.get(signature)) match {
case Some(existingList) =>
case _ =>
def splitNamespaceFromMember(fullName: String): (String, String) = {
if (fullName.contains('.')) {
val lastDotIndex = fullName.lastIndexOf('.')
val nameSpaceName = fullName.substring(0, lastDotIndex)
val memberName = fullName.substring(lastDotIndex + 1)
(nameSpaceName, memberName)
} else {
(fullName, "")
/** While processing the dependencies code ignoring package level global variables, constants, types, and functions
* starting with lower case letter as those are only accessible within package. So those will not be referred from
* main source code.
* @param name
* @return
def checkForDependencyFlags(name: String): Boolean = {
!processingDependencies || processingDependencies && name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)
case class NameSpaceMetaData(
/** Mapping fully qualified name of the member variable of a struct type to it's type It will also maintain the type
* mapping for package level global variables. e.g.
* module namespace =
* package sample
* type Person struct{ Age int}
* var ( HostURL = "" )
* It will map
* `` - `int`
* `` - `string`
structTypeMembers: ConcurrentHashMap[String, String] = new ConcurrentHashMap(),
// Mapping method fullname to its return type and signature, lambda expression return type also getting recorded under this map
methodMetaMap: ConcurrentHashMap[String, MethodCacheMetaData] = ConcurrentHashMap()
case class MethodCacheMetaData(returnType: String, signature: String)
case class LambdaTypeInfo(lambdaStructTypeFullName: String, returnTypeFullname: String)
extends Comparable[LambdaTypeInfo] {
override def compareTo(that: LambdaTypeInfo): Int = {
val lambdaStructTypeFullNameComparison = this.lambdaStructTypeFullName.compareTo(that.lambdaStructTypeFullName)
if (lambdaStructTypeFullNameComparison != 0) {
} else {
case class PackageMemberAst(ast: Ast, filePath: String)