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package io.joern.gosrc2cpg.astcreation
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.parser.ParserAst.*
import io.joern.gosrc2cpg.parser.{ParserAst, ParserKeys, ParserNodeInfo}
import io.joern.x2cpg.utils.NodeBuilders.newModifierNode
import io.joern.x2cpg.{Ast, Defines as XDefines}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.nodes.{NewModifier, NewNode}
import io.shiftleft.codepropertygraph.generated.{EvaluationStrategies, ModifierTypes, PropertyNames}
import ujson.{Arr, Obj, Value}
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
trait AstCreatorHelper { this: AstCreator =>
private val parserNodeCache = mutable.TreeMap[Long, ParserNodeInfo]()
protected def preProcessParserNodeCache(json: Value): Unit = {
json match {
case obj: Obj =>
// TODO: Add unit tests for "ast.ValueSpec" and "ast.FuncLit"
if (
.contains(ParserKeys.NodeType) && (obj(ParserKeys.NodeType).str == "ast.FuncDecl" || obj(
).str == "ast.ValueSpec" || obj(ParserKeys.NodeType).str == "ast.FuncLit" || obj(
).str == "ast.TypeSpec") && !json.obj.contains(ParserKeys.NodeReferenceId)
) {
obj.value.values.foreach(subJson => preProcessParserNodeCache(subJson))
case arr: Arr =>
arr.value.foreach(subJson => preProcessParserNodeCache(subJson))
case _ =>
protected def createParserNodeInfo(json: Value): ParserNodeInfo = {
Try(json(ParserKeys.NodeReferenceId).num.toLong) match
case Failure(_) =>
val c = code(json)
val ln = line(json)
val cn = column(json)
val lnEnd = lineEndNo(json)
val cnEnd = columnEndNo(json)
val node = nodeType(json)
val pni = ParserNodeInfo(node, json, c, ln, cn, lnEnd, cnEnd)
parserNodeCache.addOne(json(ParserKeys.NodeId).num.toLong, pni)
cacheReferenceNode(json, node)
case Success(nodeReferenceId) =>
// Get the parser node info from the cache using the node reference ID
val parserNodeInfo = parserNodeCache.get(nodeReferenceId)
// If the parser node info exists in the cache, return it
parserNodeInfo match
case Some(value) => value
case None =>
// If the parser node info does not exist in the cache, log a warning message and create a null-safe parser node info
val nodeType = json(ParserKeys.NodeType).str
logger.warn(s"Unhandled node_type $nodeType filename: $jsonAstFilePath")
private def cacheReferenceNode(json: Value, node: ParserNode) = {
// This is being called only to cache this objects
node match
case CallExpr =>
Try(json(ParserKeys.Fun)(ParserKeys.Obj)(ParserKeys.Decl)) match
case Success(obj) =>
case _ =>
case Ident =>
Try(json(ParserKeys.Obj)(ParserKeys.Decl)) match
// NOTE: For now only handling caching for node reference id of struct type
case Success(obj) if obj(ParserKeys.NodeType).str == "ast.TypeSpec" =>
case _ =>
case _ =>
protected def getTypeFullNameFromAstNode(ast: Seq[Ast]): String = {
protected def addModifier(node: NewNode, name: String): NewModifier = {
// NOTE: In golang, the access modifiers are exported and un-exported.
// If the first letter of the node (function, typeDecl, etc) is uppercase, then it is exported.
// Else, it is un-exported
// The scope of the node is the package it is defined in.
if (name.headOption.exists(_.isUpper)) {
} else {
protected def nullSafeCreateParserNodeInfo(json: Option[Value]): ParserNodeInfo = {
json match
case Some(value) => createParserNodeInfo(value)
case None => ParserNodeInfo(ParserAst.Unknown, ujson.Null, "", None, None, None, None)
private def nodeType(node: Value): ParserNode = fromString(node(ParserKeys.NodeType).str, relPathFileName)
protected def code(node: Value): String = {
private def codeForValue(node: Value): Try[String] = Try {
val lineNumber = line(node).get
val colNumber = column(node).get - 1
val lineEndNumber = lineEndNo(node).get
val colEndNumber = columnEndNo(node).get - 1
if (lineNumber == lineEndNumber) {
lineNumberMapping(lineNumber).substring(colNumber, colEndNumber)
} else {
val stringList = new ListBuffer[String]()
.from(lineNumber + 1)
.takeWhile(currentLineNumber => currentLineNumber < lineEndNumber)
.foreach(currentLineNumber => stringList.addOne(lineNumberMapping(currentLineNumber)))
stringList.addOne(lineNumberMapping(lineEndNumber).substring(0, colEndNumber))
protected def line(node: Value): Option[Int] = Try(node(ParserKeys.NodeLineNo).num)
protected def column(node: Value): Option[Int] = Try(node(ParserKeys.NodeColNo).num)
protected def lineEndNo(node: Value): Option[Int] = Try(node(ParserKeys.NodeLineEndNo).num)
protected def columnEndNo(node: Value): Option[Int] = Try(node(ParserKeys.NodeColEndNo).num)
protected def positionLookupTables: Map[Int, String] = {
val result = if (!goGlobal.processingDependencies) {
val map = parserResult.fileContent
.map { case (sourceLine, lineNumber) =>
(lineNumber + 1, sourceLine)
} else {
Map[Int, String]()
parserResult.fileContent = ""
protected def resolveAliasToFullName(alias: String): String = {
s"${aliasToNameSpaceMapping.getOrElse(alias, goGlobal.aliasToNameSpaceMapping.getOrDefault(alias, s"${XDefines.Unknown}.<$alias>"))}"
protected def generateTypeFullName(
typeName: Option[String] = None,
genericTypeMethodMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty,
aliasName: Option[String] = None
): String = {
// NOTE: There is an assumption that the import nodes have been processed before this method is being called
// and mapping of alias to their respective namespace is already done.
typeName match
case None =>
case Some(typname) =>
aliasName match
case None =>
// NOTE: If the given type is not found in primitiveTypeMap.
// Then we are assuming the type is custom type defined inside same pacakge as that of current file's package.
// This assumption will be invalid when another package is imported with alias "."
if (genericTypeMethodMap.contains(typname)) {
} else {
Defines.primitiveTypeMap.getOrElse(typname, s"$fullyQualifiedPackage.$typname")
case Some(alias) =>
private def internalTypeFullName(
nodeInfo: ParserNodeInfo,
genericTypeMethodMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty
): (String, String) = {
nodeInfo.node match {
case Ident =>
val typeNameForcode = nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Name).str
val fullName =
generateTypeFullName(typeName = Some(typeNameForcode), genericTypeMethodMap = genericTypeMethodMap)
(fullName, typeNameForcode)
case SelectorExpr =>
val typeNameForcode =
val fullName = generateTypeFullName(
typeName = Some(nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Sel)(ParserKeys.Name).str),
aliasName = Some(nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.X)(ParserKeys.Name).str)
(fullName, typeNameForcode)
case InterfaceType =>
val typeNameForcode = "interface{}"
val fullName = generateTypeFullName(typeName = Some(typeNameForcode))
(fullName, typeNameForcode)
case _ =>
val fullName = generateTypeFullName()
(fullName, fullName)
private def internalArrayTypeHandler(
nodeInfo: ParserNodeInfo,
genericTypeMethodMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty
): (String, String) = {
nodeInfo.node match {
case ArrayType =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode) = internalTypeFullName(createParserNodeInfo(nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Elt)))
(s"[]$fullName", s"[]$typeNameForcode")
case CompositeLit if createParserNodeInfo(nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Type)).json.obj.contains(ParserKeys.Elt) =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode) = internalTypeFullName(
(s"[]$fullName", s"[]$typeNameForcode")
case _ =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode) = internalTypeFullName(nodeInfo, genericTypeMethodMap)
(fullName, typeNameForcode)
private def internalStarExpHandler(
nodeInfo: ParserNodeInfo,
genericTypeMethodMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty
): (String, String, String) = {
nodeInfo.node match {
case StarExpr =>
// TODO: Need to handle pointer to pointer use case.
val (fullName, typeNameForcode) = internalArrayTypeHandler(createParserNodeInfo(nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.X)))
(s"*$fullName", s"*$typeNameForcode", EvaluationStrategies.BY_SHARING)
case _ =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode) = internalArrayTypeHandler(nodeInfo, genericTypeMethodMap)
(fullName, typeNameForcode, EvaluationStrategies.BY_VALUE)
protected def processTypeInfo(
nodeInfo: ParserNodeInfo,
genericTypeMethodMap: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty
): (String, String, Boolean, String) = {
nodeInfo.node match {
case ArrayType =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode, evaluationStrategy) = internalStarExpHandler(
(s"[]$fullName", s"[]$typeNameForcode", false, evaluationStrategy)
case CompositeLit if createParserNodeInfo(nodeInfo.json(ParserKeys.Type)).json.obj.contains(ParserKeys.Elt) =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode, evaluationStrategy) = internalStarExpHandler(
(s"[]$fullName", s"[]$typeNameForcode", false, evaluationStrategy)
case Ellipsis =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode, evaluationStrategy) = internalStarExpHandler(
(s"[]$fullName", s"...$typeNameForcode", true, evaluationStrategy)
case _ =>
val (fullName, typeNameForcode, evaluationStrategy) = internalStarExpHandler(nodeInfo, genericTypeMethodMap)
(fullName, typeNameForcode, false, evaluationStrategy)
protected def fixQualifiedName(name: String): String =
name.stripPrefix(Defines.qualifiedNameSeparator).replace(Defines.qualifiedNameSeparator, ".")